Route Lirr Commuter - Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by dtg_jan, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. glendathu

    glendathu Member

    Sep 10, 2022
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    MU Stop Markers are ignored by HUD and in the evaluation !

    Just drove Train No. 817 (M9) with 12 MU's from Lonng Beach to New York Penn. When stopping at stops with MU12 Markers ahead off the platform like Island Park, Oceanside, East Rockway the HUD Stop Display counts to zero at the end of the platform and not at the MU12 Marker as expected.
    And in the evaluation I can see that I overshot the correct stop. Can this be corrected at a further update please ? Stop Marker.png

    And I noticed that the preview picture of the route of the 817 and other Long Beach-Penn trains is incorrect. It shows the route via St- Albans instead of Locust Manor. M9 817.png
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
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  2. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    I'm very much enjoying this route, however what's annoying is on Series X the route a majority of the time (but not always) crashes back to the Xbox home screen when passing Sunnyside Yard - I assume due to the amount of static AI here as the game has major stutters before it closes. As a result, I have uninstalled New York-Trenton and the Acela etc and since then no problems.
  3. stupot#4389

    stupot#4389 Member

    Mar 28, 2023
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    Abit rubbish when a ambassador (ace) blocks you for commenting on the lirr.2

    What LOVE, not even busy and where is passengers!? Tsw4 and passengers still LOVE.
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  4. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    on the preview stream at 28:30 timestamp, they explain the limitation of the stop markers so unfortunately nothing that can be done about that.
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  5. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Strange I have yet to crash on Xbox X. I also have NYT and Acela must have been lucky so far.. will keep an eye on it. If you have the service numbers that you experience the crash I can check it out
  6. na#8269

    na#8269 New Member

    May 6, 2024
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    On PS4 the game crashes around Jamaica in all modes and either rolling stock
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  7. peter787

    peter787 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2024
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    Most of the traffic is around Jamaica and Penn Station. Once you are out of those areas, the route is much quiter as that's how it is in reality. It is still a commuter railroad and not a subway.

    As for passengers, they have been a mess for a long time. I've created a thread about passengers if you are interested.
  8. steveownzzz#6107

    steveownzzz#6107 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    I’ve done about 20 services and honestly this has to be in my top 3 for highest quality routes.

    Being from NYC, having lived in Lynbrook, I was prepared to give this route some real scrutiny, but it stands up.

    • Timetable does the route justice, things get increasingly busy while all the branches start to converge as you approach Jamaica from Long Island.
    • So many different services, some stop at every stop, some skip them all, some skip a few, etc.
    • Signaling is pretty sweet, specially as I’ve learned the route and generally know when to slow down before the safety systems tell me to…
    • Traffic + signaling make for a pretty interactive experience. You’ll be active and it’s the least boring route I’ve played.
    • Lots of speed changes, plenty of areas to let it rip for a good while, other places where there’s moderate to very restrictive speeds.
    • The sounds are immersive, don’t know where they sourced them but they sound how I remember them. I’m not going to sit and do a side by side analysis, have fun if that’s your thing.
    • Passengers are awful, but that’s across the whole game at this point.
    It’s gone from one of the worst routes to one of the best and I really could not be happier.
    • Like Like x 12
  9. Masterplan

    Masterplan Active Member

    Dec 28, 2021
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    Similar here. I'm like 40 services in and so far only one CTD at Long beach. I do have the Trenton DLC installed as well as Acela.
    EDIT: also XSX
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  10. Bradley

    Bradley Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Cutting out is broke on series X, can’t load passengers after uncoupling at Jamaica…… seriously should’ve been caught by testers
  11. Shaun123

    Shaun123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Absolutely agreed, I’ve played this non-stop - 20+ services since last week and it’s pure joy.

    You actually have to learn the route, but the signalling is fascinating and once you read the manual and watch Brandon’s YouTube video you know what to expect and can predict speed changes, granted I’m still caught by a few, it’s impossible to predict them all as per reality I imagine. But it adds so much more to the route.

