Liveries The Works Shed.

Discussion in 'Creators Club' started by rigsby#3981, Nov 12, 2023.

  1. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    They are looking excellent, I have already addressed the spanners and BRUSH plates so won't repeat myself and they are looking great in the route together and it were a brilliant idea to do the Colas one to give even more depth to the variety!

    I think there were just a lot going on that day and by the end of it it were my bodies sign of telling me I needed to go to sleep as I slept like a baby that night and woke up feeling fresh and fit in the morning luckily. There do seem to be a fair few bugs going round at the minute, though spending a lot of time secluded in a cab by myself does help me to keep away from most of these usually!

    I think that is the best thing about these is that it is all handmade by yourself without the mods which is even more honourable.

    Like I say drop my a DM (I seem to have adopted that name for them permanently now!) whenever you feel if you just what a natter or owt.

    Catch you soon.
  2. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Yes I do like our nice chats on here, almost like an escape from life for a few minutes. As I say sadly I weren't on that last service and my last service were 1E15 (Robbie has also confirmed this for me so this is right this time!) though I am sure there will still be plenty of footage of me as there were plenty of cameras out and about across the whole trip. I don't think I have ever used the horn so much apart from that day!

    You are doing much better than many people these days as a common trend now seems to put phrases as a bunch oof letters representing the phrase rather than writing words which plays with my mind a but! There's nowt major wrong with your English at all mate!

    You really have got that interest in the colours and that so I assume it is very much a rabbit hole which gets deeper and deeper. I can be like this with old maps and images of places and it really is interesting and it is a good feeling after doing all the research and then finding your answer so hope you enjoy the researching, which many people probably see as a chore.

    That all sounds good mate.

    Thanks like I say all gone away now, how are you mate?

    I'll catch you again in a few minutes!

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
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  3. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee!

    Yes I say to you about not needing to apologise but I can be just as bad myself with it!

    As I say I should have made it slightly clearer that I weren't the driver of the last run, and I can see how you interpreted my poor wording that way so it could have happened to anyone trying to decipher a sentence I wrote! ;) The two power cars were in the same state though and don't feel you need to change it because these were the ones on that run.

    It is a shame, however I worked pretty much the maximum amount of hours in the weeks leading up so I got a fair few runs in before the end. Also I knew I wouldn't be able to work the last couple of days as we were going away to see the mrs' family before Christmas so I had booked the time off myself, even if I didn't want to. The way I look at it though is that I had my time with them before they went and then other drivers could have the honour on the last runs. I were certainly pleased with one of the runs I did though I will expand on that in a DM!

    Thanks mate, I'll catch you again in a few moments.

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  4. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee!

    I will make it even more interesting for you: My father were also a driver after being a fireman (which I believe I have mentioned) .
    So yes my son drives on the MML and so when some of our old power cars went there he drive them after me, though they have gone from his place now too. I must say I were quite proud when he first told me he had got the job and still am now, though I still believe I am better than him, especially on the brakes! ;);):D:D thanks for doing that for us mate, it were a cheeky request. I am glad that it could be of help as a reference image as well.

    I have covered the spanners and BRUSH plates above but just ask if you need any more info than what I have provided.

    that really is attention to detail at its absolute finest mate, so good on you with that. The devil is in the detail, please tell me this is an actual phrase and I haven't just made this up as I am questioning myself!

    Like I say when you get a chance drop a DM and well have a good chat there.

    For now I must get some kip so I'll be off now.

    I'll catch you again soon Lee!

    • Like Like x 1
  5. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Great idea to honor aircraft legends in the form of train liveries. A while ago I tried to bring some "Top Gun" feeling to TSW and painted the F-14 Tomcat (with only 300 layers) on the DB 182. Oh well, a pilot who shows similarities to Maverick and can be seen in the cockpit camera perspective is also there. I derived the livery from a modern F-35 version (same DB 182). While we're on the subject of technology legends, I had already gotten the Space Shuttle on a DB 101, including the ISS in the background.

    You can actually implement anything, but you should always keep copyright in mind. For historical things, like airplanes or ships, everything should be fine. The TSW community legend Sam once said: As long as no one uses Princess Leia as a motif, everything is fine! ;)

    Train Sim World 2_20220407194000.jpg

    Train Sim World 2_20220508193652.jpg

    Train Sim World 2_20220518193652.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
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  6. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    I can understand that like,,,sounds like you got the train bug badly. I’m glad your into stuff like that. I’ve don’t go much so have to rely on the good people like yourself doing video work etc.

    Well it is a small world lol,,,seriously I never knew I’d end up this way but I’m slap bang right next to the track I’ll DM if you like.
    Don’t want to be giving my location away in case you all come down and batter me:).
    Well mad like,,,can’t believe you live in Llandudno Junction. Last time I was up that neck wood was to Llandudno, a pub that was a old theatre.
    I think it’s called the Play house not sure. Been awhile like.

    Oh mate shame that wasn’t still in full service. Those things you could here and feel them coming from a mile away or so.
    Well felt like it. Hearing this deep rumbling as it got closer and closer. There was this one time we was placed right next the track overlooking Knightly’s Fun Fair before the Sea wall broke, this was in the mid 90s. We’d watch them fly past,,,scared me yet I found them interesting at the same time. Defo one I remember along with the 101 as those we travelled on from Warrington Bank Quay to Rhyl station.
    I remember a large ship model in there as a kid,,not sure what happened to it.

    But yes they was great times as a young kid. Can definitely see why kids had such fascination with Steam Trains and Diesels,,back in the day.
    It was most certainly a per curser for getting into models..

    Like you say tho they are so expensive,,,I’ve now a few that have a lay out. One is into N Gauge for space saving,,,he has it in his attic where ya have get under the layout and then sit in the middle.
    Again not been there for a long long time,,,I’d did ask Laura when she went up how was he. He’s still into but not as much.
    If I hear anything about him getting rid of anything I’ll let you know if you like.

    Might save you so penny’s because models are so expensive they really are. 395 pounds for 00 gauge set of say HST.
    Man kids don’t have that type of many so is most certainly a man’s game really to have the money in the first place.

    I mean I don’t follow the business much but I’m sure if Hornby did what Lego done and moved into the games industry.
    Would save them on cost of manufacture materials etc if they made or sold them in the digital world.
    Proper real like liveries that sometimes the models are missing because they are realistic yet some how feels like you say something is missing.

    Could make little locos and sell them for way way much less than on a real model.
    Like games do with Season Passes or Upgrades and stuff like stupid Fortnight game.
    Get around save space that prevents most getting in to model railway young,,,keeps them on the consoles or PCs.

    Id love to make a game where you build a model railways but with no stupid bugs or issues.
    A real clean polished game to enjoy relaxing building the layouts and placing buildings scenery to then sit back and chill as you watch those lovely little models go around and around lol.

    Well I’ll have to be going to,,,I was meaning to reply last night but got sided tracked because of my sons having a kick off over stupid Fortnight. Getting worked up with being on line,,,and one reason I limit their time on it.
    They get stressed out,,,. What ever happened to fun games?.

    Catch you again soon Elliot.

  7. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt it’s okay and I will speak directly to you soon. It will become clear tho I just can’t find the nerve to look at me DM.
    I don’t want to know or look in case it all disheartens me.

    Moving on tho I have put all my time and energy into these,,to distract me.
    Plus something in me said,,,just get better and push and push for perfection. I want that and not happy until I do so.
    With your help I’ve managed to hopefully make this look as real as possible for your enjoyment and CC users.

    I won’t go into much detail as I’ll save some for when I release them,,,I always feel strange talking about my work at times too.
    In away it’s feels I may come across as cocky or something.
    I don’t take compliments well either,,,I get shy and not sure what to say.
    I have seen your positive comments you know it means a lot so it’s not a problem doing these at all. Just hope we can find a use for them.

    I’ll post some pictures up soon and hopefully have one or two out later on so may get a little hectic from this end. But I was running four MT yesterday. Without brakes lol. I banged the emergency on to try get these shots.. sadly the game crashed just as it was passing under the bridge:(

    Thank you for this information about the spanner’s too. I did see one on 43 318 but this was a few months before ending so could possibly had those removed at some point.
    And for the Brush Plates you are correct,,I’ve been reading some data from PorterBrook and MTU.
    Not all had there engines replaced tho,,,. Again I won’t go into detail as I’ll probably wonder off again lol.

    But yes I should now know which had plates or not and when they went in for fitting. And yes Devil in the detail applies here:)
    In that my eyes seen a little square and so wanted to know what it says,,,even for the oil sticker I think it says XON OIL or something.
    I want to do that sticker but I have no decals left:(.
    So I found out and then faced with a little more than what we first thought. It’s taken me a few days but in that time I’ve learned loads about the HST,,,being into engineering has helped too.
    I’ve also had to make these plates 3 times now as each model has been altered so they don’t look the same next to each other. Only getting the information later than expected has caused this issue.

