Northeast Corridor Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Anthony Pecoraro, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. Haggis

    Haggis New Member

    May 14, 2020
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    I just watched at least a dozen passengers calmly step off the platform and down onto the track as I was drawing into Ruggles, classic Lemmings-style. Will report back if I find chunks in the undercarriage on arrival at Providence...
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  2. ScottN

    ScottN Active Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I'm unable to finish the MBTA timetable mode from Providence to Boston on chapter one of journey mode because after the next to last stop in Boston it says go via interlocking junction but the marker isn't showing up on the HUD and get a red signal and can't continue.
  3. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    The objective is missing but it's just before the signal. You have to crawl up to it and it should move to the next objective and the signal will change. You might have to contact the signaller too if the light is still red and check for any AI moving nearby. I'm in chapter 3 now
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  4. ScottN

    ScottN Active Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I’ll give it a try later
  5. seanpholland

    seanpholland Member

    May 15, 2021
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    So, did anyone actually playtest the Foundations scenario before release? By obeying speed limits, no matter what I do I'm 4-5 minutes behind the schedule. I can understand slight optimizations in my speed here and there, but there's no way you can shave 4 minutes off the shunting.

    Plus having to run the red light is just so weird.
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  6. Haggis

    Haggis New Member

    May 14, 2020
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    AI stopping positions might need adjusted. I'm presently sitting at Boston Back Bay Track 1 driving Amtrak #171, and the MBTA on Track 2 has stopped with about half of the cab car on-platform, with the rest of the train (and all its opened doors) in the tunnel. It's got a red against it at the far end of the platform, but at least one and a half train lengths of space between it and said signal.
  7. sinnere

    sinnere Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    Love going through those curves at speed. The route is beautiful with much infrastructure. However one itch I've found so far is that the headlights on the ACS-64 don't light up the tracks ahead. I had both the headlights and the ditchlights on yet still nothing. Also, I do wish the Amtrak portion was longer. You make 2-3 stops the most, it doesn't satisfy my hunger for running Amtrak trains.

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  8. jayzhead

    jayzhead Active Member

    Dec 23, 2020
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    Yeah, it's the same with the MBTA trains as well, the tracks are not getting illuminated AT ALL. DTG has a thing with night lighting. Matt keeps claiming that the headlights on trains don't do much, but that is just not right. I've ridden the MBTA commuter rail a lot and seen these trains run IRL, the headlights definitely light up a good chunk of track ahead. Also, the way our eyes work in the dark is different to how it is shown on screen in game. Eyes adjust to the dark and become more sensitive, and sitting in a dark cab, even with weak headlights, in no way should it ever be as pitch black outside as it is in nearly all TSW routes. Some DLC are better than others, but it is very inconsistent, and Boston definitely falls into the "way too dark" camp in terms of lighting execution.
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  9. BlackSkyuk

    BlackSkyuk Active Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    Anyone know why they left out "Forest Hills". AI Train stop there with no passengers.
  10. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    You mix up two different explanations. Matt is often talking about UK trains and for those what he says is (or was) accurate. They had marker lights and headlights only came later. If you watch the Clinchfield streams, Matt acknowledges that US headlights are not accurate in the sim because they would be way too bright during the daytime. It‘s one of the issues of the fake lighting used in games.
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  11. Dinosbacsi

    Dinosbacsi Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    It's not an issue for most modern games. You can make it similar to real life where your light source (the headlight, for example) only adds light to places that don't have natural/ambient light. I believe Fallout 76 does it pretty well, for example.

    So I don't know if it's an Unreal Engine issue or DTG just don't know how to make it properly, but it definitely shouldn't be a huge issue in 2021.
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  12. KMAN

    KMAN Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2018
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    I was unable to complete the MBTA Attleboro - Boston Service #842 got stuct behind a Regional Amtrack service which got stuck between sharon and canton junction I saw the British Ace played this service and also got stuck. Anyone eles had this problem. I think with more comlex timetables we are going to get more train conflicts.
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  13. 4-COR

    4-COR Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    it’s dtg so they probably just checked to see that it didn’t crash then called it a day
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  14. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I simply don't buy this "explanation". US locos do have bright headlights day and night as well as bright flashing ditch lights where appropriate. We've never been shown this apparent daytime problem, so we can't verify this effect.