    I really have surprised myself how much I’ve enjoyed it.
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  12. Phil567

    Phil567 Active Member

    Mar 27, 2022
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    Agree this is a great route! Busy lots of variety in terms of all the different services . The trains and the sounds are really very well done.

    I just did a service from Penn to Hempstead early morning around 0730 to 8 I think , passenger behaviour was much better on that service , my train had passengers and most the stations felt busy .

    With some tweaks in a patch this could probably be one of the best TSW routes I think .
  13. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Here’s my review of LIRR2. This is a route that many, including myself have been asking for the longest LIRR is the busiest commuter railroad in North America which the original LIRR route failed to show that in game. Now for my disclosure, want to be upfront and let it be known, I did receive a copy LIRR2 for free on Xbox X and PC. Also received M3 DLC on Xbox X. I did purchase LIRR and M3 on PC and LIRR on Xbox X. I’m not influence in anyway with the review. I’m free to give my honest review. I can be honestly say I make more an hour that what the game is worth in price. With that out of the way. Here goes. I have played officially over 160 services on both Xbox X and PC. Unofficially is closer to 500 as many of the services I played more than once. Also do to having to test vigorously, some of the services I played at around 5 times. I’m originally from NYC so I call LIRR my home route. I really wanted to help bring it to proper form and I can honestly say for the most part we did. So many obstacles and headwinds were thrown at LIRR2, but at the end I’m proud to have finally have been part to bring this route to life. So for the positives,

    The route has 39 stations(including Hillside MX complex and Bolands Landing) (most in game) 40 if you include the abandoned Woodhaven. Total night services of 113 from 12am-5:59am, making it the most playable passenger service at those times from any other passenger route in the game. 49 spawn points throughout the route map , most of any route.LIRR2 has 625 LIRR services, M3(32), M7(287), M9(306) with total of 1104 services that includes all AI. This makes is the 4th most playable passenger route in the game. Thank you Joe. LIRR2 has 25 complete end to end service which no other routes even comes close to that number. LIRR2 also has another 18 service variation timetable services for a total of 43 different service patterns. 86 if you add the round trip. The route has 5 branches, 2 different stations PIS, one of the most playable routes in the game.
    Unique west bound dual track operation from Hicksville to Floral park in the morning Am rush hours 7am- 7:30am.Unique west bound dual track operation from Floral park to Hicksville 6pm- 6:30PM (service 1256).
    numerous simultaneous departures from Jamaica station track 1,2,3 and 6,7,8.
    The M7 and M9 have some of the best sounds in the game with CDP interactive screens with ATC and ACSES interactive test. The M7 and M9 headlights are some of the best in the game to drive in the fog. Automatic guard buzzer when the doors are closed.. Thank you William Green. This route is not a liner A to B route. This route offers A to B, to C, to D, to E, and all different combinations. This route has some much Variety and so many different service pattern variation that I’m still scratching on the surface to see. The route map display is unique to any other route. I also forgot the man of the hour, Brandon. What can I say, the route wouldn’t have been possible without good signaling and cab signaling. The signaling is so good you can add with no issues a train during the middle of rush hour amongst all the timetable services with no issues. Thank you Brandon. Some players see the safety system being on all the times and I actually see it as a positive. This route is almost impossible to drive without safety system on. Is so rewarding and add so much immersion driving with the safety system on. Love the LIRR safety system Tutorial that Matt made. I encourage all players to watch. Is very entertaining video. . . No route Is perfect and without issues. Areas that can use future improvements, The dispatcher. The current issues that are mainly in the morning rush hour. On the positive we ca delete AI trains as a temporary solution in order to get credit for the service. Missing NJT and Acela service. NYC skyline. Would like to get something similar to what goblin got. Air traffic. Would like to get air traffic patterns around the route. We have many different patterns that can be implemented. Some structures around can use lights. Some lighting fixes on some stations like flora park and queens village. The pillar on track20 at WSY need to be removed. Future DLC with some freight added with AI freight added throughout the route. Mp15 ,SW1000. Dm30AC to be used around Morris yard, LIC, Arch street yard facility, Fresh pond Junction, hillside facility ,sunny side ,Hicksville siding, and Valley stream sidings. Given all what I have mentioned I would say this is a route to get. Currently would rate it 8/10 . But can easily go to being a 9.5/10 DLC

