No Trophies For Any Future Dlc

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by TinTin_57, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    I for one don‘t agree with this at all. Yes, PS5 is facing some quite severe issues right now which need to be resolved asap. Yes, based on the current trend, we may encounter even more issues in the coming months. But as long as DLC is still playable as intended (which it is despite the 64GB limit), I wouldn‘t want to get cut off from new TSW releases entirely. Just my 2 cents.
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  2. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    Same. Why punish ourselves. I just hope Sony reverses direction and quickly.
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  3. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    problem is we have had deafening silence from Sony, does anyone know if they have made a statement about this anywhere ?
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  4. knightovfun

    knightovfun New Member

    Aug 19, 2019
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    If this is not resolved, I will not be purchasing any more DLC... end of the line for me.
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  5. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    You'd pay full price for something missing a fundamental aspect of the product?
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  6. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Depends on what you define as fundamental aspect. If you‘re referring to this new trophies issue, then yes I would since I don‘t really care about trophies as long as the platinum one is obtainable.
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  7. Stephen Crofts

    Stephen Crofts Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Ps5 tag line: ‘Play has no limits’

    Erm, TSW anyone?

    seriously though, surely Sony can be pushed a bit on not upholding their own tag-line.
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  8. TheTipsyRaccoon

    TheTipsyRaccoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    For the love of god DTG please at least remove the 1938 tube stock from the PS5 trophy list, if those trophies can’t be obtained. Give me a fighting chance at achieving 100%.

    After that though I’m out. I genuinely thought with TSW2 they’d got over their contempt for trophy/achievement hunters and console players in general but we’re just a big piñata full of money to them.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
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  9. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I’ve tweeted them, but no reply as yet.
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  10. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    A fair point, but when you buy a piece of DLC, or even a full game, it is expected to support and have trophies, the fact that new content is still intended for release without them, is apprehensible at best.

    Trophies are part of what we, as players, pay for when buying the product. Are they essential? No. However, if I paid full price for a brand new car and it was missing a rear mirror, I'd be miffed.
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  11. Stephen Crofts

    Stephen Crofts Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Im not on social media. What other channels can we use to put pressure on them? I’ve looked around the websites but contact links are something they specialise in hiding it seems.
  12. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    If DTG is trying to tell us we've achieved enough with TSW, then maybe we should consider that they're right. I've got plenty to do in the Rush Hour routes so the unlikely WCL purchase is seeming even less likely now it won't have trophies. Livery design on PS5 is pointless, so all the ideas I had for that are indefinitely on hold. There's just less and less to keep me coming back.

    I'll still play out some Rush Hour services, saving plenty for when they're eventually fully fixed. After that, maybe I'll have a bash on Farm Sim 22 which is out soon and, come March, we'll have a long-awaited GT7 to get our teeth into. And Spiderman 2 is in the works. We've had a good run, but maybe we just need some space; just be friends; time to see other people; it's not you, it's me, etc...
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
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  13. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    I get your point and I‘m not at all trying to make your point seem less relevant than it is. Playstation releases of any game should have working trophies. It‘s purely by my own, subjective preferences that I have decided to not be too bothered by missing trophies.
  14. Skyz2020

    Skyz2020 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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    This is a shame factor, I have always considered you more pro DTG than against. Very sad when an onside person gets dragged offside. Hope you find a connection again some day with the game
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  15. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I appreciate that this is a pretty niche product and I get that the devs are all rooted in PC gaming and have probably spent very little time immersed in the PlayStation sphere (I had a very long rant about it way back when). Sometimes it feels like they're finally starting to "get it", but when things like this crop up, it's like they're from a different planet again.

