Questions About Pzb Magnets (austrian Rules)

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by Tomas9970, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. Tomas9970

    Tomas9970 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Hello. As it happens, I have once again run into something weird when working on a route. The exit signals in a station I'm working on have a 500Hz magnet 300 meters in front of them, which is perfectly normal. However in the main tracks (which have a 160km/h speed limit), there is another set of magnets 200 meters before that. So two magnets on each track, placed 300 and 500 meters from the signal.

    Anyone know what could that be and how they are set up? When I place them and set them to 500Hz (which is what they visually look like), the train just ignores it and picks up the second one so there must be something going on.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2023
  2. derbzocker#6316

    derbzocker#6316 Member

    Sep 17, 2023
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    33 sind,sind von der Signalstellung abhängig.

    I think this could answer your questions
  3. Tomas9970

    Tomas9970 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    That's cool but it still doesn't show a situation where you would have two magnets between a pair of signals. It's always a single 500Hz placed at most 300 meters before the red light.

    Here's a view from the opposite direction. As you can see, there's a magnet at the exit signal. Then there's one at the start of the platform (regular 500Hz at 300 meter distance), which is pretty normal stuff but if you continue, you can see that there's one more on the same track and that's what I'm asking about.

    Here's an old cabview coming from the right direction. The 500Hz at the start of the platform weren't installed yet but it might help with identifying why it's there.
  4. stateoftheartjonas

    stateoftheartjonas Active Member

    Sep 3, 2023
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    Could you give a time marker? I don't want to spend two hours watching the video to maybe spot the magnets you refer to :D
  5. stateoftheartjonas

    stateoftheartjonas Active Member

    Sep 3, 2023
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    If this is actually a pair of PZB magnets quite close to another then it does sound a bit like a GÜ/GPA – there would be a magnet to enable the speed check a bit earlier, then comes the 1000Hz/2000Hz magnet that gets you if you're too fast and directly after that another magnet to disable the speed check again, so those two are close to another
  6. Tomas9970

    Tomas9970 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Ups. I didn't realize the time-stamps didn't go through when pasting a link.
    First Video: 6:20
    Second Video: 1:43:50

    I know what a PZB speed check looks like (even the inverted one) and this is not it.

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