Implementation Of A Blueprint Validity Check To The Game Engine

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by torfmeister, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. torfmeister

    torfmeister Guest

    To fix the ongoing so called Out-of-Memory crashes.

    I have gained some experience related to this (being an avid reader/analyzer of XML game files), got rid of almost all issues, and I'm stating it is almost every time just bad or corrupt data fed to the game causing crashes - they are most of the time not related to your system memory or pagefile size.

    Suggestion is to implement a blueprint data validity check upon loading a scenario. This could be made a launch parameter to not slow down loading if you're trouble free and do not need it.

    Output could be "Invalid data in file <xyz>. ID mismatch / bad value" Something like that, and then going back to Main Menu.

    And it would save DTG from constantly being told to fix issues they cannot do something about, as TS is open for 3rd party developers and has content with millions of files available. And some crashes only occur in specific configurations / constellations.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2022

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