    I think the worst part about TSW on PS5 is the wasted opportunities where features are clipped or not implemented when they could genuinely transform gameplay. The DualSense controllers provide scope for incredible feedback (the sensation of running over mud in the Battlefield beta was insane), but we don't get so much as a PS2 rumble over track joins and points. Trophies have been an integral part of console gaming for three generations, but they were glitchy af in TSW2020 and now we're not getting any more in TSW2. It was frustration that TSW2020 never reached its potential that made me step away entirely for the best part of a year. I came back because we had new features and 4K, but there are still baffling omissions and these latest PS5-specific limitations are beginning to bring a whole new set of frustrations.
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  16. Observadorpt

    Observadorpt Active Member

    May 6, 2019
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    If DTG dont release anymore dlc or stop support for ps just answers my answers i have. See this, remember sand patch grande powering america part 1 scenario where we have to wait a little to release the brakes and have a but that made us wait forever? DTG fix that?? No, what they do? is easier to cut that part. What i see is is easier to cut than to fix so what i think is easier to stop support and leave thounsand players with a broken product than to fix it. It just starts with no more trophies then next no more dlcs and next stop fixing bugs for sony plantform.
  17. TheCadManFan

    TheCadManFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    We don't pay for the trophies, we pay for the game. Trophies are an extra that I can happily live without. There were six generations of console that didn't have trophies, and I could happily live without them. Would trophies improve a game that is unplayable? I would hardly force myself to play a game that is broken, or that I don't enjoy, just to get a platinum medal that isn't going to change my life in any meaningful way. But a good game, that is well made, I will enjoy even if it doesn't have trophies.

    And that analogy makes no sense. Mirrors are an important feature of a vehicle. A better comparison would be between trophies, and one of those pine scented Magic Trees.
  18. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I actually think trophies are as important as a mirror; it's just that, along with indicators and spacial awareness, quite a lot of people choose not to use them.

    Maybe a radio would be a better analogy - you can still drive your car perfectly well from one place to another without it, but it adds to the enjoyment of doing so. Some people – my in-laws amongst them – rarely turn theirs on.
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  19. TheCadManFan

    TheCadManFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    Radio would be a better analogy than a mirror, but I still think that trophies aren't a reason to buy games, they're insignificant in the grand scheme, at least for me they are.
  20. mattchester#9176

    mattchester#9176 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2021
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    I'd say it's more like a GPS system. Can I drive my car without it? Yes but because I'm so used to using it I'd be upset if my new car didn't come with one.

    I know for some people they are completely useless but as I use trophies to guide and incentivise my gameplay I would certainly miss them if they weren't there in a similar way.
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  21. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    True. I wouldn't buy a car for its radio, but if I was buying a car and discovered it didn't have one, I'd maybe look around for other options...
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  22. kevin.charb81

    kevin.charb81 Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
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    I only care about trophies for TSW, as there is little inherent direction for your gameplay built-in (i.e. no career mode) compared to other games.
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  23. TheCadManFan

    TheCadManFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    That's true. I play through services/scenarios in order, within each route, but then alternating between routes. And I don't just play TSW, I have other games competing for my time, so I don't play TSW 'nose to the grindstone'.
  24. sgu123456

    sgu123456 Member

    Mar 23, 2020
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    I'm somewhat happy that I don't have to bother with the new releases and their problems since I wont buy them if they have no trophies (generally speaking, there might be exceptions in the future). Nevertheless I hope they at least try to fix this and not just say "We are looking into it".
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  25. ZR Leigh

    ZR Leigh Member

    Jul 12, 2018
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    Trophies are an important part of PlayStation. I can see why Sony have put trophy and DLC limits in place thinking that no one would exceed them but TSW2 is unlike any other game on the system. Sony should have the flexibility to see that and say fair enough. I’m not holding my breath though to be honest.
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  26. yambam#1598

    yambam#1598 Member

    Jun 10, 2021
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    DTG Natster DTG JD the trophies are available for the 1938 stock on PS5 to obtain. Total available trophies to obtain is 353 on ps5
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  27. Observadorpt

    Observadorpt Active Member

    May 6, 2019
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    ''we are looking into it'' translated is Dont bother us anymore with fixes
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  28. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    they have been there for a week now. Weird they marked as no on the announcement. Question is can we earn them? (Also asked by someone earlier in this thread)
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  29. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    My thoughts on this is it’s extremely disappointing so soon after the PS5 version was released..

    should they have managed them better in the game similar to the PS4 version with now 3 sets. Was that even an option?

    why can’t the PS4 have a 4th set?

