Implementation Of Faulty Signals And Special Signals To Allow Passing Them

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cramnor, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Cramnor

    Cramnor Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Especially for the German routes, there is the Zs1 "Ersatzsignal" (left side) and Zs7 "Vorsichtsignal" (right side), that can be used when signals have faults in order to let trains pass.
    It would be really nice if signal faults could be simulated as random events (happening extremely seldom of course), and that the train would pass the "broken" signal (which would stay at Hp0 aka red) with one of these "Zusatzsignale". That is something that will not interfere with the ability to end the run (it is not a true red signal ending the run with a SPAD), but would provide some interesting and realistic gameplay. The advantage is, there is nothing the player really needs to do (no separate instructions, no contacting the signaller to receive permission), this would be a self contained experience, not interfering with anything else (I believe).

    If there is something similar for the British or American signalling system(s), this event could also be implemented there. Does anyone know about a similar thing for other railway systems?
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