London Commuter (brighton) - The Definitive Feedback Thread.

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by chieflongshin, Oct 1, 2021.

  1. 5cip

    5cip Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    these 4000 services are only copy paste with different start times i run these 2 - 4 times and then its boring.
    but anyway i like this route a lot like the whole game and it will be much better when we can create some scenarios
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  2. Coppo

    Coppo Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Here is a screen capture from Google Earth... they just seem to have given up at the end of this station.
    reigate GE.jpg
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  3. Ryan1997

    Ryan1997 Member

    Oct 18, 2018
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    The time table is huge, and credit to the team. But really, there are no additional peak services as IRl. And the service pattern pretty much repeats itself all day. Also I wish you could turn the 375 off for the diversion services. Just seems odd for something that happens just a few times a year
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  4. Jalio

    Jalio Active Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Various AWS not going off.
  5. Huntlosen

    Huntlosen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2019
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    The Timetable is set in 2018. For me everything is accurate. Just the peak services from Redhill to Getwick are not in.
  6. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Is that not the same with any railway anywhere? It’s a service as opposed to a story driven adventure
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  7. Willywill

    Willywill New Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    So far I'm enjoying this DLC!! I do have the TS version (enjoyed it as well), IMHO, this is definitely an upgrade. Holy Moly, over 1200 services!!!!! Big hand claps to all involved!!!!!!

    No issues so far while running 2080Ti, 32GB of ram, 9900K, Windows 10

    Settings : Ultra, G-Sync on, Max FPS, Screen %125 on 3840x2160
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  8. 5cip

    5cip Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    u are right and i like that we have so much services..but i would like to have a possibility to create own services
  9. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I'm really enjoying the route so far - spent a good couple of hours just getting lost in the London metro services. I've ventured out a bit further now and, while still enjoyable, it's really clear that in order to fully utilise the southern half of the route a Thameslink DLC will be almost essential at some point (some stations currently having no services, some like Three Bridges where I'm currently sat waiting for a train have very limited service).

    My only gripe other than that is that the night lighting at stations is highly variable (some lights coming on at sundown, others not, some lights clearly not set up right and acting as spotlights) and the lineside signage isn't reflective like Dresden - if it's possible to patch this in, that would be great - currently doesn't feel like there's a lot of point in playing the night time services.

    On the note of patching, although I really do (really) appreciate the super busy timetable, I would like to see both a railtour or two added and particularly more freight services - especially considering the Ardingly branch is fully modelled but no services use it!

    Performance on my i7-6700k / GTX1070 / 32GB RAM is absolutely fine.
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  10. Huntlosen

    Huntlosen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2019
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    mattwild55 I really hope that we get Thameslink in the next Roadmap update. It's so important to bring a lot of stations a life. Especially between Three Bridges and Purly
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  11. zefreak

    zefreak Active Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Played the tutorial and a few scenarios and really enjoying the route on PC. Some stuttering and slowdown in stations, so even though my FPS hover around the 50s I will see occasional stutters and pauses more frequently than other routes, but it's still playable (RTX 3070, max settings and tweaks to INI file). The timetable also seems great so far, a very busy route

    edit: raildriver support needs to be higher priority in my opinion, especially because it seems like very low hanging fruit - speed set not being mapped and still no key bindings adds some annoyance
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  12. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    What a cracking route. Love the races coming out of Paddington. The highspeed sections are nice and its such a nice drive with no HUD. I did find the airport which was a bit meh and there was some grass growing into the tunnels roofs a few miles outside Gatwick (Paddington side). I do wish there was a little more draw distance near clapham though as they built those tower blocks in a second, or it was major pop up.

    As for the sounds..... DTG you have raised the bar significantly here and this along with the night lighting on Dresden and the volume of this route need to become standard practice. Please no more of the 1 huge step forward but release the next route prior to that step in quality.

    As for mods.... I'd gladly welcome decent route maps and some more true to life posters etc as per normal enhancements.

    No performance issues whatsover. 2080ti, 32gb ram i9 10900. Ultra settings 150%

    I'll pass more feedback as I dig into it some more in the coming days

    Nice work!
    Screenshot (135).png
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  13. JayTG123

    JayTG123 Active Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Great work DTG !! Played a couple of services this evening and overall, really pleased.