    Yet I’m glad I did because as you can see on the plate the information is there you just won’t see the details. But in my mind I know it’s done right and to accurately represent 43 257 and 43 318. Plus 43 251, 43272, 43 274, 43 277.

    As you can tell I’ve been busy,,I just get lost and was up till half five last night,,,hence why I am up late:)
    I just can’t stop.

    So because of this I do feel bad for not responding sooner but again I’ll explain at some point.

    I’m gonna easy some load and save time by releasing these hopefully today on your approval first.
    If it’s okay I’ll leave the plate on as it may seem strange trying to work 1E15. I’m not sure but let me know if you think of anything:).

    So I’ll crack on answer a few post quickly and post this pictures I done last night. I’ve not alter them except on I think. This is so you can get a good idea of colours. I have faded to red due to there age so hope this works too.

    As always thank you Matt and your welcome for the work,,,keeps me busy and hopefully brings you and everyone enjoyment.



    Some photos,,,I was gonna place these up late last night for those late night scrollers:) IMG_9903.jpeg IMG_9904.jpeg IMG_9905.jpeg IMG_9906.jpeg IMG_9907.jpeg ….
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  8. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Cont… IMG_9908.jpeg IMG_9909.jpeg IMG_9910.jpeg IMG_9911.jpeg IMG_9912.jpeg 43 257 has been done in VTEC, LNER, EX LNER (Colas) and seen here for your Son the EMR, VTEC. Slightly cleaner and just need to clean the E letter up.

    Just quick comment from myself about the graphics I think it makes these pictures look real. My kids can’t tell the difference between anyway so fair play DTG.
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  9. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Thanks Matt. Yes I noticed it was fitted with this logo when with Virgin so thought it would be a nice touch to add. I feel it’s important to anyone trying to add variety when doing say sets in the same livery. Something I think is missing on DTG models is markings of say repair jobs or things like outlines like the one you mention. Personally I feel it adds history to the locos and individually stand apart even tho in the same livery.

    Why I took me awhile to find all sides to try find those battles scars of each PC. And again why each one has had things changed or added during the weathering stages. No one loco or HST set looked the same in real life so why not reflect that in game.

    So yes takes time but it’s worth it because if it’s put a smile on your face than it proves my point that it’s all about detail and the importance of making each one different. To accurately represent a class 43 for true enthusiasts.

    It most certainly worth the time. And I’m so happy you noticed. Unfortunately a lot of details get over looked or missed so thank you for noticing it Matt.

    Catch you soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hey it’s okay bud,,,it’s all gravy lol.
    Sure no worries I’ll catch up later on,,,just gonna get some work out to free some time up and I’ll try get the nerves to look at the DM box.

    Just quickly tho does sound a shame like,,I can tell in your words. But am aware the walls have ears and eyes so I’ll will get back to you on this one.
    Please excuse me tho again I’m just crapping myself.

    I’m trying not to think about it.

    Thank you for being patience and understanding tho Matt.

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  11. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello again.

    Yes you have mentioned and I also believe your fathers response to writing a book was quite comical. Had me laughing and again a sign of his toughness. Got me chuckling to myself now even.
    Again I’ll catch up in more detail but I find it interesting to see if your Son done all this on his because I guess with any father it’s always good to see a tradition or trade handed down from father to son.

    I suppose I wish my Sons done the same,,,not like I have a trade or career as such. I do have my skills tho in art and design and my son Lewis age 11 has a real talent like his dad. Me:).

    They still young and have a lot ahead of them but as I child I do remember teaches and family saying if a child is naturally good at something encourage them. Why I wanted to do art and design etc but was told without school of qualifications I’d be nothing.
    Hard to concentrate when things we have talked about happens in school.

    I’d love to see my sons follow a passion and not mess around like me as a kid. They don’t have the difficulty’s I do either.

    So from one father to another I’m really happy because it is so reassuring that your child has grown up to be respectful hard working man.
    I don’t think any man could sit back and allow any child to not follow his dreams or ambitions for them to simply allow a child to fail.

    It takes a real man and a good strong family to have a and be proud of a child. To push them in the right direction but one they want to walk.

    I never like hearing theses stories of parents pushing kids into stuff they want. I believe in allowing natural talents to shine and help them grow. Not force,,,because like anything if you push hard they will push back harder.

    Anyway sorry for little rant short of thing.

    And thank you for the other information provided I think I may have gone over some in another message I’m getting lost again lol.

    Catch you soon Matt.
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  12. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello my old friend,,,I believe we spoken at some point during a competition for the 5th Anniversary of TSW. So nice to hear from you again and see your work. Because I’ve always appreciated your work and talents my friend.
    Your skill set and work is truly inspiring and just shows what can be done even with 300 Decals.

    I love what you have done with the F14 Tomcat. I think they suit the European design better than UK locos.
    I think here in the UK when it comes to design where a little more conservative say.

    A few months back I was toying around with being bright and loud say with design but opted for a more clean look.
    Part of my re work for HOOKHAUL branding. IMG_6745.jpeg IMG_6756.jpeg IMG_6758.jpeg IMG_6743.jpeg IMG_6744.jpeg This was done just with 300,,,a proper pain again I true sign of your talents to achieve what you have.
    I love what you have done with all designs there and I can see your into Space and Flight technology as much as once was. Still have some basic knowledge.

    I will get back to you and share some work of some space flight but I’m more interested in the Skunk Works and say the Lockheed Martin SR 71A. Especially 61-7964. Even Boing.

    I did a bit of digging when it came to use of such things even with work now and rights etc but I know where your coming from.
    It is something I worry and concerned about. Is probably why some work is never placed out.

    But I do have to go yet I will catch up with you. It’s a real pleasure hearing from you and seeing your work.
    It’s a real privilege and inspiration for me and other that love work like this.

    Proper funky and cool but done in a professional manner and style. Class my friend Class.

    Hope to catch up with you soon.

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  13. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    First of all, thank you for the nice feedback! You're right, I'm also somewhat familiar with the topic of air and space travel. If you weren't interested in it, you wouldn't spend so much time to create a good motif on a train. On the other hand, I also like to test out what can be implemented in LD and what is possible. I don't think it's that important which locomotive or country you use, but rather that the painting area is large enough. I have often used the 50ft box car from SPG, although you still have to pay attention to the side ribs of the car. That's why smoother surfaces, like those on the DB's Siemens electric locomotives, are the most suitable.

    BTW: Your motif with the lighthouse and the stormy sea is really impressive. Great work, has something impressionistic!

    A pro pro avionics: maybe I'll also try an SR-71 Blackbird in the LD, because it's still the fastest jet in the world, even if it's only in a museum these days. Unfortunately, the new hypersonic aircraft prototypes are still top secret. But as already mentioned, Skunkworks, who are responsible for the construction at Lockheed Martin, have already given a hint with (and even designed) Darkstar. It doesn't necessarily have to be a pilot on board if you convert it into a remote-controlled drone. But maybe there will only be Starships in the future, since Elon is already switching to mass production... ;)
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  14. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello again,,. I’d like to start of being saying it’s not a problem at all my friend.
    As I keen artist with a passion for design myself you do put real thought and energy into your work and I like that. And you too are into flight technology if you aware of say Darkstar yet not sure if you aware but that was a fictional aircraft for the film Maverick. Yet the concept is real enough yet we don’t want to say to much;) It’s design did raise a few eyebrows tho with there friends in China say. The engine design was something I thought of my self a few years back and I did get taking to a bloke,,,a passenger on a coach where I worked. I was a tour guide and when talking to him,,,he slow pulled me to him and whispered in my ear and I quote “What are you doing working on a coach with ideas like that”. He the proceeded to tell me about his background as he apparently worked on the UK secret missile called Black Arrow. Did test in Cumbria UK and also over in Australia. Don’t worry I’m in no illusions that my ideas was pinched that day but does seem strange due to the time line of development seen over the last few years.

