Sound Inside Cab

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Spookyrails1999, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. Spookyrails1999

    Spookyrails1999 New Member

    Apr 11, 2019
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    hi dovetail,
    I would like to have a quite ride inside the cab! It would be more fun because the br182 and the br146 are too loud inside its not realistic. When youre outside the train the train makes much noise that logic but when you close the cab door and youre inside the sound is almost gone in real life you only hear a little bit! Its litteraly too loud! All the trains are too loud only the all stop train of the gwr (i forgot the name) when you close the door the sound is much lower thats what i want! Its better and more fun too drive youre train! And when the trains are taken out of service the trains are shut downed! When you play the service to take the train back in service the train is already on i want it too be off i think it would be much more fun too start the service at the beginning of the journey! I think these two things are too unrealistic at the moment. Please update this on all routes!

    Thank you dovetail!

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