    Pulled into East Croydon Platform 1 and spotted "UK_Distant_Clear_C lurking just above the platform. Screenshot below:
    As soon as I departed, the text disappeared.

    Service 1H11, 08:41 - Littlehampton & Ore to London Victoria

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  14. seatsea

    seatsea Active Member

    Feb 13, 2019
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    When loading certain services, such as 1Y06 or 1A37, the game hangs and eventually crashes by timing out. This happens every time I try to load these services, but not on others which load rather quickly.
    I have a AMD 5700XT GPU and someone else on the discord with a AMD 5600XT seems to have the same problem
    I have submitted ticket on freshdesk with the dumps.

    Though if anyone else is having an issue I suppose it would be best for you to send in a ticket too.
  15. Cotax

    Cotax Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    How are the sounds for you guys? I can barely hear engine and bogie sounds on inside (377 and 387) all very quiet, if i open windows theres only loud wind blow and quiet running sounds. :/ The outside camera sounds are great, especially 387 engine sound around 20mph!
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  16. gogglesguy

    gogglesguy Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
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    Oh is that why my trains are completely empty?
  17. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I've only done one part drive in the dark, 0527 or thereabouts from Victoria, GX with the 387 so can't really judge the scenery or route building standards.
    What I can report is that things are still way too dark. Little or no projected light from the 387. Now this is not an older train with one fixed beam headlamp but a modern EMU with three powerful headlights on the front. It wasn't even lighting up lineside reflective signs. The outside world apart from stations is still pitch black, nearly as bad as NTP. In essence I might as well have been driving text based Simudrive. The area out to East Croydon is well built up, a conurbation and there should be masses of ambient light from buildings and streetlamps. And what is it with those red lights in the sky as you leave Victoria? Well actually I think they are on one of the river bridges but they need toning down. No way would the real railway tolerate lighting that impinges on signal sighting and an appropriate request would have been made to the local authority or structure owner.
    Stuttering including sound drop outs got worse as speed increased, to the point where the ambient run sounds were cutting out every 10 to 15 seconds.
    Either the route is horribly optimised or the whole game core needs an overhaul.

    On the plus side, at least the 387 (and presumably other included traction) is easy to get going, unlike the head scratching with the German stuff on dreary Dresden. Key in, reverser forward and ready to roll. Of course the flipside is the Electrostars are really bland non challenging trains to drive and listen to. At some point this route will need a Heritage pack which gives us CIGs/BIGs, VEPs and EPBs for a more traditional BR Southern experience. Or layer in a couple of Class 33 hauled railtours...
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  18. bescot

    bescot Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Few things

    - Merstham Tunnel has been forgotten in the lighting occlusion process. The cab is as bright as day.
    - The night lighting is amiss - trains and most buildings look like they're in daylight.
    - There's something hit and miss about the AWS horns and bells on both units. Sometimes they don't make any sound. I've tested the AWS on the 377 driving on an otherwise empty ECW route and it has the same problem on there, so it's a fault with the trains not the BML route.
    - There's a floating fence just beyond the London end of the platform ramp at Purley platform 3. Its really noticable as it's right by the stopping point!
    - The wind sound on both units when the cab window is open is not good. It's far too loud and has a faulty loop.

    It's a cracking route and timetable though!
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  19. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Mine is the same to be fair
  20. MisterV

    MisterV Member

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Are you sure about that? a lot of the line has bi-directional signalling so not all of the AWS ramps will function unless you are running the other way.
  21. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Can second some AWS not going off properly - both green light pings and yellow/red alarms. Can hear the click of the sunflower but no buzzer.
  22. Wivenswold

    Wivenswold Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Got to say that I've only sat in a few trains at Victoria so far and this is already very impressive. Still can't get passenger rides to spawn from London Victoria.
    Only a couple of disappointments, a white 387 with green doors would have covered nicely for Thameslink services for now.
    A 5 door 377/6 or /7 would have surely not have added that much work and would given even more variety. Those later 377s are ostensibly 387s with an additional car and, because they have far superior acceleration to the older 377s are often used on local stoppers.

