It will be great that we will have BR 605 add-on for [Hauptstrecke München – Augsburg] and upcoming [DBB-R7 05 - Hamburg – Lübeck] route.
but that doesn't mean that they can't bring it? I think it will still provide a quite interesting "loco" add on for Hamburg-Lübeck... ;-)
The ICE TD only saw München Hbf in the very beginning of its life, but not on the line towards Augsburg. They're most known for their runs on the service between Hamburg and København. I can't really see why you would want a DMU on completely electrified lines. The TDs electric sibling, the ICE T, would be a better option because it could be layered onto more routes.
well, actually yes, but: In December 2021 there will be a daily connection between Augsburg and (not sure which city, if I find out this will be edited) with these TD
ok ok, I was just kidding- or have been kidded on... I read another time and it was a joke; pardon XD