    Why wasn’t the IOW trophies fixed for the PS5 release is there was some BS memory issue for the PS4

    so many questions ;)

    I might get the tube stock DLC tomorrow but the rest can shove it as like everyone else here I am massively fed up with the duff releases for rush hour and now future DLC being trophyless, unable to load on the 5… as well as the bugs contained from launch anyway.

    few hundred miles to go for the plat and might move on as much as I enjoy TSW for the escape.

    in a nutshell, DTG buck your ideas up before it’s too late (yawn)
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  30. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Needless to say, a video will be on my channel within the hour, please check it out (shameless plug!)
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  31. Observadorpt

    Observadorpt Active Member

    May 6, 2019
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    The point is Trophies doesnt have nothing to do with memory, so the isle of wight missing trophies is DTG fault not memory issues.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
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  32. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    I am just repeating what DTG have said in the past :cool:
  33. surreychuff#3060

    surreychuff#3060 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    To be honest I kind of switched off from trophies for PS TSW alongside the inability to transfer saves and game progress.

    A lot of the trophies are engineered around recognising long term engagement with the game, and having had to restart progress when moving from TSW > TSW2 > TSW2 PS4 via PS5 > TSW2 PS5 Native, I’ve long since dropped off any sort of hamster wheel to push for trophies.

    It’s nice having trophies ping off every now and then, but I’ve now got multiples of the same trophy and the whole mechanic is a bit irrelevant and redundant for me personally when it comes to TSW, as it’s all very detached now from my long term engagement with the game.

    Have I stopped playing less? Have my purchasing decisions changed? Do I enjoy the content any less? Nope… still here and happy; the only thing from a long term player perspective is having to re-do bl***dy tutorials multiple times over! That I could well do without :)

    Just play and enjoy and consider trophies incidental rather than a driver of your engagement with the game is my view… but appreciate people have different motivations when they play!
  34. forteanjo

    forteanjo Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    With so many routes and locos to drive, it can sometimes become a bit overwhelming to choose what to do next outside of new releases. When that happens, I, like others, use the trophy list along the bottom of the homescreen to narrow that choice down, with 4 or 5 suggestions that cover most of the activities (do collectables, do passengers boarding/disembarking, do mileage, do speed, etc.).

    I can well see me, in future, firing up TSW2, not being able to decide what to do and just exiting to do something else.

    This decision will, IMHO, make TSW2 a less attractive prospect to play.
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  35. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Well that will save me a few quid, I won't be buying any dlc until it's fixed.
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  36. Active Member

    May 10, 2019
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    Me either.

    I've not known something go so bad so quickly.
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  37. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I've long suspected that DTG don't care much about the Playstation, this was confirmed to me in a pre Rush Hour launch where Matt raved about how amazing the Xbox S is and then went on to show the specs for the game on next gen consoles, except he didn't, he had all the specs and screenshots for Xbox but nothing for PS5, he just said we think it will be the same.

    Also, if you develop software, be it for gaming or commercial purposes, one of the first things you do is read about the limitations of the platform, the dlc and trophy limit should have been addressed with Sony long ago.

    To blame Sony for these limits is wrong, and to say that it's also Sony's fault for not documenting these limits is also wrong.

    DTG are surely aware that their game could potentially have hundreds of pieces of dlc in the future and the onus should therefore be on them to ask the question of Sony about the number that can be accomodated on their platform and of any hypothetical 'limits' currently imposed by the hardware.

    A quick google of 'playstation trophy limit' shows that developers have known about this issue for at least two years:
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
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  38. forteanjo

    forteanjo Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    In fairness, DTG were one of the first developers to introduce trophy sets to work around the trophy limits.

    I just don't get why that "solution" is no longer viable.
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  39. Double Yellow

    Double Yellow Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    Being a hardcore trophy hunter at Lv 812, with almost 25k trophies to my name. I have to say this is disappointing news to me. As much as I love this game, trophies are one of my main focus when I play this game.
    If all future routes lose trophy support in the future for PS5 I will no longer buy DLC, unless it’s a well known route or a route I’m very familiar with.
    Hope Sony provide a solution soon DTG.
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