    So engine technology and design was a interest of mine as young working lad. Obviously I never followed my ideas but seemed strange when I look back that today with many engines and flight surfaces designs seem similar like mine. Mmmmm?. Lol.
    Just quickly I got the idea from blowing through a straw and how the engineers came up with the solution on airflow feed at low speed to supersonic with the Olympus Engineers used off the Avro’s Vulcan Bomber on Concorde. I was also fascinated with engineless aircraft or use of conventional engines but designed with less complex components or functionality of the engines.
    Say air flow and mix of fuel done different than use of a combustion chamber.
    I found for say reaching space then use engines in low earth atmosphere like the SR 71 and then switch to solid fuel rockets that was fitted and activated when at the altitude to do so. You could also increase payload capacity,,,this was key as the space would be used for commercial and non commercial purposes away to earn money back.
    The engines and rockets was built into the airframe as the design helped with re entry so the angle and shielding was also important in the design of the frame. All this I hoped would of helped with reducing cost something NASA was looking into as early back as the Apollo Program. Re useable flight. So by having all in one aircraft which returned like the NASA Space shuttle,,,made by various companies in and out side the US. It could be worked on a turned around with out loss of out board motors, as was the case with the first stage of rocket flight using a Saturn Rocket. The whole lot would be lost or recovered at sea after various stages of flight had been completed.

    So yes something as I say was interesting as a lad and still do today but don’t follow it as much,,and it’s clear to see your into the same interests and find away to implement them on locos.

    I’m Glad you do to because from my own personal opinion yes it’s great having the usual sights of say UK and European liveries seen on the networks but we have LD where those with artistic flair can go to work and share their passion and art. Because that’s what is it art or large murals. Again something else I was into briefly when doing apprenticeship courses in Auto CAD. (Long Story that one).

    And your right about using a large surface,,a prime place for some graffiti or mural. European units are perfect for that and things like rolling stock, as you mentioned SPG as the AC4400CW I think that has quite a large open space for work to be seen. As does the SMH SD70ACe,,and why I’ve worked on them so much. I’ve also worked on the Class 47 as you can see. I love lighthouse so thought I’d try including that into a design as decals limited any further improvement in the overall design. But I’m glad you approve,,,if you look at long enough it appears starts look like it moves,,,creepy. But thank you for commenting on me work.

    Well gotta go my backs killing me,,,but maybe we can share some ideas I’ve want to do one for Boing but don’t have time yet maybe you would like to do one?. I can pass the details across if ya like. Or Concept.

    Great to hear back from you but gotta fly,,,get it :) lol.

    Just gotta fix some work and that.

    But like I say I feel we have the same interests and would be pleasure to share work and ideas here on in The Works Shed.
    Others get to see more of other users work than just seeing mine on here. So good to see your work here.

    Speak soon.
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  15. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello just thought I’d share some test shots of work I’m trying to complete while working on the other class 43s seen above.
    One thing I found a slight issue last night was alignment of layers in reference to working of the model.
    They seemed out to a real class 43 as that if you lined it right to say a door handle it would be wrong on the rear door slider and vice a verser.
    So yes be interesting to see if other had issues or picked something that just didn’t seem to line up.
    See what you thing from where I’ve placed the lines seen.

    Thanks again.
    (TSLP). IMG_9968.jpeg IMG_9969.jpeg IMG_9970.jpeg

    Attached Files:

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  16. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    guys how do you do those color progressions/fadeaways/gradual color gradients? like, not separate color shapes, but actually a color flowing into another color, dunno if I expressed myself clearly :)
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  17. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi mate just quickly I’ve got me chicken on:).

    But the simple answer is use if the gradient decal where it’s think in colour at the base and then turns transparent as you go up. There is a circle one too so you can do say eyes like these here and get the effects of light hitting say plastic as is the case here.
    IMG_9186.jpeg IMG_9187.jpeg IMG_9188.jpeg IMG_9211.jpeg Messing around with those decals and understanding how lighting and shadows work can give a real 3D effect.
    If you look at Sparmi work you can see he understands the use of shapes and how using the decals mentioned gives them the effects you ask about.
    I love the Sunset one with the Plane silhouette,,,that again is just say orange back ground with a darker gradient decal used. Simple but so effective.

    Hope that clears up a few basic for you. If need any more help then I don’t mind at all.

    But just have a play with those decals and see what you get. Have a look at a few pictures or cartoons to see how simple shapes and shadows work.
    Like I was told in engineering school,,,Work the problem out,,,look at it think about it and work the problem not let the problem work you.

    Have fun.
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  18. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    also, those supercomplex shapes and images, do you do them from scratch or import them somehow? :)
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  19. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    here are my creations so far (except Love Express livery on BR442 which was my wholy custom imagining how a Pride train would like, did it to show my LGBT friends; and one or two decent ICE3 liveries):

    so as you can see they arent as advanced as some of those from ppl here... but I would like to get gradually better... so I could make my own liveries, not just ones from real world (having real logos would help tho)... do some crazy things, so I can make a lot of ehm, especially Taurus liveries :D
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  20. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    That Dragon Rail logo is great.:)
    Start with the big eyes and then see where you end up?
    Helps if you're good with design (which I'm not).
    At some point I've got to make a Hippo for my granddaughter.
    I'm not hopeful of success but I'm going to give it a go :)
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
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  21. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    I was once messing with some shapes and it eventually became a kind of elaborate buffalo head :D
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  22. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,
    I once again find myself sitting here doing this over a day after yourself lasting as long as I can without apologising but I am sorry for the amount of time it has taken me to reply. ;) It's no sweat about the DM mate, whenever you're ready: I promise my message is a pleasant one!

    All that time and energy has certainly be well spent mate and they really are looking as if they are official liveries because they really are pushing perfection! I know what you mean about the compliments, but I will warn you I have got a lot to give starting now because those power cars are looking absolutely fabulous. they will certainly have a use as I have got more than one scenario in mind for them when you release them on CC.

    I am glad I could help identifying spanners and not be one myself!:D Same goes for the plates, though I haven't a pun for that one. All the production HSTs had their Valenta engines replaced, however some had different engines put on them which weren't MTUs, but VP185s which were an evolution of the Valentas. If I am wrong do surprise me and fire away with this information. Sorry off topic again!

    You know the detail is good when you are maxing out the decals and making plates which in the grand scheme are so small different for the power cars. These really will be great to have! Very busy, and very productive, I really am glad you are enjoying doing this and hope that it keeps that livery spark inside you alight, because there would be a massive CC gap made if you stopped making liveries.

    Like I say don't feel bad because I have been even worse with the replying, like I say when you're ready just pop that DM.

    I can certainly say, with certainty they are looking good, all of them, and will be great to go on CC. Oh yes keep it as it is, 1E18 were a much more significant run for the power car (or the set even) than 1E15 as like I say this were prior to the actual last day.

    Certainly brings a lot of enjoyment for (dare I say) everyone who will download the liveries.

    Catch you again in a minute (or 15!).

    • Like Like x 1
  23. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Just looking through these they are excellent mate, I had Robbie and that round today and showed them and they were amazed but how well they had been done, so very much well done. Just the tiniest of pedantic things (I apologise if I am coming across as rude in any way) but I am sure that 43318 had the EC Craigentinny stickers on the cabside removed by the last day and 43257 had its removed before going to EMR keeping them to the final day (or at least the final day I worked her!) but I think you have removed them on the EMR version anyway. Like I say sorry for being pedantic as these liveries really are looking spectacular!

    I'll be back in a moment!
    • Like Like x 1
  24. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee!

    Yes, a very nice touch to add, variety really is important as not one thing running on those rails now is identical to any other thing on those rails and it is something that is missing from DTG's stuff so glad you have acknowledged this. Yes, every scratch, scrape and splutter has history to it, even if it's an early farewell to a fly.

    Yes, all those liveries are unique and you can see where you have added that final identification to each power car (and I am not talikng about the number).

    I am glad you added it there for me to notice, if that makes sense. Essentially thanks for taking so much time to fit in so much detail.

    catch you in a mo!

    • Like Like x 1
  25. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    No sweat mate like I say I have been as pleasant and complementary (likely with an apology for the amount of time I took to respond too!:D) so don't fear, though I do understand it isn't as simple as that. Whenever you feel like it.

    It were a shame but I made sure I had a good time on my last few runs and definitely stretched their legs properly for the last time!

    I will be back...
    • Like Like x 1
  26. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Yes he is certainly a good character and could have a conversation with a dead horse if you put him in a room in it! He got a smartphone last year, with text messages, however if you send him a text you will get one of three possible responses: balls, bollocks or bugger off! Sorry swaying off topic once more!

    Yes, my son were always fascinated by what I and his grandad did, but the first I knew of him being interested as working on the railways were when he gave me a phone call saying that he had got a job on a platform with a TOC and then he has progressed from there. I am very proud of him though!

    I think that having a passion and love for what you do is more important than the money it provides and children certainly should be swayed and encouraged to do things they enjoy because that will benefit them ever so much in later life, like it has in your case, though it shouldn't be a replacement for the much better schooling today but something to go alongside it. I do hope all of your children find their thing and are able to make something of whatever they do. they have certainly got a good father to help guide them.