    Certainly anything would be better than the complete darkness at night on some American routes, especially CRR. I haven't run a night service yet on Boston but I fear the worst.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
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  15. bescot

    bescot Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Mmm. I can unfortunately see a timetable cull at some point. If the dispatcher can't cope with Boston how's it gonna cope with the BML. Nervous breakdown Three Bridges PSB! - Call for the men in white coats.
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  16. Nei4024

    Nei4024 Active Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    It is a pity that there is no light in the back bay tunnel (well in any tunnel on the route).
    The lights are really there and from more platforms you can see the entire depth of the tunnel.

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  17. ScottN

    ScottN Active Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    When running MBTA at Canton Center the crossing deactivates but doesn’t activate once you start moving. I hope they look at that.
  18. Michael Newbury

    Michael Newbury Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I noticed that last night as well the crossing does not work.
  19. jayzhead

    jayzhead Active Member

    Dec 23, 2020
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    Just tried running an amtrak service from Providence to Boston, the game crashed about 10 miles out from route 128. Seems to be a common issue..

    Also, another few things I've noticed so far:
    - The stopping points on bi-level platforms are wrong. They always stop you in a way that the loco blocks the raised accessibility platform, rather than having the last car on it, like it should be
    - The ACSES is definitely broken. There is just no way to keep to the timetable with it on, it constantly drops you down to 30-45 for no apparent reason.
    - The crossing at Canton opens back up after about 30 seconds, while you're sitting and the station and long before you actually cross it.
    - The new passengers are better of course but still need work in terms of the way they behave on this route. The train still always empties out over the course of the route, which is very unrealistic when doing an inbound run. When you're driving a service towards a big city, the train should fill up rather than empty during the run. For example, I started an MBTA service in Stoughton with a packed train and by the time I got to Hyde Park it was almost empty. That is the exact opposite of how it should be. The trains form Stoughton depart half-empty even during rush hours, and get filled up the closer they get to the city, nearly all passengers only get off at Back Bay and South Station. As it is now, I got to back bay with hardly any passengers because they all escaped during the route.

    A big positive for this route so far is the sounds. Great work on the sounds, DTG. Those MBTA coaches very much feel like the real thing, even though the balance could be a tad better (I feel like the track running sounds are somewhat quieter than IRL compared to the sounds of the brakes/bell/switches etc.) But overall very immersive and realistic.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
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  20. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    On arrival in Stoughton in the F40PH-3C (Cold As Ice Scenario), you are instructed to put the headlights to the ‘Dim’ setting. Surely the headlights should be turned off and then the front marker lights turned on. This is because you are changing ends to return to Boston.
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  21. the Cyrillic man

    the Cyrillic man New Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Amfleet's interior audio is broken. The audio from the wheels is the same volume/etc on the inside as it is on the outside and should be quieter on the inside. Brake squeal sounds fail to play properly on the Amfleets. HEP lighting on the Amfleets does not work properly. You cannot enter the MBTA coaches with the "3" camera, or any camera. No echo SFX in tunnels or under overpasses. Brake indicator lights on Amfleets are faulty and do not display properly with certain brake applications.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
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  22. KaZu

    KaZu New Member

    May 14, 2021
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    I don't know if someone also else has this issue but my framerate at Back Bay station is very bad compared to the rest of the map. I don't have this problem with any other station and my game is smooth in other routes.
  23. Cramnor

    Cramnor Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Has anyone ever managed a service on time with the safety systems on? Also the scenarios, take like 20 minutes longer than the time estimate and the schedule says. And the delay is for no apparent reason, not like red are stopping me or something. Really frustrating experience so far :(
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  24. NB642

