only second gen, which I believe atm is only the connection from Vienna to Italy... thats OBB, anyways... but also Czechs have obtained first Vectron 230s for their RailJets/ComfortJets (some sets dont use typical RailJet aka Viaggio carriages, but different ones developed jointly between Siemens and Škoda) saw this one a couple times, both on ČD RailJets and as a loco for EC:
There aren't any new gen Railjets on the Semmeringbahn/Südbahn yet. Only a few Nightjets to Italy. Vectrons (not ÖBB ones, these are currently used only on freight trains) can afaik only be seen on this route on a few EC (EuroCity) from Slvenia/Croatia. The Timetable must be set later because of the CJX9, which were introduced just a few years ago. But there aren't in fact no ne Railjets yet. No, they don't.
I wish they finally gave us Siemens Desiro ML EMUs... had a couple chances to ride CJX 9 (from Baden and Wiener Neustadt) and CJX 5 (from St. Polten) and man is that a blast... they gain the speed in a flash and then just blast until Vienna... in current iteration it sucks a bit cos 4024s arent realistically CJX - as Desiro ML can reach 160 kph and man they do if the track limit allows it (CJX 5 even uses some parts of highspeed tunnels/corridor on new Westbahn)
It was recently brought up in the troubleshooting forum that no railtours are appearing on Series S. I just bought the route and confirm that there are no railtours on Series S. The only locos I can select from are the 1116 and 4024, and the 193 from DRA; not even the 193 from FTF is available. DTG has not been able to give a coherent response so far in regards to whether or not this is the correct behaviour or if something is broken, so I would like to ask: does anyone who plays this on Series S know if the rail tours were there previously and have been removed, or were the rail tours never there in the first place? Thank you.
Picked this up in the sale for £11.99 and mostly seems okay. Despite favourable comments earlier in the thread, not that impressed with the 1116. How do you get the headlights to actually come on? Have toggled the switches on the desk but the lights remain off. Also sound wise there doesn’t appear to be much, if any, track running audio not even going through points and crossings. Almost as bad as the Rivet 170.
Sadly sounds are slightly better than stock 182 but still a far cry from the likes of Vector or even Traxx series. To make it better play with windows down until you reach around 100 km/h After this speed some of the interior sounds come to life like rolling sound and rattle and it gets better if you turn the volume up. It's quite playable with those workarounds but it's s shame they did not implement proper sounds to it .
Thanks for that. The horn is also exceedingly weedy, just a flat wav note with no wind up or spool down when you release the control. Again not sure if it's a known issue but I tried to engage AFB for the hill climb, loco just lost all power and came to a stand. Couldn't get going again even after cycling everything on and off. Not even a physics reset from the pause menu could fix it.
Now doing a late evening run with the 4024 and got to say, it is very zen. The lighting is actually pretty good on this route especially with snow on the ground when you start twisting through the curves. Lots of trains passing in the other direction too. Timetable seems very slack though, just arrived at Payerbach-Reichenau 3 minutes early!
Beautiful scenery, but the mountain section and the straight to Wiener Neustadt on Xbox Series X are affected by bad framerate. I suppose this is caused by trees and apparently increased draw distance, compared to other mountain routes.