Readville Problems

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Amtrak131, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. Amtrak131

    Amtrak131 Active Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Pathing is really screwed up. At readville, trains are stuck facing each other thus causing serious blockage going southbound. This is noticeable around 18:35pm and other times. I think its because the train doesn't go into the portal towards forge 495, but reverses back out and gets stuck at a red.

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    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
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  2. mancunian#7861

    mancunian#7861 Active Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    Similar problem in SEHS too! I've reported it in a ticket as well as posted screenshots in Technical. Most infuriating, especially as it's moving cargo rather than passengers although, I guess, perhaps it uses some kind of 'timetable mode' too? I've played through twice and happened both times - can't move to the correct siding because of the train right up my ... siding. :D
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  3. Amtrak131

    Amtrak131 Active Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    i realize its a pathing issue that got missed somehow
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  4. mancunian#7861

    mancunian#7861 Active Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    For sure. Once maybe a small glitch but twice in succession?
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  5. Emil Benz

    Emil Benz New Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Yeah the path or signaling issue on the split-off at Readville is kinda messing things up on this route. Drove one of the MBTA services to Stoughton and back again today, and sure enough, on the return leg i noticed that there was an AI train on the western-most platform at Readville heading toward Boston stuck facing a train heading into Readville from Boston, and just a short distance up the line, 4 AI trains all in a row sitting there waiting (not even a car length between them). Not the first time i've seen it either.. On an earlier session, i'd drove a service that "ended" at Readville (service 741) - which of course continues as AI and heads off the playable map. I waited for the return train so i could drive that back into Boston (service 704). I took over the train once it arrived, but just past the platform i got stuck at a red light, and a few minutes later had an AI train heading right at me! (It stopped at the signal of course.) I then went and restarted the sim, walking at Readville, about 5 min before 704 came in. Again, i took it over, and was met with a never-changing red and oncoming train... HOWEVER, when i started the actual timetable service for 704 (ie, i was already in the engineer seat at the platform when the sim started), the signal was green and i could get through....
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  6. Pixelade

    Pixelade Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    YUP! Readville is a nightmare. Same exact issue. Also found this happening on the Stoughton line as well but later on in the day. (timetable mode)

    DTG Natster
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  7. Pixelade

    Pixelade Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Yes, this is the issue. The longer you play timetable mode and the more services you take the more that goes wrong. When you close out and load into the service that gave you issues, it's fine... that is until you play that one, complete it, then try to play another service or two before it inevitably happens again. :(
  8. erg73

    erg73 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    This is undoubtedly the route with the most bugs and timetable problems they have released so far. Possibly this is due to the increase in AI services, something they may have wanted to implement for the greater sense of traffic but it fails more than it should.

    They were lucky because when they used that tool that speeds up time to check that the whole timetable works, it could have imploded like a supernova leaving a black hole and swallowing DTG offices.

    Jokes aside, I hope they fix it and in the future we can enjoy smooth traffic and not condemn us to red signals that will never change to green as it happens here.
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  9. Inkar

    Inkar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    I think the problem has more to do with the fact that trains can pass red signals and be in the same block with other trains. That is a pretty significant change for the dispatcher.
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  10. erg73

    erg73 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Ah yes, it could definitely be that, good thinking!
    I personally prefer to suffer these bugs because it means that DTG is taking risks to offer us new experiences to enjoy this game more and make it more and more immersive.
    I'm sure one of these things they want to improve is the dispatcher. And along the way things may not go right the first time, but in the future I bet we will have great improvements. We just have to be patient and trust them :)
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  11. Pixelade

    Pixelade Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    So I guess the question is will they undo this to make timetable mode (actually) playable or keep these new changes and try to find a fix around them. Personally, I'd rather be able to enjoy timetable mode more than an hour without having to force quit out of it than have more than 1 train in a signal block but that's just me. Hope it's fixed in a patch sometime soon. :)
  12. mancunian#7861

    mancunian#7861 Active Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    I'll second that, Pix! I'm not even playing SEHS anymore until it's sorted - what would be the point? It would only happen again. I put in a ticket with a couple of screen shots so I trust it's being looked into but I've had no indication since I reported it that it's fixed or asking me to try again. :|

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