Route Pfälzische Ludwigsbahn - Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by DTG Alex, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. frank351981

    frank351981 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Another "bug" list::
    compare the pictures: what is the correct platform number?;):
    20250201124411_1.jpg 20250201124414_1.jpg

    an asset variant with only one departure board would not be false too

    Oh, and the descriptions in the time table should be read too and if neccessary corrected. At a later time there was a S-Bahn Service (dont konw anymore which one, but honestly it is not my job to control everything, thats your job DTG!), the descriptions tells it goes to Kaiserslautern, but duration and mini-map shows end point must be Schifferstadt.
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  2. dal#7945

    dal#7945 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2024
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    Has anyone found all the route tasks I cannot find 5 bikes and three rocks any help would be good thank
  3. Subway#2400

    Subway#2400 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2021
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    Hi, in Ludwigshafen Hbf I noticed that the U5 repeater signal (in the curve before the underpass) shows Vr1 (green) while U5 is showing Hp0 (stop). The repeater should display Vr0 (yellow, expect stop). The distant signal is correctly displaying Vr0. Only the repeater in the curve seems to be wrong.
  4. Subway#2400

    Subway#2400 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2021
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    The distant signal right before Neustadt An Der Weinstrasse (coming from Lambrecht) is not displayting anything. It should display Ks2 (yellow, expect stop) as the following main signal displays Hp0 (stop) + Zs7 (proceed on sight).

  5. Ghostface1701

    Ghostface1701 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2021
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    In my brief testing on PC (because I've given-up playing TSW on consoles):

    • Gameplay issues
      • BR 111 Tutorial: As someone else has reported, the loco intro dialogue can easily last past the point where the train needs to stop at the first station, requiring a restart of the tutorial.
      • Merry Blizzmas scenario:
        • Grammatical error in the message that appears after stopping at the red signal after Frankenstein station - "We've received you're issue with the signal box".
        • Every station I stopped at seemed to not have Dispatch Beyond active, so I was often forced to leave stations at 20km/h when running with PZB enabled.
      • Bypassing the Limit scenario: There should be an instruction at the start of the scenario to say that PZB can't be used with AFB, because using both limits the train to 160km/h.
    • Signalling issue
      • S3 service 38325: On approaching Mannheim on Track 97, just before Sh1 signal 09711, there was an active 500Hz magnet that wasn't protecting a red signal. I'm not a German signalling expert, but this seems erroneous.
    • Graphical issues
      • Gaps in scenery between tracks on the bridge east of Neustadt
    Screenshot 2025-02-01 140634.png Screenshot 2025-02-01 140917.png Screenshot 2025-02-01 141033.png
    • Geometry obstructing all elevator doors in underpass at Mannheim.
    Screenshot 2025-02-01 141157.png

    Also, while not a bug, I find it disappointing that features like working elevators or escalators aren't included in this route. There's an expectation now that these should be standard features, so the lack of them adds to the feeling that this route was rushed. EDIT: There are elevators, but they've been implemented poorly and at Mannheim they're inaccesible.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
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  6. frank351981

    frank351981 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    In Kaiserslautern I found working elevators - or perhaps something like working ones. When going down two times it happenes I stay on same level and the elevator is at the end beneath me.
    But it is for me a riddle why not at least at every bigger station the working elevators are placed.
  7. iriv#7314

    iriv#7314 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    Doing RB 38916 with the BR 628 and i encounter this signal just before Kaiserslautern:
    game says it's green ?
    Shouldn't there be white lights?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
  8. dal#7945

    dal#7945 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2024
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    So playing on xbox x and some jobs there is really bad flicking on the screen to the point where I had to quit the job
  9. dal#7945

    dal#7945 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2024
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    So journey mode the chapters do not reflect on what job you will get example unusual operations takle some unusual operations across the region TRAINS BR111 DB 1st job KT 41260 is actually a BR185.5 freight job and almost all chapters all like this what gives
  10. bdobronz1968

    bdobronz1968 Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
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    The doors of the Dostos cannot be opened if you take the BR 111 from Frankfurt - Fulda. The doors work on the 111 from Mannheim - Kaiserlautern. The door control may be set incorrectly, but I haven't checked yet.

    As with the Dostos from Salzburg - Rosenheim, the Zugsammelschiene does not work and can’t be switched on. You have to go up to the locomotive to switch on the ZS there, otherwise there is no sound from the air conditioning.
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  11. Ghostface1701

    Ghostface1701 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2021
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    I stand corrected - there are working elavators on the route. It's just that they're badly implemented - in Mannheim they're overlaid with a non-functioning elevator model which obscures the call button on the platforms and results in the elevators travelling through the floor.
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  12. tspchris#1708

    tspchris#1708 New Member

    Sep 4, 2023
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    I can't speak of the timeperiod the route is set in but apperently this used to be neutral section but has been scrapped since and these wrong signs are still in place today (as seen on modern day cab rides on YT and Ramagani's livestream from the route).

