Roadmap Update - 9th February 2021

Discussion in 'Dovetail Live Article Discussion' started by DTG Natster, Feb 9, 2021.

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  1. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Bug fix updates once a week sounds like a good idea
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  2. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    I look forward to the road map every second Tuesday, I was looking forward to this weeks as I hoped it might have some of the next routes in planning listed, I miss it as much as anyone else.

    "People" have spent the last year or so wanting change, which they got!
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  3. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    Yes they probably should have warned us, I can't disagree with that. The trouble is, I don't think a lot of people have read the article, a mistake I got in trouble for a couple of weeks ago! Some seem to think there will be no more road maps. Why can't people wait to hear a proper official explanation rather than going off on some half baked conspiracy theory?
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  4. Tank621

    Tank621 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Tbh if they were running the risk of misinforming everyone due to the roadmap not being entirely accurate then it's probably much more preferable to reconsider how the roadmap is done than have people accusing them of lying.

    Sure it's a tad disappointing we aren't getting a full roadmap update today but it's no biggie, though some warning would have been appreciated and would likely have avoided some of the current backlash. Even so there's point shouting about how 'we' don't like the new roadmap when we haven't even seen it yet. Ah well, such is the way of the internet I suppose.
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  5. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    To be honest the way this thread has gone was preventable, I find it incredibly unlikely that it was only decided in the last couple of days that this would be today’s agenda, a simple “no roadmap this week, we’ll have an article explaining why” would of avoided this whole faff, instead it’s been another case of DTG sealing the hatches until the last possible moment.
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  6. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Live stream
    Adam leaks something
    The Roadmap (Couldn’t replicate)

    Let’s hope for clarity and good news in the live stream.
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  7. sdc

    sdc Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    I am not happy with todays Roadmap update. So I would like to know what is happening with the Route and Loco Add-ons waiting to come out and in what order.
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  8. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Many of the posts on this thread have been way overly dramatic. Some have been downright foot stamping childish (or maybe they were children, who knows?). So the roadmap has been postponed for a few days. It doesn't mean the work on new dlc's or fixes or improvements has been delayed! Personally, I think the roadmap probably needed a refresh. I'm still looking forward to the same things as I was yesterday, plus now I'm eagerly awaiting the new roadmap format too. What's not to like?
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  9. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    So would I, but I can wait another two weeks!
  10. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    That is why you don't assume too much. There has never been any date given for the release of this loco so why assume that it would be within 1 or 2 weeks?
    Even if they say it is coming soon, that might still be a month worth of time. Already seeing these comments with "Arosa line and BR Blue pack coming within 2 weeks, plus 465 tripple content drop" made my head ache. Oh achievements are uploaded to steam. So what, from what I recall Isle of Wight had achievements up and still took almost 2 months until release.
    Start thinking months instead of weeks and you will find that you either
    a) getting surprised by a sooner release date
    b) are accurate with your expectation.

    but you can't blame DTG for this. It does not matter what it "sounded like" to you, they have not given any accurate date or time frame so what you interpret out of that and by that failing your own expectations is completely your fault.
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  11. h4178

    h4178 New Member

    Mar 30, 2019
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    I am new to TSW 2, where are there some many fixes to the additional content, should this have been completed before release? I don't see no answers to why the road map is extensive? Is this due to deadlines by the senior team?

    Are you having regrets that you have published the roadmap? For SEHS only release under a week and already heaps of fixes to come? Why is this and why did the QA team not pick them up?
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  12. nielsmallant100

    nielsmallant100 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2019
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    because if it's in next arrival, its releasing within the next 2 weeks, that's how that section is supposed to work
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  13. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    My opinion on this roadmap...
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  14. Yerolo

    Yerolo Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    I may be just speaking for myself here but I have no issues with bug fixes only being listed in patch notes...I had little interest personally on sifting through a list of fixes that are being worked on in previous roadmaps

    The main reason I followed the roadmaps was simply to find out which DLCs are being worked on and what content to expect over the next 12mths

    I get that there are people who care deeply about the fixes and want continual updates on what is being fixed...but I am not one of those. I am happy to just read the patch notes when the game gets patched

    In regards to today's roadmap it seems like ALOT of people skipped Sam's opening blurb and scrolled straight down to the truncated list without any context.

    To put it in simple terms today's roadmap is a transition between roadmap 1.0 and roadmap 2.0 and was not indicative of all roadmaps going forward
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  15. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    Stujoy, what you wrote ten post up has made my week. And it’s only Tuesday :D
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  16. Luke8899

    Luke8899 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Given the ridiculous way people in this thread are behaving, it is difficult to believe if DTG had told you two days ago the roadmap was delayed, you'd have taken it well. This is hysteria and then some... For a delay... A delay to a list... A delay to a list that contains mostly the same information every two weeks in a slightly different order.