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  14. Heerenrailfan92

    Heerenrailfan92 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2020
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    Ik playing on an old system (ps4) and while the route looks absolutely stunning sadly the game crashes every time I come near to Jamaica from the far rockaway branch. I’m going to see if I start the route from Ny Penn also crashes the game, but right now sadly the map is unplayable. But the route looks awesome. Two thumbs up
  15. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Loving this route so much. Literally all I wanna play in the game. Finished my first service with 0 ATC brake reductions. Proud of myself lol
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  16. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Now that’s impressive. Great job. Your passenger appreciate your driving akills
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  17. Heerenrailfan92

    Heerenrailfan92 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2020
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    I checked multiple timetables, on multiple sort of trains and sadly every time I come near to Jamaica the game crashes. Im on the ps4 and I get it’s an older system. But this is absurd. Even when only 1 train is at the station the game just kicks me out. This needs to be looked after
  18. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Let me see if I can find something out for you
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  19. Heerenrailfan92

    Heerenrailfan92 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2020
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    It’s a damn shame, even the scenarios have a hard time. Sadly the game is unplayable right now. But I have hopes that the devs will find out what’s bugged with the area around Jamaica
  20. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Up and running and trying out the M9.
    IMHO introduction should have been on the LIRR and not the Training Centre.
    (Edit: After browsing the Journey elements I see there is a signalling tutorial).
    Also what's the key for the alerter acknowledge? Not mentioned in the manual, I was mashing Q but couldn't stop the brakes going in. Also not really mentioned is that if you do get a penalty brake you need to go into Max Brake to recover. Again, something that could have been covered in the tutorial.

    NVM re alerter - I wasn't obviously mashing hard enough. Q key it is..!
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  21. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Vern, I encourage you watch Matt video really good
  22. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I did take a quick glance but decided to jump back in the cab instead.

    Anyhow one slight bug, I just got the 100 miles in the M9 achievement pop up when all I've done so far is about 6 miles!

    And I just passed a signal at danger apparently on approach to Jamaica, even though the ATC/ACSES was showing 15 MPH, not illuminated Stop. I'm guessing physical signals on the ground take precedence over the cab display?
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  23. cActUsjUiCe

    cActUsjUiCe Developer

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Jamaica is an ACSES exempt area, meaning Stop signals won't be enforced there. So yes, look at the track wayside always to see the signal aspect
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  24. train#9352

    train#9352 New Member

    Apr 23, 2024
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    Hello, I’m kinda in quite the predicament right now LIRR is my home route and I happily purchased it as it’s a lot better than its older cousin which I also have. But here’s the problem, I’m using Xbox Cloud Gaming on my MacBook Air M1 but it only shows the series s/ps4 amount of services, not the PS5/XboxX/PC amount of services and I want to know if there’s a fix or anything else I can use to get the full timetable

  25. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Jamaica at a standstill just shortly after starting service 2010 from NYP - Ronkonkoma. Unfortunately can't delete any services since this is from a Journey. Figured I'd report here. All traffic stuck seems to be westbound.

