Door issue and the reversed cab light/reading light switch in cab 2 are known about. Thanks for reporting these! Regarding the "weak brakes" I think I explained that already either in this thread or another thread. It is prototypical. Don't make the mistake of assuming just because the Vectron is different to other locomotives in the game that this means that the Vectron is unrealistic (or even that the other locomotives are unrealistic for that matter, not every locomotive is identical). The delay when applying the train brake is an intended feature and something I implemented because this is how the real locomotive acts. The train brake does not respond instantly on lever change. You'll just have to get used to it In fact, I know of a few locomotives that are in the game where this happens IRL as well. There's a lot of stuff going on behind the curtains when you move the train brake lever. First of all there are calculations performed in the microprocessors of the HSM (microprocessor controlled electric brake valve), then you have more conventional mechanical "lag" (valves having to be filled, components moving etc). It is not an instant process There are a few videos on Youtube where you can see this in action, if you don't believe me.
you implemented cus you are a dev at DTG...? why is that nowhere displayed holy shthank you for your service
Why does the air brake not release ? Is this a bug or am I not doing something right ? In the video you can see that if I hold it in a quick release it will release but if I let go it will go back to the running position and start braking the train immediately.
You created that problem by using Füllstoss (Quick Release). I think I explained it previously in this thread. Basically: Don't use that position except for short (< 10s) bursts. You shouldn't need to use it at all. It's unfortunate that it is named "Quick Release" which implies that it will cause the brakes to release faster. It does not. It's meant to release stuck brakes. If it's held for a long time you basically create stuck brakes instead Okay, so that prevents the issue. How to solve it? I would manually overcharge ("> 5 bar" button to the right) up to 5.5 bar and then wait for the brakes to release. Alternatively, press the "Reset Physics" button in the ESC menu.
There is currently a bug on the Vectron with regard to the direct brake in multi traction. If you apply the direct brake on one of the locomotives and then close down that cab and go to the second locomotive the direct brake will still be applied (realistic) but you now can't release the direct brake by moving the direct brake lever to "Release" (or "Full Release"). To work around this bug until an official patch is released: 1. Move the direct brake lever to "Full Service" and wait until the brake cylinder pressure reaches 3.7 bar (or wait around 6 seconds if it already is at that pressure). 2. Move the direct brake lever to "Release". It should now release as normal.
It depends on how the locomotive acts with Füllstoss. One some locomotives (which, from my reading of the manual, includes the Vectron) Füllstoss simply opens a large hole between the main reservoir and the brake pipe (BP) which fills the BP rapidly. The BP is connected via the distributors to the control reservoirs (CR) on each wagon, but this connection is quite small so equalization is very slow. When you hold the train brake lever in Füllstoss for a long time you "boost" the pressure in the BP to 6-7 bar which starts increasing the pressure in the CRs. After some time the CRs will be at a very high pressure. This is bad. When you let go of the train brake lever the BP pressure rapidly reduces back to ~ 5 bar but the CRs cant reduce pressure this fast so now you have a situation where the CRs are maybe 1 bar above the BP pressure. The distributor uses the difference between the BP pressure and the CR pressure to change between "release", "lap" and "apply". With a 1 bar difference (BP lower than CR) you now have a significant brake application on your hands. And no way to release the brakes without boosting the BP pressure back to 6-7 bar or going to every wagon and pulling the distributor release lever (which vents the CR).
To expand on this about how to use Füllstoß: First off, as pointed out in the earlier comment, you don't strictly need to use it at all. However, it can help release brakes faster by filling the brake pipe quicker. Back in the day, the inital rush of high pressure air would also help mobilize potentially stuck control valves, but pretty much all modern valves have the piston mounted on a membrane which can't get stuck in this way. Still, Füllstoß helps get the brake pipe to 5.0 bar faster if used correctly. Using Füllstoß is somewhat of a science and a craft. The rule of thumb is 1 second for every 10 axles of cars (so, for example, if you're pulling 20 cars with 4 axles each, you'd use Füllstoß for 8 seconds). But of course, if you've only applied brakes to step 2, you want to use it for much shorter, if at all, to avoid overcharging the brakes. I'd also be careful using it for more than 10 seconds, even if the rule of thumb says so, because even though the back of the train won't even be at 5 bar when you let go, the front might start getting overcharged. And these considerations are what makes it more complex. In general, if unsure, opt for a shorter Füllstoß to avoid issues. With passenger trains, don't use Füllstoß under any circumstance, ever. If, despite knowing this, you have messed up and the brakes won't fully release, the last thing you want to do is another Füllstoß. Instead, there is the "Angleichen " (brake overcharge) button. When it comes to stuck brakes, this button is your best friend. What it does is raise the brake pipe pressure (higher the longer you press it), but instead of dropping off quickly like Füllstoß, it drops the pressure slowly. As a result, once you've raised the brake pipe pressure to the level of your overcharged control reservoirs, the control reservoirs will lose pressure together with the brake pipe because the change is slow enough that the connection between them doesn't close. In real life, you aren't supposed to charge above 5.5 bars this way and would have to pull the release on each car if that isn't enough, so this shouldn't be a solution to insane Füllstoß usage. Keep in mind that, while the pressure is slowly dropping again, it's best not to brake at all. If you do have to brake, remember what the pressure is at when you start braking – when you release the brakes again, you need to overcharge to that same pressure again to match the control reservoirs. And even though I probably don't need to mention this, Angleichen cannot replace a Füllstoß and should never be used to try and release the brakes faster. It simply doesn't work, because air isn't pushed into the brake pipe any quicker. You're only raising the ceiling the brake pipe will be filled to.