    Thanks mate, he has done really well for himself and so has my daughter, as she is the deputy head in a school which is a tough old job too. Sometimes doing less is more as children and younger people o thrive when the pressure is taken off of them. Making a child do something they wouldn't want to will not only make them unhappy then but also in the future when they are in a job they cannot stand, which again is potentially one of the most soul destroying things.

    Yes, I am sorry for quoting all of the posts separately as I know it clogs the thread and you're alerts thing but I just get carried away and press the post button!

    Anyhow I will catch you again soon Lee mate.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
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  27. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
    Likes Received:
    That is looking brilliant mate! I really am looking forward to this one as much as the others! I have noticed that there is something slightly odd going on with the alignments in liveries I have done. Hopefully it doesn't impede your progress too much.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
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  28. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Yes it can get complicated but as with anything the more you practice the better ya get. I’ve been doing this for around 3 years now but still learning today even. Each livery can present its own issue but again with those challenges you learn little tricks etc as you go on.

    And yes my work has been done by hand and I’m assuming the fantastic work by Sparmi has been too. Well must have been due to the style and design. For me not sure what system there on but I just use a PS5 no mod or fancy gadgets added. Not that I don’t like mods it’s just I’ve never really tried working with computers these days.

    So yes long answer short. From me anyway,,,I make all from scratch no imports. And yes I think there is away to import but unfortunately I can’t help on that front like. I’ll answer a few more things in you next post.

    Cheers bud:).
    • Like Like x 1
  29. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi,,just checked some of your work out and dropped a few likes and messages for you. But just quickly as I a few post to answer your work is good and you know how to work with shapes etc,,,I think the best advice I could give you is just push.

    What mean is say take the Dragon Logo for example. I wasn’t sure where to go decals was low and it was giving me a right headache. My back was against the wall also with time constraints.
    I tell ya know tho I was gonna give up I was exhausted and mentally worn out but I wanted to overcome, push on even tho I was struggling for some reason. Again just tiredness,,,but you have to give yourself challenges.

    Look at something and try working it out in your head first plan a point of attack say and go do a hard design and see how you go. By pushing you end up thinking out side the box. There for you will learn new tricks or even find the process saves decals.
    Something that’s very important when doing a complex design with many complex logos or letters numbers etc.

    I don’t mind trying to explain a few things:),,,I’m not the best as I can go on. Making a video would be easier but sure I mind trying and I’m sure the other chaps don’t either:)

    If you find it helps in getting to where you want to be then I’m happy to help. That’s what is all about and why we’re here for. To help you and other with crazy works like you mention or at least help you and others achieve your goals or ambitions.

    But again and just looking at some of your work quickly,,you know how basic stuff works. Maybe try something a little complicated and see how you work around problems and see what you find. You’ll be amazed what people can do when under pressure;).

    Push on.

    • Like Like x 1
  30. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello again I’m glad I seen this as it not come up on my feed.
    Thank you too it was a little tricky because I was running low on decals at this point. But yes I started with the eyes on this one for that cute looking expression and try work from there. My inspiration was a old teddy my daughter didn’t want yet I felt bad,,I couldn’t throw it out with its big sad eyes. So kept it and gave me the inspiration for well I was gonna name it. I’ll call it Katharos:). Katharos the Dragon lol.
    It was apart of the DTG project this one,,,same as it’s not done well but the unit is very highly detailed.

    So yes don’t be fooled by thinking I’m a professional designer haha,,,most comes from experience of drawing and interest in things I’ve studied in the past,,I’ve just carried this experience over to trains and liveries. Be design or Art,,,. In fact I’ll try show you some drawings I done when I was still in school. Getting the information as I do now for liveries I did back then researching the best I could and with no internet. I picked up the importance of how all is linked of one line or another say. Class 43 TOPs number is lined up with the beginning of the BR Arrow logo and those are just forward of the chassis or where the front boggies are attached.
    I done art to which is where you learn about shading say,,,or how to make shapes appear 3D.

    But with all this and with liveries on TSW I’ve learned myself as I go,,,no education no qualifications just my hobbies and passion that have later came in handy. That does mean I don’t struggle or say you can’t do the same for your Hippo because you may feel that it’s something your missing but we know you can use TSW and well. Please don’t think I’m not being rude or Hope to not sound rude but if you look around for inspiration and like I’ve said to a few other is just look at it and think how would you do it with shapes. You can do it mate because I’ve seen work you’ve done.

    Yet if you want to do a circle say but with shading on it then use say a square or a circle fill with shading and then work from the out side to make the circle or shape desired. This makes a clean edge and also covers the lose ends up.
    Quick example. IMG_7734.jpeg IMG_7746.jpeg IMG_7747.jpeg IMG_7748.jpeg IMG_7749.jpeg
    You can see it’s just a white square with work being done on the outline from outside. With the shading underneath those outside decals cover those lose edges I mentioned and stop any bunching of graphics. They some times bunch when sizing in a group ya see.

    Even looking at what style is key too. Be a cartoon hippo or a comic one or something more complex and realistic.
    It will give you a clear picture of the shapes needed a back drop or scenes for your Hippo character and style.

    Then you could simple pick up a kid’s picture book and take inspiration from there. Look at South Park Characters for example. They was originally done with stop motion and out of paper and cardboard. But we still know them today after all these years. Just simple shapes but used very effectively. I think the dialog helps tho too. Lol.

    But if you need any tips or help then just give us shout and I’ll see what I can do. I’ve got a few things on the go you see.
    If we can or I can help you do a proper Job on this Hippo just let me know if you’d like me to get more involved as you did help me.
    So I do owe you one;).

    Sorry I’ve gotta go but keep us posted David.
    Speak soon.
    • Like Like x 2
  31. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Mooooooo,,,cluck cluck,,,damn what am I:)
    Lad I’ve messed around with some shapes and I don’t want to tell you on here what they looked like. Hahaha. I was just cocking around lol.
    • Like Like x 2
  32. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello Matt I’m glad your back and again don’t worry I’m balancing responding doing research and making liveries because I have a treat for;). And hey I will DM as I say I’ve not looked as don’t want to fall into a slump or get depressed.

    This is keeping me focused and happy and even more with your kind words. And not sure what to say apart from I’m glad you and anyone else that uses them enjoys them. It brings me great pleasure to here because that’s what it’s all about. Because and I hate saying this and no offence to anyone else,,,for I do hate it.
    I wanted the best for myself when starting out as back then some quality wasn’t there. I knew when doing nose art for a model shop that accuracy was important and so when starting out making liveries I wanted that detail to be there. It was so frustrating that with only 300 decals I couldn’t do what I wanted. Even now with 1000 decals it’s not enough and it does annoy me that I may not be able to put all that should be on.
    For again just like nose art for Boing B17 Flying Fortress and aircraft numbers and markings the same applies to trains and trains enthusiasts expectations in that being they want to see what would be on the real deal.

    So I try and hopefully bring that to CC for enthusiasts, and for a true gaming experience. By being close to the real deal as best as I can is what I always want in any work.

    Again not sure what to say as I would have liked to carry on quietly working away under my rock,,but I knew I had to get out and be involved with the community to try and help me achieve my goal. It’s all part of the process yet as much as I go on I do get nervous but I love TSW and I see you guys have passion too I’m just glad I can be a part of it and enjoy these liveries that sadly are in most cases now a thing of the past.

    Like I wish I could go back to my old coaches and work, those happy memories I can’t bring back, but at least I can for you guys.
    It’s sad to see things end and why I sometimes like to focus on the forgotten things in life. The past.
    Sad seeing these once a proud fleet seen across the UK,,Mothballed or scrapped.
    I Know things much end but that’s a piece machinery gone. A part of someone’s life that is just now a memory.

    To know where we’re going in life we must learn from the past. Keep the good and sometimes the bad memories alive.

    So yes moving on:) and don’t worry about the spanner you spanner;). And talking of spanner’s I already sound like a spanner so I’ll may as well carry on.
    For all I know now is what I’ve picked up but yes your are correct;) and without going into detail I believe the MML had those engines fitted as there was more than one project done in the mid 90s and early to mid 2000s with projects like Aurora, under Angel Trains and Porterbrook. I’m in no position at this stage to be correcting anyone but with doing such research for these liveries I found a lot of interesting things but agin with background knowledge it’s still hard to remember and recall after just a week or two looking it all up.

