PlayStation Signaling Sittingbourne 1z04

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Blackwolf, Mar 27, 2021.

  1. Blackwolf

    Blackwolf Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Tonight I was playing timetable mode in SEH and I was driving the Medway Wanderer 1Z04 towards Favesham.
    Towards Sittingbourne I was chugging along in 77 mph with my Class 45 and Mk1 and 2 coaches. Since i am a railwayman in Norway I like to have it most difficult as possibille.
    But my question is:
    In Sittingbourne I am supposed to go in Track nummer 4. But the signals is showing green all the way in but with the diverging lights on the last one.
    Shouldt it be a more restricting signaling into the points that lead in to track 4. There is a 15 mph speed zone thru there.
    Double yellow, yellow and yellow with direction and the signal step up to green once you passed the aws beam?
    What are the forum thinking about that?
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2021
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  2. Me with a train

    Me with a train Active Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Uk signalling is very different to stuff like European routes (even HS1) when you have speed limits and combined signals that are actively changing, the best thing to do on UK routes is to get to know the speed limits on the route. E.g. 15 MPH out of faversham, then up to 60, then 75, then 85, etc.

    Even since the 1900s Signals in the UK hardly ever connect or give notices about points or ‘switches’ for the Americans out there, they are more to notify the driver of a station, obstruction, or train in front of them, not to signify a speed limit.

    hope you find this useful!
  3. Blackwolf

    Blackwolf Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Hello thanks for the reply.

    I know british signaling is different to rest of europe.
    The speed signs are ok, you got a warning but what is the point if you dont know what signal you can except?
    Is there sombody know if that is common practice on that location?
  4. Me with a train

    Me with a train Active Member

    Nov 25, 2019
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    it’s a very difficult thing to do, the best thing you could do is probably read the manuals, if you use AWS you will know if a cautionary or danger signal is ahead, but overall, British railways are a very simplistic thing compared to the systems that are used in france and Germany!
  5. Smograil

    Smograil Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Hi, I've worked in UK rail about 15 years a lot of that as a signaller. I'm not familiar with the railway around Sittingbourne but normally for a reduction from a high speed like 80 down to 15 the driver would be given advance warning, either through flashing aspects or being checked down to a red that clears as the train gets near the signal with a route indicator (this is called an approach release arrangement). It won't tell the driver what the speed is, that is down to route knowledge but the specific aspects displayed on approach Will encourage them to bring the speed down appropriately.

    As I say I'm not familiar with the specifics of this location but am confident they haven't modelled the signalling for the diverging route correctly.

    I spent most of my career on the TVL line and I know for certain when you enter the goods lines at South Bank, cargo fleet and heading into redcar bulk terminals, they haven't modelled it correctly. At those locations the signalling is an approach release arrangement for the diverging route. Ultimately, drivers can't guess at their routing as signallers may need to alter what is booked or normal for operational reasons

    This link is a pretty handy, yet in depth guide to all the nuances on our network:

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2021
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  6. toffski#8424

    toffski#8424 Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    As has been said above; in the real world, you would be checked down for such a harsh reduction in speed.

    I posted about this very same situation a while back and it’s on the scenario to add “variety” which is ridiculous in my opinion. A class 1 charter train would have the main line, especially at those speeds.
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  7. Blackwolf

    Blackwolf Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Thanks for Great anwsers.
    I had my suspicious that the signaling is not modeled right.
    I was green all the way in. Hope they could patch it.
    I was a class 1 train indeed but a railtour so it make sence that they go into track 3.
    Im not from UK but I have been working in the railways for 19 years so I know a thing or two.
    I often watch Don Coffery's videos on youtube. He is a driver and he explain this great in many of his cab viedos.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
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  8. Bradley

    Bradley Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    hello, I am very very familiar with Kent rail and sittingbourne station as its where im from and use it everyday, in the service I believe you make a stop at sittingbourne platform 3, in the real world sheerness services use this platform. so yes it should be a double yellow and then a single yellow. the thing about this service is its routed into the wrong platform, normally charter trains such as rail tours ( and 395s and 375s) would stop at platform 2 which Is mainline. platform 3 is a branch line terminus platform for the sheerness branch line. in terms of slowing down for the 15 sittingbourne west junction is a braking point for mot drivers. I hope this helps and makes sense
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  9. eurocityboy

    eurocityboy Active Member

    Nov 12, 2018
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    I've encountered this problem too. Would be great if the signalling could be fixed in an update. Maybe report a bug with DTG too, to make sure it's in their system for the "preservation crew" to look at in the future.

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