Why is there a star in the front (outside on the vectron) that has nothing to look for that is on the passenger side
Stickers on windscreens of German trains typically say something about the software version, which can be relevant for things like compatibility either with other trains, or for example with ETCS routes using different baseline software versions (or other things). I'm guessing it's something like that on the Vectron, and a different version would have a different shape.
Like JustusLM mentioned it indicates the software version. In this case it is the ”Software E” symbol. : just a quick reaction to let you know that I am really impressed by your work on the vectron. I did my first run on DRA yesterday and enjoyed the ride a lot: the depth of the simulation, the detail of systems you implemented: it's a joy to drive it! (I almost SPAD'ed at the end of the run because I was caught by the slow brake activation, stopped maybe 20 cm in front of the PZB magnet )
The circuit breakers for low and high horn as well as the reading lights seem to be reversed. If you close them (Up position), they are open. (also the mouseover says Open no matter which state they're in.)
So I'm playing around with the Vectron in free roam and have some IC coaches behind. Now I wanna activate the light for the coaches. How do I do that? I'm in the "Zugbeleuchtung" menu, but I only have one option with a greyed out lightbulb and coach on the "1" key... Somebody knows how to activate it?
There is a train line power button above the AFB lever. Hold it in the start position for about 10 seconds then turn back to on. They should be on then. It worked for me with the Dostos.
the headlights don't look so headlighty on older routes, obviously the issue is being caused by the older time of day system (TOD3) but I think something can be done, it looks dry like a bone rn
There is a big problem that affects the gameplay with Vectron loco, and it's that when using scenario planner and selecting Vectron to haul dostos cars with IC livery, the game put's the 766.2 on the end wrong way, and it can't be used to return back to the starting station, where the scenario planner, and i think there is another bug also affects one of the cars that it's VVO red car instead of the white that is the IC color, and this bug affects all of the routes incluting training center, that is on the early access game play, i have taken screenshot's of the same exact confurication on all of the routes on the early access, i will attach link for one of the screenshot's at least this bug has been on all early acces routes at least this is the problem on the 6 earky acces routes, i don't know if the other routes have the same bug with the vectron loco, and also there is bug on the player assit message when activating cruise control (AFB) and when i enable it, it show's that it's disabled but it's not, as it's activatated rather than been disabled
Do you mean the driver assist message that says: "AFB is now deactivated. Set the Train Brake to RUNNING and the Throttle to OFF to reactivate AFB."? If so that is as intended and does not mean that AFB is disabled but just temporarily deactivated/passive (same as "AFB: Fahrschalterquittierung" on the BR101).
So I'm running the Vectron with IC Coaches, but the interior lights won't turn on. The train line is on but there's no option in the mfd to turn them on.
AtherianKings Xbox Series X Feedback (Vectron) First lot of my feedback I will be giving for each piece of dlc once I’ve got a good play within a few weeks and managed to find time to write it up properly, I would have provided more for this one but I explain sort of below why I can’t. Positives Sounds are really nice, functionality has many options and varied, opportunities to use the loco on other routes are wide, CC liveries are really varied. Overall would have been a 5 star loco. Improvement Feedback Regrettably I have to rate this loco as the worst of the new 5, purely due to the long-standing issue of texture flickering on Xbox, it’s really unfortunately made me not want to use this loco at all, because of how bad its got for this loco, I find it extremely difficult to try and put up with it, this would have been a top tier loco if not for this, I hope to see some response to this longstanding issue. Other improvement suggestion would be to allow the contrast colour of white and dark to be changed on the main monitors.