    It’s your fault lol. And I’m being rudely interpreted by the kids and there hissy fits. I’ll be back but just quickly I’ll keep the numbers as they are for i was thinking the same as I’ve got more than one 257 now well four. Just quickly the first Livery you like and a more modern one I’m messing with. But I’ve gotta go WW3 kicking of. IMG_9336.jpeg IMG_9348.jpeg IMG_0021.jpeg IMG_0042.jpeg IMG_0031.jpeg Surprise,,,:)

    I’ll tell you more soon Matt and get back to the other stuff. Yet that front end I want to look slightly 70s with that odd design look,,that works but doesn’t but some how you like it?. I’m unsure some work to be done yet I think for the right balance but again I do like that funny 70s design style as it keeps with the old design and works with the class 43 but the turns modern. …..
    • Like Like x 1
  33. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello again,,,It so nice to hear that Robbie likes them,,I wish I could be a bit more creative but I’ve tried to respect the PC and livery so I tried to keep it simple. So I’m glad he likes,,,I will or can get them out today if your happy for me to release them,,unfortunately I’ve not got photos as it get very confusing and I want to do one last check for the very reason you bring up.

    I hope you don’t mind but I posted one on Saturday but then noticed that on side B as side A had been removed as I noticed this in photos but unsure for side B. I also than realised that it now was in the hands of EMR so the depot codes change but in this case both had been removed. I can’t see HQ Depot code either as that’s where it’s based currently if my sources are correct. So yes your right and I only picked up on last minute, hence why I did an update yesterday and also released 43 251 EX LNER, VTEC.
    Here are the latest releases pictures of 43 257 EMR. And 43 251 As above. I’ll contain a few as I know some people like the photos.
    So I’ll start with 43 257 with 43 251 with 66 709 “Sorrento” as backup. IMG_0046.jpeg IMG_0045.jpeg IMG_0048.jpeg IMG_0047.jpeg And one last thing please don’t feel like your being pedantic I’d rather you be open an honest I want that.
    I also see it as I’m doing theses for you so want them to be done right and couldn’t have done them without your encouragement and knowledge.
    I know nothing when it comes to stuff you do and why I respect you as a person and the knowledge you have.

    You know I’ve always tried to reach out to the community to get knowledge from those in the know so I can continue making liveries as highly detailed and accurate as possible. People like your good self are key to anyone like me want to deliver that.

    Again I couldn’t have done these without your support or knowledge.

    And if there beautiful it’s because you helped to make them that way. We made these.

    Speak soon my friend. And please I’d honestly like you thank all,,Yourself, Robbie and your son for letting me do this.

    It’s an honour and I’m glad you enjoy the work as much as do. They wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for.

    Thank you so much Matt.

    • Like Like x 1
  34. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    43 251 EX LNER/VTEC. IMG_0050.jpeg IMG_0049.jpeg IMG_0051.jpeg IMG_0052.jpeg IMG_0053.jpeg
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  35. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    It’s okay I’m just trying to see where I am up to again.

    A good old leg stretch,,,,I’d love to know more and like I say I will DM so we can relax a little more and talk about the joys of working life with passengers.
    I think I will get the balls after these liveries are out the way:).

    Again you probably know why. I don’t want lose that drive,,,without drive and passion we can never be great.
    But with passion taken away what drives us then?. Stupid feel like my whole world will come crashing down if I look at what’s in my DM box.
    Hate it mate.

    Any road,,

    Cheers again Matt.
    • Like Like x 1
  36. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello just quickly and most importantly is that your right about DTG missing a few things. I found my self seeing in there work things duplicated over and over,,,not much individuality to them with things you also have picked up and obviously something that bothers you also with some DTG models.

    Again as I’ve think I’ve gone over it in a post today to you but it’s been something I’ve looked for in say doing drawings for planes or trains.
    Each one is different and so try to bring that the best I can with what I’ve got. A PS5.

    To be fair to DTG and the teams tho I think it’s a time issue and if there models did have things added from one model to the next I do think it would be a side project or a labour of love to go in to such fine detail.
    I mean with no HST experience for me it’s taken just over a week to know nearly every piece of what is on real HST when it comes to most popular liveries most know.
    Yet I have seen a few many have not seen maybe that would be interesting I just can’t get all close up data due to limited availability of information and photos. And if there are any around there very grainy.

    So I agree with you but from a development perspective even tho I feel it shouldn’t even be up for discussion when it comes to giving fans what they would expect to see from one unit from the next in the same class can or would take time.
    And even then if they did attempt such things would they be open to more criticism,,as I make these from home but there models are for sale so up for more scrutiny and comeback if not done right.

    Possibly bring more unwanted attention on DTG products.

    Shame because having all that variation in game adds so many levels of realism which increases the gaming experience and quality of products. Which in turns adds to a user experience rather than take away.

    But hey who are we.
    In fact I’ll show you something and you tell me if you have ever seen a warm running loco look like this. I’ll find it and get back to you. But when I show you,,,you can see that this is no way how a real unit would look. Correct me if I am wrong.

    In fact I can’t find them but basically if you run a class 43 in snow the body and roof becomes all white and where heat is coming from the exhaust and vents no melting of snow or running off of water.
    So a hot running loco looks like a snow ball. Really??? To me that’s just lazy. Heat melts snow anyone should know that.
    Why forget this when adding (Edit) lol (adding) these effects. Plus a warm body with smooth body work won’t hold snow as I’d does, again you’ll see if you try it out.

    Catch you in another post,,,,,lol.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
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  37. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    I’ll get back to you then and see if or what is you have picked up. And yes I should be okay as I’m nearly done. Oh and I’ve just seen in you messages above about clogging threads up. I have sent you a few today so I’ll take a break and give you time catch up. I wasn’t aware of possibly issues with more than a few post etc.

    I’ve got more coming as I wrote before and can’t keep track,,,not just from your self like so I’m not having a pop:)
    Been on here all day and just noticed the time. I’ll have to leave those class 43s till tomorrow but I want you to check them first.

    Okay well I do apologise if I cause any issues at your end. I’ll get off tho and again hopefully we can speak soon.

    Cheers again Matt.
    • Like Like x 1
  38. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Sounds like a very interesting balancing act as all can lead to very deep rabbit holes which are hard to get back out of! Like I have said 9a fair bit!) don't worry about the DM, just look when you feel you can.

    That's alright mate I do remember what you said about compliments but they are certainly deserved so don't worry about saying anything. If the motivation helps that is a good sign you appreciate them. I think that is how most creators started, including myself- just trying to make a few liveries/scenarios for themselves which they enjoyed and so wanted to share them. Again the old phrase practice makes perfect comes into account as everyone's first attempts of liveries will have some details missing, but overtime we improve and you have certainly reached a very high level. I just dream about the stuff you'd create if there weren't that limit, though 1000 is much better than 300 as before. I am certainly glad you have become part of the community.

    I can certainly hear the love and passion you had and still have for that job of yours which sadly is in the past. The past is a strange thing as everyone has a different recollection of it with different highs and different lows which is what makes it great. As you say to learn we must remember the good and the bad or we'll go nowhere, well nowhere nice anyway. It is a shame when things which were such a common sight just disappear overnight almost but we must remember when these great machines first appeared they did the same to the great machines which went before.

    I am glad that you're alright with the spanner not worrying about the spanner, spanner! ;) Now say that three times quickly! :D
    As I remember under BR IC there were a handful of Western examples fitted with VP185s, but due to politics/disagreements/ whatever other petty reason two companies may disagree, all but the MML operator went for MTU, meaning the Midland HSTs got the VP185s whereas all others got MTUs. We borrowed MML power cars over the years and those Vp185s are bloody nice sounding things, without being as ear splitting as the valentas.

    They are both looking very good and you have got that second one looking absolutely beautiful, again fitting the lines of the HST just wonderfully. I do think it works really well and is very reminiscing of the IC Swallow whilst also having it's own identity. You can't beat a complete meltdown in the evening, and certainly something I do not miss now mine have got older! Hope the peace were restored quickly enough!

    Catch you in a few minutes.

    • Like Like x 1
  39. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Robbie were very impressed when I showed him them and you have certainly done a good job of recreating them and like I say very much believable to be official liveries. From what I can see they are certainly ready to go out so if you are happy with them certainly go for it.

    No issue here mate, the depot/shed codes are another deep rabbit hole which once you go down is hard to escape. I am sorry if I am misunderstanding you here but have you got some on the CC already, if so I'll let Robbie know, if not don't worry I am reading this at about 10 O'clock at night and starting to cry out for my bed! Like I say those pictures of the power cars (and the sneaky grey squirrel for backup) are absolutely amazing and does jog a couple of good memories.

    Thanks mate, I did just feel a bit bad for pointing out such a minor thing, I am glad my knowledge has eventually become useful again after a few years of just being stored, especially if it is helping out a kind soul like yourself and benefitting many through the liveries you make.

