Railfan Tv Schedule - Wb 30th May 2022

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DTG JD, May 27, 2022.

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  1. DTG JD

    DTG JD Director of Community Staff Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Hello folks,

    Hope you've had a good week. We're nearly at Spirit of Steam's release, and we hope you're excited!

    Next week, we'll be taking the new route for a spin on release day, and we'll be doing a Queen's Jubilee special (with a couple of surprises!), featuring a special TSW2/TSC mash-up with Jamie. See you then!

    As ever, streams will be available on Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube, and start at 19:00 UTC.

    Tuesday 31st May - Let's Play: Spirit of Steam: Liverpool Lime Street - Crewe (JD/Matt)
    It's launch day! Join us whilst we take you back to 1958 and the era of Steam as we play through Spirit of Steam and answer your questions!

    Wednesday 1st June - Jubilee special! (Jamie)
    To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, in true British style we're having a tea party. Sorry, a stream. Jamie will be taking the LMS Stanier Jubilee class out for a drive, and then hopping over to TS Classic for some more British heritage goodness. Expect a couple of surprises!

    Until then, have a lovely weekend.
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