The BR 111 is an electric locomotive, which drives/has driven in a lot regions from west germany. The VMax is 160 km/h. This loco has driven on the RE4 (Dortmund -) Hagen - Wuppertal (- Aachen) with Dostos from the 3rd Generation. BR 111: Dosto Cab Car: This train would substitute the trains which are already on the RE4 in TSW2 (BR 146.2 with 5 Dostos). You can also change on München-Augsburg from the BR 146.2 with Dostos to the BR 111 with Dostos (more realistic).
This stock were also used on Rhein-Sieg express (RE9) before Talent 2 was introduced, so this loco would also add services and scenarios for Köln-Aachen route.
I would rather have the 4th Generation Dosto Cab Car (the one that is for MSB) with the BR 111 so it would be a bit more realistic than using the 3rd Generation Dosto Cab Car, but its your opinion
I do love the 3rd Gen cab car, the earlier German stock which is much more angular than the modern stuff is gorgeous.
creeperblox2710 we already have Dostos from the 4th Generation (also nearly correct one for MSB), 3rd Generation Dostos are not in TSW