Passenger And Freight Enhancement Pack For Dresden Nahverkehr (db Br 145 And 146.0)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by jolojonasgames, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. Yes

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  2. Maybe, if it's on sale

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  1. jolojonasgames

    jolojonasgames Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Hi all, a while ago, before the addition of the Meißen branch to Dresden Nahverkehr, I proposed a route extension pack that included the BR 146.0 and BR 145. Route extensions however, are very unlikely to ever come, and with the addition of the Meißen branch, there isn't such a large need for a route extension for Dresden Nahverkehr. The BR 146.0 and BR 145 could still make fine addtions to Dresden Nahverkehr though, which is why I have decided to make a new seperate suggestion for these two locos. Now please do read the whole suggestion, as the locos appear quite similar to the BR 146.3 and BR 185 variants currently in game. However, internally and acoustically these locomotives are quite different from those locos, making them a very fun addition to Dresden Nahverkehr. In addition to that these locos can come with a variety of liveries and new freight rolling stock, with oppertunities for new scenarios and services (such as freight services that interact with the DB BR 363 shunter).

    DB BR 145

    The BR 145, incidentally hauling the steel coil cars I'd like to come with this DLC.

    The BR 145 a direct developement from the experimental 12X that was constructed during the early 90's and despite similar appearance, are merely an ancestor of the TRAXX locomotives we have in game, with only few technical similarities. The 12X was a locomotive made for testing components in the further development three-phase AC locomotives. The 12X was however a very expensive locomotive due to many advanced components, making it unfit for serial production. In the late '90s however, DB ordered 80 locomotives that used a simplified an cheaper derivative of the 12X design. The design was further adapted to allow the sharing of components between the BR 145 and BR 101 that was being developed at the same time. These shared components included the inverters and main transformers, leading to the BR 145 and BR 101 (and BR 146.0) sounding similar in some aspects. A video included later on in this post shows this sound off quite well. Due to a shortage of mainline passenger electric locomotives at DB Regio multiple BR 145's were retrofitted with a 'nahverkehrspakket', which included destination displays and door controls, this being made easy by the modular design, a feature later TRAXX locomotives would copy. The BR 145 was regularly allowed to reach speeds of up to 140 km/h in service, but for passenger service some were allowed to do 160 km/h by exception. These passenger adapted versions of the BR 145 could optionally also be included in this pack, as they did operate on the S-bahn Dresden (see picture below), but it's not neccesary. The BR 145 coul come with new chemical tanker wagons, that could be used to create new services that interact with the BR 363 at the Nünchritz chemical plant. Additionally this loco could also come with an open wagon for the tranport of steel slabs and/or coils, which could be used at the steelworks besides Riesa station, and potentially even provide that area with new shunting services using both the BR 145 and BR 363.

    A Railion liveried BR 145, originally intended for freight trains, some, like the one pictured above, were used on the Dresden S-bahn as backups. This could make for a fun scenario if the 145 is included. Note the retrofitted destination display in the top of the right windshield.

    DB BR 146.0

    A BR 146.0 at Dresden Hbf

    The need for the adaptation of BR 145 locomotives showed DB Regio that there was a demand for new 160 km/h passenger locomotives for local and semi-fast RB and RE services, operating in push/pull formations with Dostos. This lead to the developement of the BR 146.0, which changed the tram style final drive of the BR 145 to a hollow shaft drive, allowing for speeds of 160 km/h without a special permit being needed. The BR 146.0 also included full width destination displays above the windshields and passenger door controls, but otherwise it remained technically very similar to the BR 145, which in my mind makes these locos a good pair for a pack, as developing both of them is considerably less work than developing two standalone locos. Compared to the later BR 146.2, which unlike the BR 146.0 is part of the Traxx family, the BR 146.0 and BR 145 are less digital. They use less computers and significantly less screens, preferring to use analogue dials and lights instead, leading to a very different in-cab experience. The later TRAXX locomotives also use a way more modular design, with different inverters and transformers, leading to a very different sound. On the S-Bahn of Dresden they haul DoSto coaches in VVO (VerkehrsVerbund Oberelbe) livery. These coaches are the same as will come with the base route, so will not have to be redone for this add-on, lowering it's developement costs compared to loco add-ons that do come with all-new coaches. Having the BR 146.0 on Riesa - Dresden makes a lot of sense, as these engines operate the largest part of S-bahn Dresden services. To make this DLC more interesting, the loco could come with some of its advertisment liveries in the same manner as the Trainbow livery on the Javelin, pictured below.

    146 017 with a VVO public transit advertisement, this should hopefully be licensable under the current VVO license, so could come in a similar fastion to the trainbow on the Javelin on SEHS.

    146 013 with a Feslenbühne Rathen advertisement. This advertisement would probably not be licensable withing the current VVO agreement, but is present in Train Simulator, making me hopeful this livery will also be licensable.