    /Edit: Because I don't own the route and I am not planning on doing so: Could somebody drive past this "neutral section" without turning the MCB to off and check if it still cuts power to the locomotive or not?
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
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  13. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    ok, sounds like a good enough explanation, thx :)
  14. vmeck

    vmeck Active Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Every time i try Ludwigsbahn Mannheim - Kaiserslautern Annual Fair my brakes come on and i can hear a alarm outside my loc.
    What is happening? I s this some bug or am I missing something?
  15. traindori

    traindori Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2022
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    I quote from another thread:

    Will the problem be solved or will it remain silent?

    Personally, I think that the rail joints on the ET425 are also very restrained and much too quiet.
  16. foggy#2817

    foggy#2817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I have now played it for a few hours and I am generally satisfied. My main issue is the lack of passengers at stations. Especially in rush hour, it would be nice to have more passengers spawn on the platforms.
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  17. bdobronz1968

    bdobronz1968 Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
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    For those who also play on an XBS and are struggling with stuttering and poor performance, here's a tip: change the resolution from 4K to HD. Apparently, the RAM used by the GPU is a bigger problem on this track. The HD setting still loads the large "4K" ;) textures into the console's RAM, but the GPU then only picks out the smaller texture size. This means that the displays in particular don't look as good, but the track then runs much more smoothly, at least for me.

    Why DTG doesn't offer a choice between 4K textures and real HD textures (which are available for Gen8) is a mystery to me. I'm sure that would solve the problems with performance, crashes and cropped layers on the new tracks, because the SD/HD textures use considerably less RAM. You would probably have to restart the game every time you change the resolution so that the corresponding layers can be loaded correctly, but that would be an acceptable solution in my opinion, although DTG would of course have to develop and change something in the core for this. In my humble opinion, however, this would help console gamers enormously.
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  18. colinL

    colinL Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2020
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    My feedback after a few drives:

    Route overall is very nice, I think it replicates the real world quite good. But the passenger system is totally bugged. For me, all the stations are empty except Mannheim Hbf, Ludwigshafen-Mitte and Kaiserslautern Hbf and there are no passengers getting on or off at any other stations except those three.
    Also when driving a double formation of the BR425 on the left MFD it only always displays the data of one unit. Seems like the multiple units are not recognized on the MFD.

    I also think its a pity that the timetable is based on a timetable during construction work, but if nothing else was available it is what it is I guess...
  19. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    I found that disabling motion blur reduced stuttering quite considerably but not pauses though! :(
  20. noir

    noir Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Hochspeyer Asig to Frankenstein at 54,2 km has an active Vsig that can also show Vr 0 on some services, but there is no further signal to be presignalled. Next signal is Bksig at 57,2 km that has its own presignal. It should be always dark instead for this route.
  21. noir

    noir Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Why is there a random active 500 Hz magnet on all approach tracks to Mannheim, when it's still 500-800 meters to nearest signal?
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  22. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    The route itself is not too bad, but overall nothing stands out as it being an iconic route and I can't really see how it was chosen when you consider the LAMP process... Just to be clear, the lack of any new rolling stock doesn't really bother me as the route would still be the same regardless.

    Playing on Series X so far:
    - The route is relatively smooth on my Series X, so for me that's the main positive thankfully.
    - With exception of Mannheim Hbf and Ludwigshafen Mitte, every other stations seems devoid of any passengers.
    - The main stations such as Mannheim Hbf, Ludwigshafen Hbf and Kaiserslautern Hbf feel rather lifeless and currently feel like they lack a lot of AI traffic, hopefully DTG will fix this as currently it feels a major step backwards.
    - At Mannheim Hbf, AI ICE traffic start moving while doors are still open.
    - No tunnel reverb, which seems very odd for a new route, especially from TSW 5; where's the consistency?!
    - Overall, everything feels rather lackluster and mediocre. This is especially disappointing when German routes have tended to consistently be the best overall in TSW when it comes to everything. This route needs a lot more updates to get it up to par with previous German routes.

    I'd rather they remaster iconic older TSW routes like RSN or even Rapid Transit with brand-new timetables and TOD 4 upgrades instead of having brand-new mediocre routes like Ludwigsbahn in my opinion.
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  23. max#2873

    max#2873 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2022
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    I'm asking politely where is 101expert? ‍
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  24. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Being a feedback thread one has to wonder why DtG do not reply, it's not as if they aren't reading this and noting the frustration.
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  25. iriv#7314

    iriv#7314 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    My first idea would be a safety system not turned off in the other cab
  26. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    Now that I've seen screenshots of the upcoming update, I hope it won't be another blurry "Frankfurt" for consoles. :cool:
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  27. dal#7945

    dal#7945 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2024
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    I wish they would reply just to acknowledge the problems and working on them
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  28. Rutger Luiten

    Rutger Luiten Active Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Wow, the made the bogie of the T-Roos even more bugged!