    NB642 Active Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Some more points:
    • 1.9 miles north of Sharon, there are two floating "DS" or Dead Section signs. I am assuming, these should be attached to the catenary?
    • I tried one of the services in the MBTA F40 going south to Providence and a few miles north of Providence I started experiencing the unexpected and un-commanded brake applications that other posters have been reporting here where the train is forced to a stop even though there is no stop signal nearby.
    • Both the F40 and CTC-3 cab ADU's have the "90" and "MAS" balloons lit up at the same time for most of the route when signals are clear. This is not accurate. The ADU can only display one aspect at a time, so it should either have the "90" or the "MAS" balloons lit but not both at the same time. For reference here are the codes associated with each cab signal:
      • 180 ppm / 180 ppm: should have "MAS" lit (this corresponds to "CLEAR 150" for Amtrak trains)
      • 180 ppm / 0 ppm: should have "MAS" lit (this corresponds to "CLEAR 125" for Amtrak trains)
      • 270 ppm / 270 ppm: should have "90" lit (this corresponds to "CLEAR 100" for Amtrak trains)
      • 120 ppm / 120 ppm: should have "80" lit (this corresponds to "CAB SPEED 80" for Amtrak trains)
      • 270 ppm / 0 ppm: should have "60" lit (this corresponds to "CAB SPEED 60" for Amtrak trains)
      • 120 ppm / 0 ppm: should have "45" lit (this corresponds to "APPROACH MEDIUM" for Amtrak trains - used for both Approach Medium and Approach Limited wayside signal aspects)
      • 75 ppm / 75 ppm: should have "30" lit (this corresponds to "APPROACH MEDIUM" for Amtrak trains - relatively new cab signal to differentiate between Approach Medium from Approach Limited)
      • 75 ppm / 0 ppm: should have "APP" lit (this corresponds to "APPROACH" for Amtrak trains)
      • 0 ppm / 0 ppm: should have "RES" lit (this corresponds to "RESTRICTING" for Amtrak trains)
      • 0 ppm / 0 ppm at interlocking or other signal where positive stop is enforced by ACSES: should have "STOP" lit (this corresponds to "STOP" for Amtrak trains)
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  25. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I’m finding it a horrible experience with safety systems on. Far too restrictive for whatever (non-obvious) reason.
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  26. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    I have similar thoughts. This overlaps with weird signaling stories, such as permanent RED, requiring contact with a dispatcher. This leads to ATC/ACSES* "0" (indicated) & forced 'suppression' braking. * I don't know much about American safety systems, but these are some extremely strange cases
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2021
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  27. NB642

    NB642 Active Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    I should also add that for MBTA, ATC should enforce a limit of 90 mph for both the "90" and "MAS" balloons when either is lit. I am not sure if this is the case for all of the MBTA equipment, but I understand that ACSES may set a max speed limit based on the equipment speed limit which in this case would be 80 mph (and since ACSES has a tolerance of 3 mph for the overspeed setting, this would become 83 mph for the alarm to go off).
  28. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Agreed. I can't believe that ACSES is working correctly. On a straight track with no adverse signal indications and the 2d map showing clear blocks ahead? Why am I crawling into stations at 30mph from 3 miles out?

    Another thing I've noticed: Approaching trains show no headlight flare until they are right in your face, then suddenly illuminate. What's that about?

    The route itself looks good, the trains generally look very good, but there are some real issues with gameplay.
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  29. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    Now I am playing a scenario (Reverse Engineering) with a lot of ACSES '0' with no visible reason.
    I do not know these systems, but I find it quite suspicious.


    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2021
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  30. cActUsjUiCe

    cActUsjUiCe Developer

    Sep 21, 2017
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    ACSES enforces a maximum speed of 90MPH for MBTA equipment because it's classified as ACSES Train Type D. It's the engineer's responsibility not to exceed 80MPH due to equipment restrictions.

    EDIT: Found out that MBTA is actually ACSES Type C. Not sure why then I saw it limited to 90MPH at all times in real life....
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
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  31. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I was getting that earlier. I ended up 27 minutes late, but still got a gold medal.
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  32. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Found this PIS with a fence through it tonight;. Not sure if it is a camera angle thing but I thought I would share Screenshot (95).png
  33. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    No need to buy the explanation. If you check out SFJ, the locos and cab cars there do have somewhat brighter headlights and all of the track-side signs are completely washed out by the sheer brightness. I can‘t remember which it was (F40, MP36, or one of the cab cars), but one loco/cab car was quite extreme in this regard. On a more positive note, Maik Goltz is looking into ways of delivering brighter headlights on the G6 currently in production. If you search the forums, he has achieved some quite interesting results.

