Did you set the objective manager class and everything else in that group ok? also is your time correct for the service? which hud are you on? Try normal hud instead of mini see if it gives you any other info.
may I just say that you have to enter a train to activate the timetable (if you didn't do set Scenario in PIE but you did Timetable in PIE)
It's all right now, Mr. Matt! Thank you very much for your time! Please don't forget to come up with a new script export .pak tutorial or how we can possibly add it to the creators club!
You won'w be able to add it to creators club since it doesn't support that. And the .pak tutorial won't come until they fix the current problem with the cooking of the assets or something, all I know is that when you try to build the editor and everything goes kapouet
Whose work do you mean? I find it extremely exciting to create something in the editor and it's a long while before it will be finished anyway. Still a lot to learn. In the meantime DTG will fix the .pak-building stuff and then the created content can be loaded in the cooked game or shared for other PC players. Creators club will need partnering with DTG under the 3rd party program to get it also to consoles.
Matt, A question from me if you have time to answer. I’m having a lot of fun with this. I’ve got an AI steam train that I would like to turn around using a turntable. Is this something fairly straightforward? Feel free to tell me to wait for a future tutorial. My scenario will work fine with the loco either way around. Just something that occurred to me to try, that I couldn’t work out.
Hi Matt, Just started with this this morning and did a small cheer when I saw my 3-car CL377 appear on the map at Lewes. (Hooray). However, everything went downhill after that with constant UE crashes usually accompanied with a message about paths. (Boo). The other "interesting" thing that I have noticed is that my Object Manager File keeps vanishing from my scenario 1 folder despite me definitely saving it. Is that supposed to happen? Mind you when I go to try and create it the editor says there is already a file with the same name there. I just can't see it? Everything else seems to work OK and, as I said earlier, I can see a train in the map at Lewes. What does that Object Manager file do? (I am assuming that, maybe, it controls all the tasks given to the various services and that, perhaps, if mine is missing that is why I am getting the crash to desktops?). Any help will be appreciated as I am a bit stuck now. Thanks. David.
The editor isn't consistently discovering files when it loads in - known issue and on the list to fix asap. The objective manager file will be where your objective scripting goes when you know how to do that (press this lever, walk over here, subtitles etc) Matt.
Hey Matt, I notice a problem with making a scenario is I have is with go via instructions as the first instruction triggers it but the next go via does not appear on the HUD so I don’t know if it’s a bug in the editor.
Wayhay I have actually made something !!! A massively long run from Lewes PL1 to Lewes Up siding (and in a 3-car unit too). (I always thought that PL1 & PL2 were wasted at Lewes). Throughout the full 4 minutes of this scenario I am getting an error message "Blueprint compile error. Navmesh needs to be rebuilt". No idea what this means of course. Interestingly my Object Manager file had vanished again but, as you can see, the scenario still worked as intended. I think I have earned myself a beer !!! David.
Ive created a small scenario based on your tutorial Matt, however when I press the play button in the editor the scenario is starting 5 minutes after it should be? Worked ok a few minutes ago? Just tried loading the editor again and now the scenario start 2 hours after it should? Also is it normal when loading the editor again and then loading the route map, for it to show the bounding box of the train i created for the scenario? thanks Darren
Make sure you right click your scenario definition and select "Set as Play In Editor Scenario" and then try again. It will then run at the time you set in the definition file.
I started a new thread for cadeshr6s timetable issues, took it as an opportunity to do a Timetable Debugging 101 tutorial
Scenario No: 2 - Newhaven Marine.....with an AI service too. (Never thought I would see that semaphore move). One quick question "Are you always doomed if you hit Ctrl + F10 when taking a screenshot?" The Editor seems to reset after one of those (which is really annoying when you do it one minute before the end of the scenario by mistake). Thanks for giving us the inspiration Matt. It is starting to open up all sorts of scenario possibilities. David.
This is just an educated guess but that blueprint file hmmmmm seems to want to do that I'm sure there is a way with the 18Gajouilion of nodes you can shove in it
Worked a treat Josh thankyou. After a fresh start of the editor i load the route i was using for my scenario (in this case east coastway map) and the bounding boxes for the trains i placed in my scenario are still there? Despite freshly starting the editor? Is this correct or have I done something wrong?
Glad to hear that sorted it. Regarding your second question I'm not sure, I've never really looked to be honest. I've clearly not added enough trains to my test scenario. Don't think it'll be a problem though.
No its done by just being a bit clever with the pathing instructions basically and the despatcher figures out it needs the turntable to achieve it. In fact the WSR turntable at minehead was a total pain - we had one instance where a mistaken couple-to instruction with the fronts and backs the wrong way around lead the dispatcher to need to send the train all the way up the line to minehead, turn the loco and bring it back so that it could do what it had been asked - gotta really watch that thing its too clever for its own good
but can you force the Dispatcher to use a turntable then ? Thinking of it yeah should be possible then but on the SOS scenario "the tables have turned" (first off their is a bug with the way around the turntable is supposed to be) when you are asked to put the turntable manually to some point that is using the scenario Objective manger thingy right?