  26. train#9352

    train#9352 New Member

    Apr 23, 2024
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  27. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    yea we talked about this and unfortunately is an XboX issue. Apparently to bring down cost they use the series S specs. Tha's why I wont upgrade to cloud base gaming on xbox. It really sucks
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  28. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Thanks for the info Pixelade. This has already been reported and is in JIra Journey M9 train 2010 NY Penn- Ronkonkoma is completable but there's a train after Jamaica station that is stopped with red light that never clears. This was previously bugged. spawning in service 2010 (736am), notice AI train 815 coming out of Jamaica station on track 2, when he stops at stop signal that never clears. once i reached jamaica tried taking over and asked for clearance and got denied. I hope this information helps
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
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  29. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    That's the AI train causing all the issue. So if you delete this AI train traffic will start to flow again. hope this information helps
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
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  30. Richard CZE

    Richard CZE Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    I play on PS5. The game sometimes crashes into the menu. I noticed that all the crashes in the game were in the rain. Otherwise this DLC is excellent.
  31. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    unfortunately can't delete the train since this is a journey. right-clicking on a train on the map screen screen doesn't prompt a drop-down menu. I'll finish the service and continue on foot and see if it lets me then! Thanks! :)
  32. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    As noted the problem occurs during this run in Journey mode so rogue train cannot be deleted.

    Sorry to tag but DTG Matt the restriction on deleting trains when you are doing a timetable run in Journey needs to be removed, please.
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  33. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    I was able to finish 2010 journey before. maybe it was running late by few minutes might make the difference. will try later on and see
  34. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    +1 this. The freedom to delete trains needs to not be restricted in journey mode. Thankfully, the player service never gets stuck but seeing almost no trains pass the service I'm completing because most of them are stuck in one area is a real immersion killer. If the dispatcher isn't gonna work the way it should, alright (though it's unfortunate), at least give us the ability to help it out any way we can.
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  35. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Just so we are in the same page did you have an AI train block you and preventing you from finishing service 2010. I remember that 2010 is an east bound ronkokoma service the AI train that’s stuck behind the signal after Jamaica is westbound 815. So you should be able to finish 2010 journey mode.
  36. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Nope! I was able to complete this service. :)

  37. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Glad to hear it
    ok just want to be sure. You should be able to finish all journeys. If not please report it. I know is frustrating with the dispatcher. But mainly issues are between 725am and 820am, after that should be good.
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  38. zale663

    zale663 New Member

    Mar 22, 2021
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    Dovetail, a few things…

    1. Please patch the PIS system on LIRR trains. Upon finishing a service, the PIS system will remain the same on the train's exterior. For example, if I start a service at Hempstead, drive to Atlantic Terminal, and the PIS of the train has to be set for its next service pattern (to Babylon, per se), the PIS on the train will remain to display "Atlantic Term Bklyn" even if you enter the new code which should change the display to Babylon. This is a huge problem that affects many of the services and breaks in-game immersion.
    2. Please implement the correct PIS on M9 trains. In addition to the destination of the service, the M9 exterior PIS is on the sides of the train cycle between the destination and the number of cars on that particular train. (Example: If I were looking at the 4th car of a 10-car train bound for Babylon, the PIS would cycle between the destination, Babylon, and "Car 4 of 10", indicating the train car number in the consist. Reference material can surely be provided through YouTube videos or by community members.
    3. Please implement correct track sounds and trackside vegetation throughout the route. Lirr has gradually implemented concrete ties and continuously welded rail to its infrastructure. However, major hubs like Jamaica, Atlantic Terminal, and Penn Station still have jointed tracks. The coding for the joint sounds does not need to be evenly placed but rather sporadically placed since traditional wooden ties support the tracks in these areas. (Generally speaking, sporadic track joints make audible sounds when passing over them throughout the LIRR system; placing these sounds would add a level of immersion to the simulation. Additionally, the sounds when crossing over junctions at high speeds need to be addressed; they are far too quiet) Additionally, the tracks around Jamaica have grass and weeds growing in the bed and protruding between the tracks; altering the appearance of the tracks would add a new level of immersion. Overall, the route needs more vegetation and better house models, especially on the section between Jamaica and Penn Station and Mineola and Hicksville.
    4. Please fix the dispatcher at Penn Station during the morning rush. Many services end up stuck in the tunnels heading into Penn Station.
    5. Please don't hesitate to reach out if any further help or reference material is needed.
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  39. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    HUGE emphasis on #4!
    Frustration has reached a boiling point. Regarding this issue, it's more than just LIRR at this point...
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  40. Masterplan