    I‘m facing the same issues. ATC/ACSES behaves in a very odd manner to my mind but without documentation, I can‘t know for sure what is accurate and what isn‘t. The arrival times in scenarios definitely seem impossible to me.
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  34. TimTri

    TimTri Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2021
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    Guys, is the route actually playable in any way? All these issues sound pretty severe. I’ve been away for the last couple of days and followed all the drama surrounding the core update and route launch from afar. Just have no idea what to expect from the route whatsoever because most people (especially those on PS4) can’t even seem to be able to launch the game and/or download certain routes. Boston Sprinter seems to be (understandably) overshadowed by these game-breaking issues, can’t find many feedback/review posts.
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  35. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    The overall score (in my opinion) is high for this DLC. I will post a review tomorrow. The problems are about technical aspects and in-cab signaling / safety systems * probably not working as intended.
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  36. wcwood92

    wcwood92 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I need help with these safety systems.
    It just happened again and I have absolutely no idea what I did wrong. Just bypassed Route 128 heading for Sharon as per the timetable. Under speed limit, green signals, no alarms, several miles to the next station, and it still put the brakes on.
    I'm really confused.
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  37. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    [q] for confirming the alarm + set the brakes in "suppression", then release (when under permitted speed)
  38. wcwood92

    wcwood92 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I get that, but there was no alarm, and as far as I'm aware there was no upcoming restriction.
    I was in the F40. Forgot to mention that.
  39. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    the occurrence of certain phenomena is also a mystery to me, but the sequence 'suppression' / 'release' frees the train :)
  40. HotdogDay#5435

    HotdogDay#5435 New Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Ah, I thought the MBTA had a max of 79.

    When did this section of NEC get 270 code? Thought that was only around NYC.
  41. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I release about 10mph before the target speed as to not slow down too much. Also there's no need for suppression braking at low speed restrictions while travelling relatively slowly ;) whether or not I'm doing this is correctly, probably not but hey ho :D
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  42. HotdogDay#5435

    HotdogDay#5435 New Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    I am a signaling nerd. Seeing the wayside as approach but ADU says clear makes me sad.
    20210821145751_1.jpg 20210821145752_1.jpg
    Closer to Providence the ADU says approach but wayside is restricting, but it sounds like the approach to Providence is a known issue anyway.

    There also seem random times when the signaling will slow me down to approach when there are no trains in front or obvious reason to. The signaling on the branch route doesn't seem right either.

    Overall I like this route. The signaling hopefully can get worked out.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
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  43. wcwood92

    wcwood92 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    You think that I can do that in motion? Or does the train have to come to a complete stop?
  44. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    In motion is legit \o/
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  45. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    AI trains rage


    ... few seconds before

  46. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    The Boston route is certainly playable and enjoyable on the whole. I'm impressed with the visuals and the sounds, and the trains are well modeled. The most impressive aspect for me so far is the amount of AI traffic, far more than any other route. The route feels busy.

    There are some issues with the signaling/ACSES safety systems and the lighting. And of course players are Inevitably finding some cosmetic and image problems, none of which are game breaking, some are rather irritating.

    The new passenger system is an improvement, for sure, though I still see too many "clones".

    On the whole, it's a well made route that runs well on my middle of the road PC.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
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  47. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    One of the services not appearing in the timetable is # 66 Boston - Depot. It is still present in the Journey...

    The gameplay looks like this:


    I will satisfy your curiosity - these trains are moving.


    In the end, I was able to squeeze between trains. Unfortunately, the target track looks closed.
    Does it open up somehow? No irony?


    loosing my religion
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2021
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  48. BRD

    BRD Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2018
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    I am having a bit of love / hate feeling with this route but I have to say I am enjoying it overall. I love driving the provided rolling stock up and down the route. The sounds seem to be quite OK. I enjoy driving the ACS-64 the most. I would possibly buy rolling stock DLC for this route in case DTG plans to do so.

    But before doing so, I'd rather have the current bugs being fixed.
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  49. wcwood92

    wcwood92 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I just had another brake application with ATC and ACSES turned OFF! Now I really don't know what's up.
    I really hope I'm just doing something wrong.
  50. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Am I right in thinking that the #613 doesn't have headlights or ditch lights?
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