Joystick Sensitivity

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Doyden, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. Doyden

    Doyden Active Member

    Dec 26, 2018
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    I felt Matt's pain on the stream last night trying to hit MFD buttons or change the destination with the Xbox controller. We have such a short amount of time to setup locos at the start of a service and it's made so much more difficult with the current joystick sensitivity levels in comparison to how Matt flicks several switches in quick succession when using a mouse.

    Could we please have more granular control over sensitivity? At the very least, change the current 1 to 10 so that 1 is very, very slow because I can't imagine anyone is using the present highest setting right now as it's nigh on impossible to do anything let alone point at and use a control.

    Ideally, you would implement a curve response so that movement is much lower initially or better still, provide us with an editable response curve.

    Cab sway and trying to hit MFDs on the move at present is frustrating.
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  2. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    The current choices we have are ‘missed it, missed it, missed it again, ah, there it is’ and ‘cannot control at all’.

    A curved response would be great. Having some of the targets bigger and better placed would also help.
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  3. Stephen Crofts

    Stephen Crofts Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Does anyone use anything but sensitivity setting 1?

    The cursor moves so quickly across controls. But turning around to face the back wall or close a door is painfully slow: 2 different movement schemes on 1 setting.

    The design of the ps5 controller does allow much finer control..... But only after jolting passed the dead zone at high speed and then backing up. A software implementation would be much better.
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