    Masterplan Active Member

    Dec 28, 2021
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    Hey! I was doing the C72 yard moves near Atlantic terminal. Now at the end of Part 1, I chose the "Return to free roam" option expecting to seamlesly continue into Part 2 like on every other route. You know, like shut this cab down, go the other one, boot it up... This didn't happen. The game did tell me to stop at a certain point, but my route to this point was not highlighted in blue in my map and my timetable (T key) said On foot (instead of something like C72 part 2).

    OK, back to the menu, I guess. Now the problem is that I can't even start Part 3 as my M9 gets immediately derailed.
  41. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Sir you nailed it. This clip should be mandatory viewing for Matt over his morning coffee this before summoning the coder for a “hard talk”.

    As you say at a minimum we need to be able to delete stuck trains in Journey mode but as you rightly point out, for the money they are charging, the signaller/despatcher issues should be sorted out.

    Having done a couple of runs on it now the new LIRR is very good but I’m dreading coming up against this issue while trying to work through Journey mode.
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
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  42. Phil567

    Phil567 Active Member

    Mar 27, 2022
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    Anyone else experiencing strange shadows over some of the carriages of the trains in Westside yard? I consistently see this every time i'm in the yard. On PC steam.

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  43. phillip.good

    phillip.good Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2020
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    Amen to this.

    I always play in timetable and the number of times I have wanted to do a full shift and then been forced to quit is disheartening to say the least.

    Again I also agree with the sentiment that we can ‘fix it ourselves’ is a cop out similar to the free roam argument that you can add services so DTG don’t have to layer them. Deleting trains makes the train disappear so on a back and forth route that becomes one less train to pass and one less bit of immersion.

    Come on DTG, I can accept inaccurate light clusters and the occasional funny looking crossing or house but this is a huge impact on gameplay.
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  44. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Thank you! I really hate having to make content like this but I love this game and the only way stuff gets done is if we make tons of noise. First the timetable for NYT, then the issues with performance on NYT as well, which BOTH were resolved thus turning the route from a 2/10 to an easy 8/10 (for me), but this dispatcher issue is something that can make so many more routes enjoyable. I just went to peek at reviews for LIRR 2.0 on Steam and saw THREE that all mention the stuck trains. Unfortunately, I don't think casual players realize this is a core issue that doesn't even relate to the route itself (from my knowledge), so sadly the reviews for A LOT of great routes (like this one) are suffering because of it. Hopefully, more resources can be allocated to figuring out what's going on and improving the dispatcher with time.
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  45. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    This is a know issue of light baking and is already reported and in jira. Hope this information helps
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  46. Phil567

    Phil567 Active Member

    Mar 27, 2022
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    Thank you Max , I think I also noticed an occurrence of this at Jamaica on one platform but can’t remember which .
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  47. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Yup you are correct also in the sidings by after platform 8 has light baking issues all have been reported. thanks
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  48. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    No response from DTG to the request for deleting stuck trains in Journey mode to be actioned. Would have thought this might have been given some priority and at least an indication whether or not possible to implement. And if not, why not?
  49. LIRRGuy

    LIRRGuy Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    What makes it even worse is that Preston to Blackpool also suffers from this issue as well, and Boston Sprinter, AND some services on SEHS as well.
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  50. lorenz

    lorenz Active Member

    Feb 20, 2022
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    Am I the only one who encounters the underground party every time I come up north towards NY Penn? 3 timetables played and all 3 times as I entered the tunnel under the East River I encountered a dozen stationary trains lined up. It takes me 20 minutes to remove them all. Does it make sense to play like this? For the rest, I find the scenario accurate and very well modeled. But the timetables from Hicksville to NY Penn are unplayable. For now only tested on XSX.
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