Here is a list of trains that we can play with but that there are no route destination displays and my suggestion would be to update these train display destination selections to make the immersion a bit better on the realistic side when playing in passenger mode 1.DBpbzfa (Dostos) Rhein-Ruhr Osten DLC Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr DLC Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen DLC Hauptstrecke München – Augsburg DLC 2.DB BR 422 Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen DLC Hauptstrecke München – Augsburg DLC
In the streams they said that they (want to) work on a system that the trains get this information from the route they are driven on, rather than the hard coding that is done at the moment. That means that also a german train running on bakerloo line would have the correct destinations available. So I guess we have to wait for that to be implemented before anything is going to change. (Disclaimer: it's not on the roadmap, so they are not working on it (official DTG reply) but it might still suddenly appear (like the PIS did for example) )
I do support this Suggestion but i have a Question: Why the BR 422 for Munich-Augsburg? And also maybe add the BR 423 for SKA and the BR 425 for Munich-Augsburg