In both “Special Delivery” and “Labouring Home” the propulsion cuts about 4-5 km away from Riesa. I’m using AFB to manage the speed of the train and the box turns red for no apparent reason. I try to coast the rest of the way in. The first time I reset the physics, though that causes all the screens in the cab to go dark.
There is a (new) neutral section between Glaubitz and Röderau. When you see the blue diamond shaped signs, set the throttle to off and cut the main circuit breaker. Coast through the neutral section. After passing the third sign, rearm the circuit breaker (need to press it closed for a few seconds) and throttle up again.
The Z-fighting (flickering textures) issue you're mentioning is a serious problem that I hope can be fixed promptly. 3d/texturing artistry is not in my wheel house but it's weird that the problem only seems to occur on Xbox consoles and not PC/Playstation. Regarding the lack of contrast function on the 3 lower screens: this is prototypical and intended. Only the EBuLa screen has a contrast function IRL on this style of screen setup (not just the Railpool MS Vectron but afaik any Software E Vectron).
With the caveat that the manual states that "Türsteuerung" (door control) is variant dependent: no, it shouldn't by default. On the real Vectron you can set the door system to TB0 or ÖBB via a display menu (not implemented in the game) and in TB0 it is reasonable to assume that "Türfreigabe" would be heard, but I don't think this is a thing on ÖBB door system and not by default/Off. I don't think the BR185 will have this aural alert IRL either, at least not by default (I just did a quick check and in 4 cab rides I never heard it when the train stopped).
I've got to say, the Vectron is an absolute joy to drive. Feels like a labour of love. It's definitely going to be my most driven German loco, nothing else comes close. The one and only downside I have with it, is that the machine room isn't accessible.
I agree! I prefer passenger services more, but with the vectron freight has become a lot more enjoyable!
Is it prototypical for the Vectron that there is no alternate flashing 85/70 PZB indicator lights when in restricted mode? Or is this the same error as in most MFD equipped German trains in TSW?
I'm really enjoying the Vectron so far. It looks great and I love the attention to detail of the all the systems and controls. It sounds great as well, except there is an issue with that humming sound the Vectron makes whenever it is powered up. When you open and close the main circuit breaker at speed (when you're passing through a neutral section, for example), that noise fails to turn back on after you've closed the main circuit breaker again. It is quite subtle when you're moving because of all the other sounds going on, but when you come to a stop, this issue causes the loco to be dead silent, which is a little immersion breaking to me. The only way I managed to fix it that I found so far is to open and close the main circuit breaker when stationary or when travelling at low speed. I've made a short video to demonstrate the issue a bit more clearly. I've also had that sound stop working occasionally at random. One time for instance, I was walking down the side of the loco on may way to uncouple some cars when the Vectron suddenly fell completely silent. This (seemingly) random cutting out of that hum noise happened only a handful of times and I haven't figured out how to reproduce it.
I have a other question. What are the PZB mode thresholds for freight? How heavy does the train need to be to go from PZB M to U?
If you want the actual answer, look in my signature. It’s not just about weight, but about how strong the brakes are. If you just want a simple answer, I’d say intermodals and car trains in M, anything else in U. Not accurate, but probably the best you can get without looking into the actual calculations.
Superb loco, its by far the most advance like somebody has stated already, who worked on it. Also all the features, it really gives the impression of driving it. Thats how it should be, nice work DTG. I made a 2700 Ton (30x) Eanos train up the spessart ramp. In dry condition its possible to get moving in the gradient with a lot of sand, using brakes etc, but havent tried in rainy conditions .
One thing I have noticed is the rather odd sound when you first enter a curve, or take the turnout on a set of points. Hard to describe in words, sort of like a “swoosh”. If anyone has ever played Deus Ex Human Revolution, it’s a bit like the noise security cameras made if they first spotted you (I was never that stealthy!). I guess it is supposed to be a bit of flange squeal but it doesn’t sound very metallic.
This is quite realistic and you will hear it in all modern loco cabs. I was always sad that it was not modelled on the Traxx. You will here it on all cab drive videos of one of those locos on YouTube I don’t really know where this noise comes from, but I would assume it’s either the triangular axle control or the anti rolling device.
Fair enough! I stand corrected and educated. Still makes me smile and think of getting Adam Jensen caught on camera.
I was delighted when I first heard this sound in the game because as you said you can hear it in most cab videos of modern German locos and it is dine so well hear. I always thought it was the bogie suspension pivot or something like that.
One small thing i noticed, seems the Interior light of the ic coaches cant be turned on by the locomotive. There is a setting for the Trian lights, but cant use it.
So it is possible to join 2 electric locomotives, and both push the train? You must make some set up before, from the front one, for this purpose?