    As for the rest of the mindless supposition and naval gazing, here are DTG saying something hasn't worked, and given the usual moans and groans about the roadmap and how DTG are always wrong, it's odd to see people react to DTG admitting it by suddenly coming to its defence as some sort of wondrous list of stuff they hold so dear in their hearts. If DTG said the roadmap was brilliant and they'd never change it, there'd be a thread of people accusing DTG's CEO of megalomania and a bunch of PC users insisting there had been a coup and demanding Sam be released from his cell. These forums are hilarious at times, but mostly for the wrong reasons. If you're going to believe the worst all the time, then why bother engaging? Nothing they say or do will ever satisfy you.

    Not all bugs will be fixed.

    Reporting a bug does not mean it will be fixed.

    Even if every bug was acknowledged with a hand delivered note written in a dev's blood, it still would not mean all bugs would be fixed.

    Your bugs are tracked, they are there in the tech report forum where you can see them.

    If you do not trust DTG to read the bug reports you make, then why would you trust they would invest time, money, and resources in fixing that bug, if only it was on a different list? You have trust issues, fine, those will not be solved by anything DTG do, because everytime they make a mistake, you will just go back to not trusting them, and they are always going to make mistakes.

    The roadmap is unreliable, it's not a huge deal, nobody is going to die. But if the roadmap was something you worked on, and had worked hard to create, because you want to deliver reliable information about a product you care about, naturally, you might want to improve it so that it isn't unreliable anymore. That does not equal a conspiracy in which DTG want to deprive you of information, it just means someone wants their work to have a better result. What a shame a bunch of hysterical people on the internet are unable to relate to this simple enough action.

    Minus -5000 AP to anyone who replies to this with their war stories of being let down by DTG for the 76,485th time, although I'm increasingly of the opinion this is a forum for that, rather than a forum for people who like playing a videogame with trains in it.
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  17. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Um, no. They are posted by users in the tech report forum where, apparently, nobody at DTG ever reads them. I am not exaggerating: I have received more than one response to a ticket which read, in effect, "Really? We have never heard of this." Even though in at least two cases the bug has been the subject of a half-dozen lengthy threads, beginning shortly after TSW2 launched last year. So, no; I think the TR forum exists for users to vent, not as a feedback tool for DTG.

    The Roadmap was the ONLY way to know whether a longstanding, and often route-breaking, bug had even been noticed much less repair attempted.

    What would be so hard for the Mr Fixit team to tell Sam and/or Natalie what they are working on- and for the latter actually to post in the appropriate TR thread to the effect of "Yes, this is being looked at?" That's what I would call community outreach and customer communication.

    (OTOH, props to Mr Goodwrench for very, very promptly fixing an issue I had on MSB, back in the TSW2020 days)
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
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  18. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Indeed. Even using the support ticket system just leads to a "this has been logged". The roadmap showed which of these had left Jira purgatory.
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  19. eltt007

    eltt007 Member

    Mar 28, 2019
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    I say again, and I will always say it, that the vast majority of the players do not know English, and when there are live streams on YouTube you cannot understand anything they comment. The roadmap gave us the option of knowing what DGT is working on, what projects they have, and whether they are progressing or not. Obviously the vast majority only think of themselves, and dedicate parts of their free hours criticizing and annoying on the forums. But as a consumer of the game and Spanish, it seems to me a lack of respect, DGT made me think that this way we could finally communicate with them and in this way there is no communication. Many of you who spend the day in the forum and possibly know English are more than informed. And I think I hope that many of us here wait for a question and respect passed to article. (never happened). I want to make it clear that for me, this is not normal. And the more hope I get from the team for this to work, DGT arrives and punches you in the face.
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  20. DTG Protagonist

    DTG Protagonist Has left the building

    Jun 2, 2020
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    When putting this week's update together we had expected that it would cause some discussion, but hadn't expected the feedback you've given. It seems that in explaining what's happening the key points have been lost in translation. In an attempt to correct this here, using as few words as possible, is what's happening.

    1. The roadmap as it was had become unreliable and inaccurate. This is the opposite of what we wanted.

    2. Bug fixes, particularly, are very hard to report in the old roadmap format because they move too quickly.

    3. Patch notes are the better place for bug fixes.

    4. The roadmap is better used to describe larger projects. This will include bug fixes but they will be grouped together as projects.

    5. The LIRR list is an example both of new items that we're working on, and the level of granularity that may prove to be inaccurate.

    6. The last proper roadmap update is still accurate.

    The reason we've not provided a full roadmap update this week is because it's going to take the next couple of weeks to pull it together. Due to multiple teams working on different projects we have to co-ordinate documentation that feeds into the published roadmap. It may appear to only be a couple of paragraphs and a list each week but it involves 6 people cross-checking information and that number is increasing rapidly.

    It has not been serving its purpose: to give you accurate, reliable information about what is being worked on. We are therefore going to take the time to ensure that it is correct.

    Apologies to those who mistakenly took this to mean we were going radio-silent again. That is not the case.

    I'm locking this thread here not to prevent further discussion - if you'd like to continue discuss please use the Suggestions forum and start a new thread - but so that the clearer explanation of what's happening is what people see. It's become evident that some users are going straight to a response without first understanding what's actually happening.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
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