Im Köblitzer Bergland Route Add-on Wrong Instructions!

Discussion in 'Technical Reports' started by pantherz, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. pantherz

    pantherz Active Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Coal for Koeblitz Energy is wrong.

    It says after you have fueled the loco that you shall couple from your back on the wagons but shifts is leading the front of the loco to the wagons and I can't change the shifts so I can go around the wagons to couple to your back of the loco as the instruction says.
    I tried to couple to the front but it is not changing to the next number(3) so I need to get around the wagons.

    Somebody else have the same problem?
    Any solution?
  2. robert merlo

    robert merlo New Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    I have just purchased this route and tried to run Coal for Koeblitz energy the istructions is wrong the loco is most certinly facing the wrong way around as the white object is facing away from its train .When i loaded the scenario the instructions said to go to fuel point so i placed the loco into FORWARD gear opened the throttle and crashed into the train i reloaded and put the loco into REVERSE proceeded to the fuel point took fuel then put the loco into FORWARD and proceeded to the train couple to the train no acknowlgement the loco for this scenario is most definiatly facing the wrong way the above person is correct
  3. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    For Every Loco FORWARD is the way you are facing when you click on number 1 and you are in the drivers seat.

    Report It or it will not get fixed

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