    Made a bug report!

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
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  29. colinL

    colinL Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2020
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    38361 has some signal bugs. I came across the entry signal of Schifferstadt visually showing Hp0 als with a vr0. On the contrary, the HUD showed all green aspects. So I went into the Map to see that the entry Signal was indeed showing Sh1 (which is a shunting signal anyways). Visually on the Signal it definitely showed Hp0 and also nothing like Sh1 or anything. So I went past it with Befehl 40 and when approaching the platform I received a penalty brake from the 500Hz magnet of the exit signal of Schifferstadt. Figure that.
  30. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console

    DTG say: Playable and AI layers for the BR 628 from Niddertalbahn have not yet been implemented

    In fact, BR628 is there, and it even has playable layers, if I remember correctly .... but if you start the service with ICE-T, then BR628 both static and all its connections will disappear....
  31. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Probably looking at the sales and refund figures, if the revenue is above the projected return - job done. Spin the flywheel, next!
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  32. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console

    The launch of the service with ICE-T will deactivate not only trains with BR628, but also with BR612 in operation :|
  33. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console

    BR111 services do not have a preparation area at the beginning, the service always starts immediately with Load passenger, but there is only 10 seconds for that.

    Plus, since you have to go to the back cabin to activate the safety systems, you'll leave with at least 1 minute delay.

    EDIT: I also monitored the behavior of the textures on Dostos and I didn't notice anything during the entire drive to Mannheim, everything was OK. Let's see what the announced update brings.
  34. chrisb#5815

    chrisb#5815 New Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    I think the route is actually really badly done because the betriebswerk Ludwigshafen does not look faithful at all, Mannheim Hbf can not be gone through, the 425 was simply copied from Bremen-Oldenburg and not even properly adapted but only Regio DB logo removed and S-Bahn Rhein-Neckar made. Also, the old vehicles had no screens installed in the passenger compartment and was already displayed at that time how many train parts are in an association. I can speak from experience, because I come from the area of this add-on and I also very often with the old vehicles of the S-Bahn Rhein-Neckar. Also one thing that is wrong in the game timetable, which is written in some S1/S2 circuits. The wrong goals were written because the S1 always drove to day-to-day situations between Homburg (Saar) Hbf to Osterburken and not as in the game from Sometimes Homburg to Heidelberg or from Kaiserslautern to Heidelberg, even the S2 usually had its starting point in Mosbach(Baden) than Heidelberg Hbf. And still to the point with the goals in the game and the rides, The S1/S2 complement each other between Kaiserslautern Hbf and Mosbach(Baden) 30 minutes. There are no amplifiers between Kaiserslautern and Heidelberg or from Homburg to Heidelberg, but there are/was formerly only trips from Homburg to Osterburken from Homburg to Karlsruhe from Homburg to Mosbach(Baden) from Homburg to Bruchsal via Heidelberg. And from Kaiserslautern to Mosbach(Baden) or from Kaiserslautern to Karlsruhe or from Kaiserslautern to Bruchsal or from Kaiserslautern to Osterburken. Only in the times (morning and evening) did individual trains run from Homburg to Mannheim/Heidelberg/Karlsruhe/Bruchsal/Mosbach(Baden) and from Kaiserslautern (morning and evening) to Heidelberg/Mannheim/Karlsruhe/Bruchsal

    Below are the New 425 and the old 425 of the Sbahn Rhein-Neckar

    Attached Files:

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  35. prada#1854

    prada#1854 Member

    May 27, 2023
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    The part around Ludwigshafen an Mannheim is quite impressive with lots of tracks and the very interesting Ludwigshafen Hbf. Also we see some nice scenery in the forests. But at all it's nothing special. We had a lot of romantic routes already. And I hope the devs will fix the bugs soon (people walking on tracks, active SFAs during Hp0,...) and give us more AI traffic. Also, I can say that again and again, it's sad that we do not have any new rolling stock.
  36. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console

    So I've already encountered the first case of texture blurring, again on Dostos...time approx. 9:12, Mannheim, after arriving with a freight train with cars. So I went to look with the external camera at the Dostos standing next to me and it had standard blurred white stripes. It's interesting, when I rode this train with Dostos as an active service, we reached Mannheim and there was no problem....... it must be a combination of different situations, but always look for the first problem on Dostos, or ICE
  37. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console

    What strikes me as strange are the two single-track bridges at km 79.6-79.8, the tracks are tilted to the side and the trains almost rub against the structure there.
  38. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console

    There's just one thing I don't quite understand, TSW5, the newest DLC, and the supposedly "updated version" of ICE 3M, when I confirm Sifa with the circular button, it says Zugbeinflussung.