    It is no sweat mate, you are the one that has actually had to make them we are all very appreciative for the dedication you have put into this!

    As per the other screenshots these are looking fantastic and I do look forward to giving these a spin on ECML/MML in TSW! Great work!

    • Like Like x 1
  40. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    I would love to sell you more as I did have some fun, but can't really expand on that on the public thread so will have to save it for the DM, which like I say look at when you're ready. Passengers, the things we can despise the most at some points but need the most to still have a job: the world really works in mysterious ways!

    the mind is another one of those weird things which no matter what we have no true control over and it does lead to situations like the one you're in. Like I say don't worry, I understand!

    I'll be back in the next few minutes!

  41. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Yes I do find that a shame when every single, loco, coach and unit is the same as every other one of the same type because like I say every train has it's own battle scars, squeaks and unique collection of splattered insects. You have certainly added these details and doing these liveries on a PS5 without mods is very honourable!

    yes I do see why they can't as I understand they are a business and at the end of the day need to make money, but it is still a shame. I would imagine there may be a performance issue on lower end machines as well possibly. in fairness they are usually good with getting the data and that for the trains they make. That is another good point you make as there will always be someone that pipes up complaining the the livery on one is scratched or slightly different to another. Also TOCs will not want their units to be represented looking scruffy either as image is everything, very much like in TSW variation is everything!

    Haha yes who are we to talk, I know I wouldn't last a day working at DTG: it would take the whole day for me to just understand how to work the computer!:D

    Snow in TSW is very strange and inconsistent as this just sounds shockingly bad, whereas some units, such as the 80xs it settles relatively nicely (I think I may have got mixed up and the 80xs may be an example of it settling badly but can't remember for sure). It is the same with snow in the environment: sometimes looks lovely, other times looks shocking. i may fire up the HST in the snow if I get a chance tomorrow just to look at the situation.

    Catch you in a minute.

  42. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Yes that is alright, and good to hear (and see) the large amounts of progress you made. No it is alright mate, I were just thinking of you, there is no issue my end so don't worry there are no problems yet.

    No sweat mate, like I say they are looking fabulous and certainly deserve to go on CC and anyone that doesn't download them will be missing out! They are certainly up to very high standards.

    Like I say no issues with me, I were just overthinking things a bit I think!

    Catch you again and look forward to downloading the liveries soon.

    • Like Like x 1
  43. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Mornings Matt. Just want to say sorry for cutting it short yesterday,,I myself had sent a few to you.
    When I was reading this I then noticed that last part,,as I’ve had a few not show in my notifications and only by chance did I spot a few from other members.
    I thought if it could effect mine then I could effect yours. So like I say I panicked as I sent a few messages yesterday and so got me wondering it would block things up at your end so. I’ll answers this messages in one.
    Again go a few more today so I’ll try answering them in just one or two messages.

    So I’ll catch you in a min,,,I’ve got a load to do again. And I’m behind,,,no no no. :)

    Lee. Ŷ
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  44. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello Matt,,,tell me about it once I get my teeth into something I can’t stop but so much to take on board. Finding the time to concentrate is hard. It’s why I try do my messages around this time to avoid the distractions of the kids.
    I don’t know why but and answering a few topics you mention here that what is wrong with kids today along with a few other.

    I don’t want to sway to much of topic just like with your Dad and his very favourable choice of words,,,lol. He don’t mess around does he. I’m the same with technology I was having a few problems with the last post. Give me a pen and paper any day:)

    To cover a few old post and new here:)
    I try bring my kids up to have respect for each other and for school etc but just recently and again I blame Fortnight game or on line gaming in general for this. I limit them time wise and they must earn it by say just tidying their rooms.
    It gets them all pent up being on line with such games and the damage or effects it has. But there not aware of that when we start hearing the fing and jeffing coming from there rooms or calling each other some horrid names. Don’t get me wrong kids can be kids but calling someone a Fat T%@t is not good from a 11 year olds mouth so I trying to find time with them away from there games.

    But something is definitely in the Air.

    Again try to answer a few post in one here:).

    As we was taking about our children following in our foot steps and the story of how your son got into it could have been how I could have got started in a career in TOC. If I only listened as he Dave that fella did say I could have worked my way up but as previously mentioned I was hanging around with the wrong crowd at the time.
    So again it’s a real pleasure to read that story and a true indicator of the love those that are now a success have behind them. In times of good and bad:).
    Your daughter being working at a school too,,,my life does she have a death wish. I don’t mean to joke about such matters but my son has told me kids go into school with knives sometimes or plan fights for Tik Tok. The schools of today seem a dangerous place to be and difficult one.
    Not only due to conditions within the education department and system as a whole,,like pay etc and so many other factors which are again topics here for which this is not the place for political debate:).
    But what you ear about what goes on across many schools today it’s such a shame that it’s gone this way. I speak to the school a lot as they like me,,,hahah wow someone likes me lol.
    But hearing what they say to Laura my girlfriend,,,sorry lover boy;) You can keep you posh frocks and fish nets lol.
    Maybe another time.
    They say I have a good understanding of what goes on from both sides even asked me to join the school committee but I can’t do that I have a full time Job making liveries. But quite simply I believe it’s good morals I teach my kids as they have told me some horrid stories of what some parents do. No wonder we have kids with problems we do today in society if parents don’t care and just let them lock their self away on their phones or games.

    Like now with my lot I know as a man sitting around well not working like I use to for 15 to 16 hours a day is in my mind not setting a good example by not working my arse off. Even tho I have slipped in to spending most of my waking day on here and then my late evenings when all have gone to bed working on liveries like last night it’s doesn’t in my opinion give the kids anything to be proud of or seen as a good example. Yet I spent four hours on numbering and reading up load gauges and C1 C3 Turing axis for getting all information for each and every coach,, another 2 or 3 hours. Then checking the lines and profile when testing studying it over and over to see if the eye picks something up with the flow of the design. I’ll show you some work of that work last night in a minute see what you think of the improvements.

    Probably why i felt with all else taken into consideration with health that I could follow my passion and get into working for a firm say,,,why I place so much time and effort away from other things as I see this as a job in more way than one for it keeps me going.
    And could I somehow be able to find a way to work by including my passion and following a lost dream.

    Sometimes I feel cocky speaking the way I do but I that’s not my intentions I love what I do but it takes so much time and at the end of the day don’t pay the bills unfortunately or feel is now not setting a good example.

    Why I fear and I now that those I have reached out to don’t seem to care and eventually I will have to pack in.
    I could probably still do the odd livery but I know when I work I commit to work so any available time left wouldn’t be spent on making liveries.
    Again I’m trying to answer a few things in one here. Hope I’m doing okay lol.

    As you mention about me being part of the community which I feel is quite strange to hear because I’m nobody in the grande scheme of things,,,yet I’m glad you see me as now part of this community. I’ve always wanted to fit in,,,if slightly ajar.
    Because like many on here it’s taken some hard work. To do scenarios and liveries and then say do post or even YouTube videos all take so much dedication.
    Those things you speak about as beginners and work up as we go,,,the passion those have is seen in the work they share with us all.
    I hope I can speak this way after say close to 4 years now of none stop nearly of work I’ve seen many come and go and I’ve seen those that remain improve over time.
    If it wasn’t for the likes of your good self and all those out there that stuck at it out of pure passion and determination to bring history to the rails be BR blue,,,BR green or a crazy design seen recently from Sparmi then TSW would be a boring place indeed.

    It why I mentioned a few ideas once to you about finding away for DTG to reward those for hard work and get involved with new built In features that a LD user can use as they build up with say new decals as a reward that say others may not get.
    Away to involve DTG and it’s user base that love the editor so much. In fact it would be interesting to see how many hours is spent on players using TSW for editing over driving trains.
    If the game is being used more by editors then wouldn’t it make sense to spend money and new ideas to keep it fresh. Keep sales up if it’s a market that’s not overcrowded or even been exploited yet?.
    My mind races away with the endless possibilities you could go,,,as I find the odd competition okay but is it a selling tool for something that could be improved for the players and for DTG appeal to old and newer audiences.
    You could say there are with the PC editor and Public editor but for console are they missing a few tricks to help improve the game over all when it comes to giving players a good simulator and a good editor on console.

    So yes I’ve gone of topic so I’ll try get back on track again,,,,just looking at the clock. I do dread them being back the way the kids have been. So please excuse me if I have to cut it short. I also want to read the other post from you and hopefully get the go ahead to release all PCs completed up to now. Yet I did want to show you some photos first but there has been no change to names etc so that’s the main think and so if you have seen the PCs with the name’s chosen and are happy then I assume it’s okay to post later on. I’ll keep checking here to in between fights lol but I have noticed you tend to do yours later on so we will overlap like.
    I’ll read on tho as you may have clarified all this before hand.

