I know the current game has an option to take a quick shot. I love taking shots of the trains while I'm moving about. But sometimes it's easy to miss a shot especially on console where there is a slight delay before the image is captured. What I would love is a proper photomode. Something that will pause the action and give the user a chance to move the camera into position. It would allow the user to change camera settings and finally take a shot and upload it to DTG. I put together a couple of mock ups to show what I'm talking about. I've used the photomode from Forza Horizon as a reference and tried to keep the UI as close to the current UI in TSW3. I play on console so the command prompts are all Xbox inputs. In this shot the game has been paused and the user is in "camera mode". This would function like the free camera in game(8). The reticle in the center can be used to set the focal point by pointing at an object and pressing "X". When the user is happy with the composition they can press "Y" and switch to "Effects Mode". In this mode the user can change various settings to get the effect they want. Presets are there to give users a base to work off of, EG: Macro, Vibrant, Black and White, etc. You could add time of day here but I don't know if that's possible in game. The finished product without UI uploaded to DTG as it currently does. I know this isn't a small feature and there is loads of other stuff to get to first. But I think it's a great way to show off the game. There are so many great railfan shots in the screenshot contest threads, I can't imagine how much better the shots would be with a proper photomode in game.
Yes I’ve thought this would be a good idea. with the simulation paused there’s the potential for the resulting shot to be rendered at a much higher than native resolution too, pop it to disk and then carry on. I’ve seen some other sim driving games do this.