Longwinded Scenario Help

Discussion in 'Technical Reports' started by ARuscoe, Nov 20, 2018.

  1. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    I've been trying to make a scenario on the London - Faversham Sheerness extension. The basic premise is a diesel freight engine leaves Sittingbourne, going up onto the Isle of Sheppey collecting wagons at Queenborough and Sittingbourne, before running around them and dragging them back to Sittingbourne.

    The (latest) problem I am having is that once the consist is completed from five different collection points the consist appears the be back to front, in that camera view 2 is now at the BACK of the consist whereas camera view 3 is now the front

    This may not actually cause a problem, but I have two places down the line where signals are inexplicably at danger (only one other train is in the scenario and by this point has been passed going to it's termination point)

    So to the questions:
    A> Does the direction of the consist affect the signals, so they may be getting confused by a train effectively reversing down the line?
    B> How do you determine which way around a consist that you form in game is facing. I know how to do a whole consist at creation but not player assembled...
  2. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    The Locomotive faces one direction. Obvious with a Steam loco but not a Diesel or Electric
    When you attach the "front" of a loco to a train then it becomes the rear vehicle and you use [3] instead of [2] to see the loco
    Place the Diesel on the track have the Icon on the loco at the Sittingbourne end.
    As the scenario starts you will need to change ends to drive to Queenborough but as you attach wagons they will be on the rear coming back.


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