Dovetail Games Patch Update - February 20th 2024

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by dtg_jan, Feb 20, 2024.

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  1. dtg_jan

    dtg_jan Community Manager Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Good morning fellow Catanians!

    We are very excited for the release of Cities & Knights as well as Bloom & Grow tomorrow, we hope you are too!
    In preparation for this we have just released a patch that will lay the groundwork for the expansion and seasonal content, as well as change and improve a few things.

    These fixes and changes are possible thanks to your continued support and feedback, for which we are very thankful.
    You can find a comprehensive list of changes below, but to provide you with a brief summary, we have enhanced the feedback for various in-game actions and resolved the issues related to AI players.

    Additionally, this patch has been designed to prepare the game for the forthcoming release of the highly anticipated expansion Cities & Knights, as well as the final seasonal content pack Bloom & Grow. Both of these will be available from tomorrow, February 21st, 2024.

    Please allow up to 24 hours for these patches to arrive on your system.

    Additionaly, please note that there will be two separate patches for users on Nintendo Switch. The patches are scheduled for 9am and 10am respectively. Please make sure to download both patches to receive all the changes.

    But enough talk, here is the full list of changes:



    • The Cities & Knights expansion will be available starting February 21st on PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One, X/S, and Nintendo Switch.
    • The Bloom & Grow seasonal content will be available starting February 21st on PlayStation 4 & 5 and Xbox One & X/S.
    • Added feedback when a player isn’t participating in a domestic trade and a trade is started by another player.
    • Added indicator to show when AI players are taking their turn.
    • Exceeding the turn timer now results in the currently highlighted location on the map being selected automatically.
    • Improved feedback for when players try to join a full room.
    • Congratulation animation now displays the winning player’s chosen frame.
    • Resource names will no longer be displayed when the respective icon is displayed.
    • When playing with The Helpers expansion, AI players will now adhere to all rules when playing the Högni card
    • When playing with The Helpers expansion, the Diara and Yngvi cards will now only be playable during their respective phase.
    • The camera will now reset correctly after leaving a game.
    • The turn timer will now always start after the second placement of a settlement.
    • When pausing the game, game element interaction will now behave correctly during the pause menu opening animation.
    • The input to close the pause menu will now be shown correctly.
    • PlayStation 5 users without a premium account will now no longer be able to get stuck in a menu loop.
  2. dtg_jan

    dtg_jan Community Manager Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Update February 21st 2024

    Good morning everyone,

    We have received reports that some of our users on Xbox Series S are unable to launch the game since the last update.
    Our team is actively investigating the issue, and although we don't have an estimated time for a fix just yet, we will keep you updated and inform you of any developments. Thank you very much for your patience and continued support.

    All the best,
  3. dtg_jan

    dtg_jan Community Manager Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Update February 21st 2024

    Good morning everyone,

    we just released a patch that will fix the bug causing the game to crash for users on Xbox Series S.
    Please allow up to 24 hours for this patch to arrive on your systems.

    Thank you for your patience and continued support.
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