    I’m glad you mentioned about the different units going to where I appreciate this. Again I’ve got some idea of what’s what but man I’m struggling to remember anything these day. Again like I’ve mentioned something I struggle with a lot after that year which for many was one we never want to live or experience again.
    So is why I don’t go into depth as I read up but it’s gone from thought the next. Horrid. My doctor once told me that due to drinking heavily in my young years I done damage to my frontal part of me loaf of bread and may end up with altzimers is it?.my spelling is bad sorry.
    But what you say sounds right and must be correct because you was there and I wasn’t:).

    I appreciate your time in backing up such information as it does help me remember.

    And just quickly thank you for the compliments about the work done on the full HST set. I’ll go over it a little more with you soon.

    Catch you in min too my friend…..
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  45. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello I am so glad you are cleared that up as I can get on to that right away and so you will have all released that are completed up to now.
    Yours and Robbie’s are done so I’ll have them up by say six tonight. God willing if the kids are not at.
    Yes I did release 43 257 EMR for your son that’s done. And 43 251 EX LNER VTEC. (COLAS). They are up now on CC,,but hope you didn’t mind. I thought because it’s didn’t have say any ref to your personal say with names attached I thought it not to be a problem.
    But the ones with some details on it like Robbie’s I wanted to double check with you first. Again I think we good to go so I will get them up later today.

    For depot code well on these I think we’re there but depot codes are not easy I have list again etc but man how or who is behind all this collecting of data must be well paid that’s for sure. If not they need to be lol.

    And hey come on lover boy don’t cry,,,,I know my messages are painful to respond too lol.
    I know what ya mean tho and again I’m glad I can make these so you can at least have a play with movement of PCs the public may not often see. Just out of interest why do you say a grey squirrel as I’m not familiar with that term if it’s ref to a 66. I believed them to be called Sheds. Is this not right or just another example of my ignorance of nicknames.

    And hey it’s not problem again. You know I wish others was like you, I don’t mind anything being said about the work I do be positive or negative I embrace both. For if we don’t know or listen to the experts like you that work with trains etc who will help my work improve so it applies to CC users and also gives me the reward of giving something back by doing what I love.
    So yes I’ve made them but I couldn’t reach my goals without the help like what you provided.
    I’m open to all criticism it shouldn’t always be about the good stuff because if it’s good then in my opinion your not pushing hard enough for it to be fantastic and give the locos the treatment they deserve and provide quality to fans like your self.

    Ie during this whole process I’ve never looked into the class 43 in such detail I was and could say I am completely out of my depths but I feel if anyone is doing something they feel is completely out of there depth or doing something different and to the extreme then that’s when you find yourself onto something new. Or pushing the boundaries of what limits have been set.

    To raise the bar by following your passion to be good at what you do. You can apply this to anything in life by thinking what we want and by doing we achieve.

    A slight side comment. To think we must see first the errors of our ways be life or in working with liveries say. Why your opinions be good or bad are noted. One has to see the problem before they can think then act accordingly.
    So yes don’t hold back and keep all that information locked away,I bloody well need it and would make for good pillow talk;).

    Right we’ll best be going I may not be able to answer all today,,as the oldest is back and moaning already and I’ll want to get these DMBs uploaded.

    Hopefully I’ll find time to get back to you and show you where I am up to with the full sets if you would like. Plus get back to your other posts.

    Catch you soon Matt.
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  46. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,sorry for my tone but I’m proper pissed off. I’ve been trying to upload these liveries but my PS5 keeps dropping of the network and the internet as a whole is playing up. I can’t do anything not even transfers pictures to me apps. So I’m a little stressed out,,,not a fan of when things don’t go to plan. I was gonna try get this done and then me sons been pestering me to go online with him.
    Doubt that happing now.

    Proper bad out tho as I’m near the coast,,,so get a few gust like. Roof keeps shaking,,,,.

    I will try again tomorrow.
    Until then be safe.

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  47. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Evening Lee!
    It's no sweat mate, I think I were just, like I say, overthinking it as I haven't had any issues, so as long as it stays fine your end it is all good my end too.

    Ahh it's alright, I am sure you will have caught up by now.

    Catch you in a minute.

    • Like Like x 1
  48. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Yes I can be the same, see one thing, which leads to another, which then leads to another! It must be a right nightmare trying to concentrate when you're kids are about, always a question, task or problem!
    Oh no he is very to the point! I must say over the past few years I have got better, but haven't had the choice, but would still certainly choose pen and paper.

    That does sound like a good system you have in place there and is fair enough as I suppose in a way depriving the children these days of their online games would be similar to our parents never letting us out back in the day, which I know how much I hated it. There is certainly a line and calling someone that as a child (even an adult) is not particularly good, though this is more a reflection of society rather than of you or him. Compared to some things I have heard young children say that is actually quite tame.

    It is a shame that things didn't fall into place for you at the time, however you certainly got your ideas bucked up and got into a good line of work which you seem to have certainly enjoyed. Like I say I do think the passion and love I have for my job (even though there are some very stressful days) and the passion and love you had for your job (again I assume there were many long and stressful days) is what I think is important. The money you make is just the cherry on top.

    She is certainly a tough soul though I think the worst she deals with are playground squabbles and children stealing the red colouring pencils! I should have said it were a primary school she worked in, but their behaviour is certainly deteriorating, especially with the Covid kids, as she calls them. I were talking to her the other day and what she gets paid for the number of hours she works and the other responsibilities did shock me a bit if I am honest, though like you say we don't want to get into politics! It is really bad in the secondary schools from what I heard and it all seems to be fuelled by social media which is very sad to hear. Ah, so Laura wins then, lucky lass, though the offer is still there if you change your mind!;);):D:D

    That is important though to be balanced and have that understanding from various views and good that they have recognised that, though I am glad you see the liveries as being that important! :) The thing is though you have made a living and it is not your choice to get the back injury and following chain of events. Also at least you are not sitting there idling all day long as you are using various bits of your brain in the research and creativity needed to make the liveries. Feel free to share the improvements!
    Like I say it really is important that you enjoy what you do and so if that job hasn't come round the corner yet there is nothing wrong with waiting for it as like I say you are still working your brain through the various processes needed to make a livery. If you get a job you love and your spare time reduces we would expect less liveries, I mean look at me doing one per month approximately if that, so there is nothing wrong with that just promise you won't give the liveries up completely! ;)

    A much better job than I would have done at condensing things down!

    You certainly are part of the community mate, both on the forum and the game itself, when you think about the number of people that download and enjoy your liveries. It is an awful lot of work and as you get better your standards raise which then means each livery/scenario takes longer and so it is certainly a thing of passion and a shared love. Yes a TSW with only southern electrostars would be dull so just to be a part of the group which hopefully has helped encourage to get some more variation in TSW is great and it is good to see that the variation is appreciated.

    Yes there are many possibilities for DTG to create a heightened interaction between creators and themselves however sadly they seem reluctant. I know that after a long day I don't want to come in to drive another train and so when we had a large flurry of issues last year I found myself spending about 90% of time making liveries/scenarios, however this week that has probably flipped, so it would be interesting to see an average figure. It is a shame that only PC benefits from the editor as there are many potentially great builders, likely including yourself, who won't be able to test their skills, though obviously there isn't much DTG can do about this one.

    That's alright mate, the family are more important than replying here, and I do know what you mean about the concentration and squabbles likely over nothing! Like I would imagine you have read I am very impressed with the PCs so they are certainly ready from the screenshots I have seen.

    That is alright mate, they did change hands a lot within a short period of time and it is a lot of information to take in especially considering you started with a blank slate. In fact it is rather impressive what you have learnt in such a short period of time so no worries there. That doesn't sound great about what your doctor said but hopefully you will hold out and remember anything to do with railways is a challenge as it is constantly changing so I wouldn't worry if you aren't remembering railway stuff!

    Like I say, I might as well share it rather than just store it and am glad you appreciate it!

    Catch you soon!

    • Like Like x 1
  49. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    I have no issue with them being up, it were more so I could go and check them out and work myself out a couple of scenarios for them, if that is alright with you. I have seen your post below so don't worry it has been terrible conditions today so not surprised you internet isn't great especially if you are near the coast.

    Yes depot codes can really mess with your brain especially because of how similar they are.

    A pain, don't be silly duck!:D Pure joy and pleasure my lover!;) In complete honesty I really do look forward to getting home and reading your responses as there is always something interesting or funny!
    I do seem to be spending a lot of time thinking about potential scenarios, though a lot of them depend on the paths available in SP. Yes grey squirrels are the tame term I use for 66s, as like the grey squirrels they came over from the US and got rid of the native red squirrels, the 66s came over from the US and got rid of the native BR diesels. Not a fan of 66s if you hadn't guessed in that last sentence!