    If you hear this about 100 times during a drive, it's a really demanding service. And it's not just the ICE 3M case ..... DB red Vectron still can't confirm Sifa for a change until the warning signal sounds ... also a luxury

    Thank you DTG
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  39. gggggggg#3534

    gggggggg#3534 New Member

    Sep 6, 2024
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    There are two TGV's timetables, but we can't finish it.It seems that DTG did't made LZB and PZB on TGV.
    Also,when I am playing BR411(ICE1557),there is an IC train stopped at Ludwigshafen HBF,I waited for 10 minutes,but it still here,that made can't finish the task
  40. Lieber C

    Lieber C New Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    I have to write and say thank you for this route.
    I like it very much. It looks good visually.
    The mix of flat and straight, followed by curvy hilly forest makes for a varied ride. You can look forward to and reach the hilly part, before you are tired of the flat part and vice versa. 2 routes in one.
    I like the the weaving paths which the trains take on the flat and straight part.
    I like that the freight trains have to take different routes between Ludwigshafen and Mannheim. It is not always the same.

    And I like the foliage is well placed and does NOT block the view of the signals, thank you :) (Signal visibility is a pet peeve of mine).

    The 'no new train's' 'issue' that some people have, is NOT an issue for me. We have so many German trains already to choose from.
    Besides it was already announced beforehand, that this route would have no new trains. So get over it.

    There are some issues with some signals that I hope will get fixed.
    1 (one) of the signal issues is with, some, types of vorsignal, which does not fall back to yellow when the train passes the following main signal.
    The lazy Vorsignale will not update themselves, UNTIL the next trains route gets close enough to trigger the following main signal. THEN the Vorsignal will update itself to show correctly.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025
  41. Lieber C

    Lieber C New Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    Update your old box instead of holding the rest and PC back.
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  42. li150special

    li150special Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2021
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    It has been an issue since TSW 1 and I would not hold my breath that it will be resolved by TSW6. I felt the same disappointment when relatively new locos still had that same PZB/Sifa sound issue.

    Same with the default external camera on locos loosely based on old rolling stock, e.g. the 411 or the Press 155.
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  43. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    I agree with this, plus freight trains have 32 cars, it looks impressive and sometimes it's not easy to control
  44. li150special

    li150special Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2021
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    Oh, one more thing. There is an IC to Saarbrücken in the late afternoon which takes a weird routing west of Schifferstadt (goes into the opposing track). When I first saw it on the 2D map, I though "wow, that is Gleiswechselbetrieb and the train overtakes the 628 BASF shuttle". But when I then played this service, it turned it just seems to be a routing bug.
  45. NateDogg7a

    NateDogg7a Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2021
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    Unfortunately you have completely missed the point. The problem is not that Series S gets less layers. The problem is that Series S gets less layers, but DTG doesn't advertise that fact and the players have to find out for themselves, after paying for the game (or letting someone else pay for the game and post about it). So, DTG makes it seem like Series S will get all the layers, when in fact in will not. That's not a completely honest way to sell something. I'm sure you could agree that, at the very least, DTG should be responsible for telling us what we are getting, before we buy it. In any case, I should think that the fact of Series S getting less layers, shows how it is not "holding the rest and PC back."
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  46. Lieber C

    Lieber C New Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    Yes, I have had several VERY heavy freight trains stalling going up the ramps at Mannheim and Ludwigshafen, in winter and/or slippery weather. One single 185fx. is in trouble with some of the trains in the wrong weather.
    Which I find is better, than having only easily doable freights.
  47. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    yes, especially in the snow, they are good challenges, as well as on the Semmeringbahn
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  48. Lieber C

    Lieber C New Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    It is a shame that DTG won't openly and clearly say beforehand that they will NOT support and prepare TSW content for certain low level 'boxes' of whatever brand.
    Wasting time on dumbing down things to making them work for older 'boxes' holds the rest back.
  49. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 Pro console
    Bug: I finished the T65342 service and when I jumped out of the locomotive in Neustadt Rgb, I fell under the terrain and fell and fell and fell and I was in .......
  50. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    A small thing I noticed when playing Munchen Augsburg and then this new route, specifically 425

    Here you can see that the screen on the left shows two MUs (Munchen Augsburg)

    And this is from the new route... while this 425 has toggleable LZB, which is nice, the screen shows only the second MU for some reason (if this particular version used IRL on this route does this, pls enlighten me) 20250206135434_1.jpg

    This is that screen after pressing SPG softkey... not sure if this shows only one or both units 20250206135445_1.jpg

    Looks like both units do their job, but still this is noticeable... is this only some visual/minor bug or is this a real difference... if someone knows some plausible explanation, I am open to hear it :)

    Edit: This is a screen from cab of the Zug 2
    I am now even more confused
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025

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