Looking at the 1 in 16 (6.25%) gradient on the Arosa stream set me wondering what the steepest gradient any standard service powered by an adhesion only loco can cope with is, both traversing and from a standing start ?
Very cool!! I'd like to nominate the Saluda Grade for a US Heritage route- now THAT'S an incline! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saluda_Grade
13.8% Lisbon, Portugal trams https://www.railserve.com/stats_records/highest_steepest_railroads.html 8% Cass Scenic Railroad, USA https://www.msrlha.org/track-guide.html Just stumbled across this thread which I'd forgotten about - Hardest Station To Depart From? - https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/hardest-station-to-depart-from.33784/
9.6 % on this lovely one https://forums.dovetailgames.com/th...den-vorchdorf-with-vossloh-tramlink-v3.31564/
The tram system in Sheffield, UK has 10% gradients so all the trams have all axles powered. AFAIK these are the steepest gradients on any UK Tramway/Light rail system.