    146 010 with a Schloss Wackerbarth advertisement. Like the previes Felsenbühne Rathen advertisement, this is probably not licensable under the current VVO agreement, but is in Train Simulator, which again makes me hopeful we'll be able to see this in-game aswell.

    A little trainspotting, so you can hear the sound of the BR 146.0 (go to 10.25). Note how similar to the BR 101 it sounds.

    Final words
    First of all, I'd like to list a table of contents for the pack I'm proposing. Italic items are more optional, but would of course be great.

    • BR 146.0
      • In DB Traffic red livery
      • In VVO advertisement livery
      • In Felsenbühne Rathen livery
      • In Schloss Wackerbarth livery
    • BR 145
      • In Railion and/or DB livery
      • In Railion livery with 'nahverkehrspakket' for passenger operations
    • A new chemical tanker wagon
    • A new steel slab/coil transport wagon
    • 3-5 new scenarios (opening the oppertunity for a scenario using the Meißen branch)
    • Additional freight services, some of which interacting with the BR 363 shunter
    • Additional S-bahn services (if that is realistically possible)
    I do hope that you are conviced of the value and interestingness of this loco pack proposal. I truly think it could help round out Dresden Nahverkehr, by introducting the BR 146.0 which in real life is essential for the Dresden S-bahn, and by introducing more freight services, that hopefully also interact with the BR 363. Please do let me know your thoughts below :). If you have any specific reccomendations for the tanker or steel slab/coil wagon also please let me know, as freight wagons aren't my specialty but I'd love to see more of them!
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
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  2. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    In all honesty, I think that if DTG want to expand their German rolling stock offerings, there are others in higher demand than yet more TRAXX variations.
  3. jolojonasgames

    jolojonasgames Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Well, I hoped that I had made clear in my post that the BR 145 and 146.0 aren't part of the Traxx family, they're merely ancestors with a loose connection. I do however still kind of understand this point.

    I mostly suggested these locos to make the Dresden S-bahn more accurate, add livery variety to DRA, add new and interesting freight services and some new freight rolling stock, aswell as the glorious sound of these locos.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
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  4. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Excellent idea and if you purchase Riesa-Dresden then this DLC Pack this will make Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen busy and requires the Destination signs to have RE1 Hamm towards Köln Hbf & Bochum Hbf due to it running via Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr while return trips have RE1 Aachen Hbf HRR Duisburg Hbf bound Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen Aachen Bound at Köln Hbf. So is RB59 Gemünden Main Spessart Bahn RB54/55 Bamberg/ Würzburg return trips say RB59 Flughafen Frankfurt Main RB54/55 Frankfurt Am Main Hbf
    • Like Like x 1
  5. tibomatthijs

    tibomatthijs Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Would be cool to see old Traxx' too in the game yeah! They can be subbed to on lot of other routes, great suggestion!
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  6. pipanminuta#9703

    pipanminuta#9703 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2021
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    Oh yes i if will be made it will be day one buy from me
  7. drnicktgm#1259

    drnicktgm#1259 Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    A br152 would be really cool to have as an cargo train, because it's sound is really nice
  8. Matin_TSP

    Matin_TSP Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2020
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    Basically sounds like an ICE 3, but in another octave. Has anyone the technical explaination why? Are the way the engines work the same as in the ICE 3?
  9. cadeshr6s

    cadeshr6s Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    If it is German, I buy it ^^
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  10. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Bombardier retroactively dubbed them TRAXX family members (TRAXX F140 AC and TRAXX P160 AC) shortly after they bought up Adtranz and introduced the trademark.
  11. jolojonasgames

    jolojonasgames Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    To my understanding, the P160 AC refers to the BR 146.1, which is technically different from the 146.0 and the F140 AC refers to the BR 185.0. No BR 146.0s and 145s were produced the Bombardier takeover, and they never used the TRAXX brand name to my understanding. It's also a mystery why DB stuck to the BR 146.x designation for the TRAXX P160 AC, as it was technically significantly different from the 146.0, and they did choose to give the F140 AC the new designation of BR 185.x.

    I do understand the confusion between the BR 146.0, which isn't a TRAXX loco, and the BR 146.1 which is a TRAXX loco though, as they have pretty much the same designation at DB (146.x) and use the same inwards curving body shell design (as opposed to the flatter front on the later TRAXX locos), leading to a similar appearance. The 146.0 and 146.1 are internally very different though, reflected in for example the sounds of the inverters and transformers.

    Edit: there's actually a bit of nuance here. Although I can't find Bmabardier calling the 145 and 146.0 TRAXX anywhere, they do say on their site that they have experience with modular electric locomotive solutions since 1998, which is when the first 145s were built. So, they do see all of these locos as one single line of developement. This of course still doesn't take away the uniqueness of these locos I'm suggesting, but does add a bit to your argument of them 'just being another TRAXX' somewhat aswell.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
  12. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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