    Otherwise, very very good.
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  23. Asyedan

    Asyedan Member

    May 29, 2021
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    Right after the tutorials i jumped into a full service from Brighton to Victoria and i have to say this route jumps into my 4th most favourite one, behind Cathcart, LIRR and Dresden and slightly above Peninsula Corridor.

    It is another long commuter route similar to Peninsula, but unlike that one, it offers lots of short services to drive when you dont want to be 1hour or more driving a train. Performance wise it runs okay, with some drops here and there primarily around Victoria, but nothing that ruins the experience.

    As i have zero knowledge about the fidelity details of any of the routes included in TSW2 (i live in the other side of the world so i have never travelled in any of these) my expectations are more about service variety (hello LGV), trains being nice to drive (not like the F40PH) and the route not being a 1h30 turtle walk (hi WSR). So from that point of view i think this route is quite good, but not the best of the game (again, CCL and LIRR take the crown easily and Dresden is a close third).

    Something relatively minor that annoyed me is the door closing sounds in the 377 are practically non existent. The ECW version of that loco had very clear door beep sounds, idk what happened with that thing.
  24. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I think the sound mixing in general could do with another pass to be honest.
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  25. Jalio

    Jalio Active Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Yup I'm sure, not many, maybe two or something.
  26. Michael Newbury

    Michael Newbury Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I saw that same text when I spawned into the station and was walking around. it disappeared after I walked by it.
  27. tinblue

    tinblue Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Why is Dovetail so woeful at audio? Why the heck is the rain the loudest thing in the game? Riding in the train is far too quiet as is the cab. Especially when passing another train at high speed. Yet the minute it starts raining it's like dante's inferno. And why is the cab always lit regardless of the cab light?
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
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  28. Ravi

    Ravi Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2021
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    First impressions: So happy with a busy London Victoria and Brighton stations. Just getting out of the station and running into so many services going in and out with you. Its almost like driving the real one. Kudos for achieving this DTG.
  29. jmhdc812

    jmhdc812 Active Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I have to agree that the sound mixing could use a second pass. In particular, the volume on the aural alerts (AWS) needs to be ramped up significantly.
  30. adventuresbytrainwales

    adventuresbytrainwales New Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Agreed with this here, Preston Park is completely unrealistic on approach (It was modelled better in TrainSimulator route if you ask me personally)
    As mentioned above too the footbridge at Haywards Heath is missing, Haywards Heath looks barely like anything in real life (Why so many ticket machines, where has the shop on the platform gone too) which is very disappointing, it feels like stations Balcombe to Preston Park were very rushed,
    Wivelsfield has fencing instead of the concrete sides (This was even modeled in TrainSimulator correctly!)
    Burgess Hill, well i'm not sure where to begin,
    Hassocks looks okay
    Preston Park looks very off on approach from London
    Platform 1 and 2 at Brighton seem off too, the space is far too wide and missing the fencing

    Also from Selhurst to East Croydon on the Selhurst triangle, why so many trees? I haven't been on the BML for a month or two as I moved to Wales but i'm sure there weren't as many trees there!

    Besides this though I like the model of the trains and the services are good and there is a lot of content, sounds are good too which usually get a lot of criticism so praise where it's due, I also think East Croydon and Victoria are modeled very well too. I do hope the feedback here in this thread gets taken on board and the route could be updated and improved
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  31. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Not seeing or feeling any cab sway or movement in either train. Trains running much too smoothly and it's very quiet in the cabs, much better outside. Sound cutouts quite frequent though short-lived. Some minor stuttering, but frame rates better than I expected. Just started playing so will give more feedback as I go along.
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  32. PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix

    PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    True, the problem that I found with both of these trains, is that Class 387/2, and Class 377/4 audio keeps cutting in and out, no matter what speed you are going. They also need to work on the Headlight of the Cab as well, because the marker light is not even illuminating, and the day and night time running lights both have problems with the header light and the bottom corner light in terms of color. It supposes to be a blueish color for the top center light, and the corner bottom light,

    You can see it from this example of the video

    Time Stamp for the 387/2
    Timestamp of video: 2:01
  33. 4-COR

    4-COR Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Redhill also has a footbridge for some reason, despite it only have an underpass irl
  34. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    They addressed this on Tuesday's stream. The occlusion between the passenger cabin and the driver's cab isn't in place, so the light from the passenger space is spilling through the bulkhead and into the cab, which is why it's always light
    This is testable (haven't tried but it should work) by turning off the passenger lights at night or in a tunnel
  35. 4-COR

