This is the master feedback thread for all post-release feedback for the RhB Arosa Aggregates Gameplay Pack Add-on.
Were there physics changes on the loco? Seems like there’s a little bouncy-ness to the ride, but I haven’t played this route in forever so I could be seeing things.
Well I was all set to get this but again the Steam Pricing bears no relation to the actual exchange rate. 16.79 CHF in Switzerland at todays exchange rate is £15.16. That's 50% more expensive than in the UK, so no thanks - It's really not worth it for what the pack contains. I really feel like I'm being ripped off here by DTG using the rather unfair Steam Pricing Matrix.
might be suffering with the same bouncyness that harlem and LIRR has at the moment. Try to use the loco on newer route and see if it still bouncy
So, it would seem Rivet managed to bring back the "feature" from the very first version of Chur-Arosa, where any brake application will result in the complete inability to take power in the Ge 4/4 II for about a minute, which is not great for shunting, which this gameplay pack has quite a lot of. Platform: PS5 Route/Packs: Chur-Arosa + Aggregates gameplay pack
That you are unable to take power at all after using any brake for at least a minute? I doubt it, that would make the locomotive completely useless on any route that isn't Arosa (which is mostly where the Ge 4/4 II is used irl, it's not been used regularly for passenger services on Chur-Arosa in years) Jasper_Rivet I've tried this with and without the aggregate DLC installed: It definitely seem like the update to Arosa that came alongside the DLC broke the Ge 4/4 II physics again. It seems to behave exactly like it did before the very first patch, not able to take power after any brake application, and the whistle randomly stops working again. It would be great if that could be fixed
It's my understanding that Steam's non- UK prices are just guidelines, not written on stone tablets. US and Canadian prices are also way higher than they should be, given current exchange rates. For example the Arosalinie Aggregates Pack should be about $12.60 not $14.99. Actually, if you exclude VAT, which only Europeans pay, the US price should be about $9.50. Someone can correct my math if I'm wrong. A small amount but if I were to add up all the " overcharges " for the past 16 years, I'd be rolling in clover.
That’s correct. DTG could override them, but they don’t. On PlayStation the price in Swiss Francs is roughly correct at 11.90 CHF for Steam 16.78 CHF for exactly the same DLC. Not sure why DTG can’t be bothered to keep things more in line, but DTG JD has basically told me before that they only bother to set the price in UK, Euro and USD. Everything else is based on the USD price. So a double increase as the USD price is already higher than it should be. Surely it wouldn’t take too long to get a list of exchange rates every 6 months or even yearly. Personally I don’t think it’s right selling the same product for different prices, but it’s clear nothing will be done. Won’t stop me complaining though.
Have you tried using just the locomotive brake? If it is still doing it when just using that then something is definitely wrong. However I know that when using the dynamic brake it is supposed to take a long time to switch from braking to power. So that the electronics are not damaged inside the loco. It was mentioned in the original preview stream for the route. It was a long time ago so I might be wrong if someone from Rivet or DTG can help with this?
That would make sense, other locomotives also tend to have warning like "wait 10 seconds between switching from throttle to dynamics". But then why was this realistic feature removed from the locomotive and only put back now?
As I said, any brake. Using the vacuum (train) brake alone causes the exact same issue. Regardless, the original behaviour that was mentioned in that stream, was eventually acknowledged as a bug, then fixed. It seems this latest patch undid that fix.
I would definitely understand 10 second, but in this case it's more around a minute. Anyway, like I said, with the current version, even if you stop on the vacuum brake alone, without touching the dynamic brake, you get into the same situation.
So I took the time to experiment a bit! The results are: From the "I" end of the locomotive, things behave as they did before the patch — you can apply brakes, then take power again, without issues. From the II end of the locomotive, even after resetting physics, any brake application (whether vacuum or loco brake) will render you unable to take power from that end again. There might be a timeout, but after a couple minutes standing there it still wasn't doing anything. I've taken a video from the II end cab, Jasper_Rivet I hope that can be of some help for debugging.
The scenario "Postzustellung" (I don't know the English version of it) seems to be broken... After the intro, you have to pick up the bag that you have to deliver and the you cannot move an inch and the marker for the next objective shows to the ground. So you cannot finish this scenario. In addition the second run of the second chapter of the journey mode seems to be bugged too ("R154" Bahnhof Arosa in German). After shunting your Train to the right platform, you get stuck at a red signal, becaus an AI service doesn't move further after reaching the Arosa Station, although its signal is yellow... Platform: PS5.
I did manage to eventually complete the scenario “Postal Delivery.” Took several attempts to pick up the Bug Bag (oops sorry, Mail Bag) and place it in the baggage car. If you do manage to get this far complete the scenario in one session as resuming from a save does not work as I found that the bag had disappeared! It’s a pity really as it is a good scenario but is not fit for purpose as released. R1454 Arosa Station is bugged (Red light issue) Correction R1454 works fine as long as you don't go too slow.. R1445 Chur – Arosa also has a red light grid lock when you get to Litziruti Station. Given up on this package for now as I have come across too many issues. Platform: Steam
Thank you! I tried several times myself before writing the post above, but maybe not enough of them. I'll try this scenario again later, after some runs on the Maintalbahn.
The timetable modes can't go anywhere, it has you do a start on a hill but if you power on before releasing the brake it will not apply, if you release the brake it rolls back and won't apply any power because it is moving back, it is the same with Westinghouse brake or the straight air. What am I supposed to do with this? It seems to be completely unplayable with this traction lock preventing hill start!
You need to apply the electric brakes before releasing the vacuum/loco brakes, that'll keep the train from rolling back long enough to apply power.
That's correct, but they are very strong and will generate braking force as soon as your train rolls back a little. I have not yet had any trouble doing hill starts.