London Commuter - Update (7th October, 11:09 Bst)

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by DTG JD, Oct 7, 2021.

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  1. DTG JD

    DTG JD Director of Community Staff Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    EDIT: 14:54 BST - an update has been pushed to PS5 players, which should be the final launch build. Please download this and let us know if you experience any of the problems listed below after downloading. Thanks for your patience.

    EDIT, 11:31 BST - an update has been pushed to Xbox players, which should be the final launch build. Please download this, and let us know if you experience any of the problems listed below after downloading.

    We are working with Sony to 'unblock' the Day 1 update which should have gone live at midnight.

    Hello all,

    We're currently aware of various issues affecting Xbox (all generations) and PS5 players, including:
    • Crashes and other performance issues
    • Reigate station not updated
    • 387 with 377 sounds - and other audio issues
    • Victoria lights not working
    • Additional layers available on Xbox One (which cause performance issues)
    We're investigating the cause of this and will update when we're able to solve - this is not the final build of the content.

    Our hypothesis is that PS5 and Xbox (all generations) are currently playing on an incorrect build. This means that the day 1 updates we include on launch day (which include some of the final polish for the route) are currently stuck in a pipeline somewhere and haven't made the release you're seeing.

    By way of further explanation - Day 1 updates include content which is changed between certification on platforms, and are a regular thing for us and many other game developers. Most content you see in game will have had a Day 1 update as part of its release.

    Our dev team will make this their number one priority to resolve today. And we will keep you up to date with when you can expect another update on this thread.

    PS5 players - if you're keen to play the content, we're not aware of issues on the PS4 build at this time, so that is a workaround for the time being whilst we solve this.

    Thanks for your patience.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
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