You dont need to use the objective manager unless you want to put in objectives for the player. Remember, service modes can use the timetable and there is NO objective manager in those. Spirit of steam does it, remember? I'll try and fire up the editor and get you an example tonight
How does a scenario like the Class 66 Introduction on East Coastway work then? Does it use hidden signals?
I think there's a special case exception for the very first thing a train does that forces points over or something daft - we try not to rely on it and its really bad practice to rely on it, nobody should be doing that anymore but occasionally they slip in and sometimes they get away with it for that reason Please do not rely on it!
What's required to get the PIS to display the service? I have a train at Reading that's on Platform 13 on the GWE route, when spawning into the scenario. But nothing shows on the PIS or at any of its stops. Here is the setup of the service. It doesn't work for either of the 2 trains I have on this scenario. Any pointers would be appreciated
But what about any of the training center scenarios that have you switch points, like the Class 66 tutorials where you go into a headshunt and then reverse into a siding? How do those work?
In manual junction areas you can do anything you like. It's automatic junctions you have to be mindful of.
I'll go see how it's done these days... it's changed at least twice since I last set things up for that
I was wondering how it is possible for several services to stop at the same platform before coupling together. At Haywards Heath on London-Brighton for example, the first part from Eastbourne comes in first and then the other part from Littlehampton stops a bit behind the first one, opens the doors and then couples to the other train. So far I have only managed to let the second train enter the track directly with the coupling instruction, if I use a stop instruction it gets held at a red signal because the platform is occupied.
Interesting, i've just tried this on multiple routes in multiple places and it always seems to work for me - which is odd because I wasnt expecting it to work either! Can you show me a timetable that isnt working and i'll try and see how it behaves for me Matt.
This example represents what I'm doing/trying on the EastCoastway route: The top part is what I am trying to achieve, the exact stop marker for service2 is set around 15m away from the rear of service1. The bottom part is my current solution, this works but is not realistic. The only difference in the instructions between both are the platform assignments (and obviously the missing instructions). This is the result when simulating the timetable: ECW Timetable Test Simulation - YouTube You can see in the video that the first two services reach the platforms at Brighton, but the second service from the top simply stops hard at a siding while the second service from the bottom successfully couples to the first one and both units move as one back to the siding as expected.
Thanks for your tutorials Matt. It is so nice to have the editor now and play around with new Scenarios What I did not find out until now is, how to set waypoints, when you are walking. E. g. "Go to this lokomotive" or "Get into driver seat". Has anyone figured out how this works?
I have the same question! I would like to insert a text message like we get in your scenarios (to explain what the driver has to do) and exact objectives (like insert Master key). I tried to look at scenarios but I cant even open their timetables. Thanks in advance for your answer!
This is aparently done with the objectives system which they will have a tutorial for as soon as they are able to. I am also looking forward to this as I have a few ideas for scenarios which require custom objectives... Its a shame that the existing ones are baked as I'd really like to see how some of the more involved ones are done, for example one of the Glasgow Central scenarios has you rescuing another train and have to pass a signal at danger... I'd like to have a go at making one of these myself however i suspect it will require some jiggery pokery as usually passing a signal at danger is a fail scenario DTG Matt if possible could you include this in the tutorial (or a future more advanced scenario tutorial) pls
Agreed, an unbaked example of a full blown scenario would be incredibly useful for picking up tips on how it’s done using the Scenario Manager Blueprint.
aye, even if it were just a sample i.e. no where near to being a released update, just something that could be used to show how it works more than anything.
It's probably cleaner to just go through various tasks in tutorials - our scenarios vary wildly in their construction methods depending on who does it and what we'd learned (or not) by that time. Matt.
Hi There, Hitting a snag with my AI services and, at the moment, I can't see why. I have a scenario with 10 AI services and 4 Statics in it. All look like they will start up OK in the right positions and I interact with the first few services correctly (including a coupling up). However my issue seems to be with the second station stop that any AI service has. Despite completing its first stop correctly, and any load/unload, the AI services all seem to get stuck at their second stops. They have all travelled correctly to their next stations but, when you check the "live" timetable, you can see that they haven't ticked off the (StopAt) instruction. So they are all stuck with their doors shut. (The Polegate stop highlighted on the bottom service is one of the problems). Why would they travel to their first stops OK but then not reach their second ones? Any thoughts? Thanks. David
David, I had this aswell, only way i could fix it was to make the go to instruction into an exact stop instruction