    4-COR Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    So will it be fixed?
  36. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Apply your knowledge and experience of DTG... it may be fixed, it might be something that gets done in a future pass, it might be something that never gets looked at again
    Certainly it's fixABLE, but that doesn't mean anything
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  37. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Reading the further comments overnight, I really think - as much as I’m liking the route - would have benefitted from holding back release for another couple of weeks to apply an extra layer or two of love. The sounds in particular must be addressed whether this is at the route level or more likely the core which is struggling with the most ambitious, in terms of length and complexity, route creation so far for TSW.
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  38. champs7007

    champs7007 Guest

    My initial impressions so far are very good. Really am loving driving this route. Few things I've noticed though, the HUD doesn't pick up the 45mph speed reduction on the up fast heading towards P1 at East Croydon until you're right ontop of it. Theres no 8 car stop at Gatwick P4 if you're an 8 you're sent right down to the 10-12 mark. Clapham Junction P12 the stop places are very very off to how they are in real life the 8 car mark is 3/4 of the way along and the 4 is around half way, currently it stops right by the stairs to the overbridge on the game. 3 AWS magnets on the up fast didn't give me any sound around Clapham Junction, the signal before the home signal, the starting signal on P12 and the signal after on the same line. My biggest bug bear is the placing of the subway at Clapham Junction its hilariously in the wrong place of the station, its roughly just over half way down in the london direction but in the game its country side of the overbridge.... But other than those things listed above. Very happy. Great job to everyone involved.
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  39. fakenham

    fakenham Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Had a good run up on the Gat Express from Brighton to Victoria. Best run I've had in a TSW route yet. Plenty of adverse signals to keep you on your toes. I noticed on Matt's stream last night that he became a bit late, so he may have got held up by another train being let through in front? If so, that is great gameplay!

    Has anyone noticed any approach control, flashing yellow signals as yet? Would be nice to know if they implemented this. There should be some approach control on this route, 99% sure of that. I asked a few times on the streams, but no answer on this one, I guess too many questions coming in.

    Would've been nice to update the speed signs into the correct font, but looks like that didn't make the cut.

    Anyway, great route, immense about of playability, well done to all.
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  40. 5cip

    5cip Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    im so happy with this route i cant describe it many thanks to DTG :love:
  41. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    I have rolled into flashing yellows at a station I think yes.
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  42. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I've had flashing yellows on approach to Redhill.
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  43. paul.pavlinovich

    paul.pavlinovich Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Things I really like
    • wiper sounds
    • rain on cab
    • traction motor sounds
    • horns
    • driveability
    • scenery
    • hud free driving is possible
    • it stopped raining in a scenario
    • you can choose to continue journey or play next scenario
    • lots of trains - LOTS of trains
    • time tables are achievable even with the occasional stuff up

    Things I don't like
    • Layered trains don't have raildriver
    • buttons are different on Raildriver AGAIN
    • Raildriver alert button too slow
    • Passengers stay on at Gatwick instead of going to catch their plane
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  44. WestieRail

    WestieRail Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    It has a footbridge (not in public use) irl. The old parcels bridge. The underpass is wrong though, including missing the Town Centre exit.
  45. WestieRail

    WestieRail Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Perhaps the worst bug I have come across...the Purley area (my local area) doesn't look great at all...

    Attached Files:

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  46. JayTG123

    JayTG123 Active Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    The bell no longer works unless it’s mapped to a different key now?
  47. PeteW

    PeteW Active Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    Tried 1Y06 with no issue. I'm on an Nvidia GFX card.
    What is the crash cause?
  48. PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix

    PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Did anyone notice this as well, while they are driving either of the class? This kinda of ruin the experience because the headlight is not based on the real one :(:(:|
  49. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I have yet to be bored, because every run I have tried has adverse signals somewhere: that much traffic necessarily means the dispatcher is holding up some trains to let others by; the complex choreography requires it.
  50. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Maybe they were going to Brighton all along? GX is a lot faster than a stopping service.

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