    That is good to hear mate, I think some people today just can't take criticism and so it can almost feel wrong, I am glad that the very small role I played were a useful enough one. They are certainly looking top notch and I can't wait to go and get my hands on them in the game again! That is one of the great things about this project as you have learnt a lot, which is never a bad thing and we have all gained a collection of high quality liveries.
    You are right though if we don't know what is going on we can't stop things from going on, this is a very important part of life. I think the mrs would beg to differ about it being pillow talk, though I am not against a nice chat about horns and handles so the offer is still there!:D:D;);) By 'eck what are we like mate! :D

    That's alright mate, I hope there weren't any too major things for you to deal with, but get back whenever you have the chance.

    Speak to you again soon.

  50. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Afternoon Matt. Just want to say sorry for not getting those up last night. Don’t know what was going on,,my net to my other devices was fine but the PS5 kept dropping off. The ping level is bad too which shouldn’t be an issue as we have that super duper fast stuff.
    A demand made by the eldest because on game lagging. Kids. We did have a few power cuts in the area too so maybe that was the issue.
    Anyway I’ll get them done soon as I’m done here.
    If I can just say I thought I may have come across as rude in my tone yesterday about time and all that.

    So I’d just like to say I didn’t mean to sound as tho I don’t enjoy being here and sending so much time here. I think I was trying to say when I do get my head into things as you know then your self,,,time does fly and can get lost. I’ve found myself doing a lot with these 43s,,and more so for the full set. I was trying to get all the data and start getting a loose understanding of how it all works. I’ll get on that as it involves Train information and I don’t want to wonder again.

    But just quickly….
    These are what I am on about. I spent 5 hours last night setting each one with different coach class and seat numbers. But taking some data of DTG GWE rolling stock I found it strange the weight limits of different coaches say a TS to a TRFB are the same. Would they not all have some variation in weight?. IMG_0161.jpeg IMG_0164.jpeg IMG_0165.jpeg
    So yes I don’t want you to think if I’m not spending time here I’m ignoring you,,,no I just have to be in the right mind set and unfortunately now I try do my message now and then my work say later on as mentioned. It’s the only time I can find the flow for my work and find that mind set. I do tend to like working at night too as then you can the screen better lol.
    If you say your like me when getting your teeth into something then hopefully you understand tho,,and maybe as seeing we miss pen and appear so much we could be pen friends lol.
    I’ll scent the paper for ya. Haha my life remember love letters,,,lol. Girls would Spray there perfume on the paper. Them was the days,,,. Mind you my daughter writes a lot and writes in French too. Writing letters all day so I’m lost in what is written down because my French is like Del Boys. “Oeuf sur la plat” :)

    Your right about the comparison between playing and games etc. kids do play games more than play out so yes it’s the same.
    But I found that as much as we allow children to be children and keep them on track when something seems to go wrong. Example the 11 old got a phone but in that time he now walks around like he belongs in the Bronx.

    That online gaming is now that playing out and mixing but we try keep them safe etc and they now the score.
    But with on line gaming their mates with a foul tongue come online and they all get stressed and start fights etc.
    A right pain on line gaming and this is there playing out but with letting all that pent up energy out like they would if playing out.
    I think the old rules of keep your friends close and your enemies even closer comes to mind. Again school kid LOVE:).
    And as you say as much as we do try and they are good kids,,,the way society has become kids can’t escape it.

    Like Apes in the Jungle we must all be part of a group and a powerful one to survive. Even if that group is bad,,kids know they have to be a part or else they will not belong to a group. And we are a social species. So it’s in our instinct to fit in and belong be right or wrong we follow the dominant group. Society in a nut shell.

    Jobs yes I’ve done ago all considered I could have tried harder tho and gave myself more direction. Probably why I’m resorting back to being creative and seeing if anything happens as it was a hobby and passion I’ve not tried to follow as a Job say. Again just dreaming but ya got give it that one last try. To see if dreams to come true,,(chuckle chuckle).
    Because with what you say I don’t ever see these as 9 to 5 jobs in the sector we did. It’s a profession where we take the rough with the smooth but with out that upset then we wouldn’t enjoy the good without the bad. It’s all on the same emotional scales.
    That’s why the money wasn’t so much of an issue because we was doing something we loved and again is not what I consider a normal office job. It’s a way of life,,,for I see it as we spend most of our lifetime working so why not do it in something we enjoy.

    I’d rather have a decent pay and a good work life living rather than being on super good money but locked away in say a warehouse for hours on end.
    Like the time coming back from Lake Como in Italy heading North (Nord) St. Gotthard Tunnel Nord was closed due to an accident we had to turn around and head over the top of the St Gotthard Pass. The turn around took about 15mins due to the tightness as we was on a viaduct too so no space to shunt the coach. But getting to the point we had to stop as the coach was old and over heating and there was this one guy going absolutely hysterical due to the height,,,and what he told me had me laughing and the drivers.
    The Bloke simple said in scouse accent,,,”Boss Boss I need a word,,,I wanna go home mate I can’t do this,,I’m getting shooting pains down me D#@k,,,,nar nar it’s not good I feel sick leave me here boss please.
    Bless him I wish I could go on but it didn’t end there as on the way down the retarder was struggling and when we was half way down we was pulled by the locals because the prop shaft was glowing with the heat off the retarder. We was hoping the dead man brake would work if it the retarder did fail..that poor fella was in right a mess. So little events like that I still look back on and no money in the world could replace that.
    Nar give me crazy work all hours drop of a hat job any time mate. I loved the excitement and made coming home to rest all that more enjoyable. A way of life not working like a slave.

    I suppose we could say with the schools issue that some may not be publicly or wider know with how teacher are treated and as you say doing more than there pay grade. Without sounding condescending tho here but I know what it must be like for your daughter because I do speak and work time to time with the school as we share the same personal and political views when it comes to say the use of technology and so forth. And how now parents seem to think it’s up to the school to teach kids basic manners.
    Again a lot of responsibility is being passed from some social groups expecting the schools to be responsible for how the kids talk or conduct themselves. All Political so I will move away. I don’t want to turn grey like Pass me the peas Norma, John Major. (Spitting Image).
    Or depress you any further as I can tell the news I’m with Laura has hit you hard. Sorry my friend the offer was tempting but she does keep me topped up with brews and sadly no posh frock is gonna change that Soz!. (Just kidding in my tone);)

    Moving on:)….
    Yes again your right it keeps me going but in the back of my mind the odd struggle I face when doing research say does make me wonder how I’d get on in the real world. How would I function. Is it just confidence with being away from society for well some years now since events and again why I don’t want to short of repeat the past and not follow a dream.
    I Hope like I mentioned at the beginning I don’t give the impression I’m not enjoying doing this work at the moment or hint it’s taking time.
    Again I hope the aforementioned clears it up. Researching takes time and so does making them and that time just flys.
    And again my tone my have been off yesterday but I could wait or pull my socks up. As by change me son came home saying the teacher would like to offer me a job so would like me to go in for a talk. Again we speak anyway so she’s aware of my situation.

    But this is it,,,,I don’t want to give up. Because I have spent so long doing it I love doing it,,as again many of my past jobs have seemed to have rolled in to one which helps slightly in doing work but again I want to take up a notch more. Like say last night with finding all correct data for each coach. As I go it gets deeper and deeper so want to know more and more. I’ll never know all this and wish I had a way of say getting a small team together to talk about working and sharing information together so we can make highly detailed work for us all as a whole to enjoy. I’d like to find someone with the same passion to make a faultless product.

    So yes I really don’t want to give in,,,but as time goes on I am not getting any older. I may be a bit child like in mind and in some ways body but you know what I mean when the body’s been battered one can and does feel their no longer fit for work and thrown to one side.
    Probably not the case but being like this for so long does make one feel that way and again TSW is the only thing that in some form gives me the reward of a working day or achieving something.
    As the one thing sitting with the kids etc has dried up now they have got older and in to tech. We try spend time but to them they see it as us taking them away from their friends and social groups. Social media. There just at that age now.

    So yes, sorry just looking at the clock again,,,,lol,,,,.but that interesting to hear that one is your limit at the moment.
    We know why because your a grown man with a Job and I’m just passing time:),,,.
    As this is an indication of time involved,,,around the time I first shown you the class 43 fictional livery I’ve been hard at it a lot of hours.
    Yet let’s put me to one side for a second.
    As previously mentioned this is an indication of the dedication users show across the board and so putting me to one side in being part of that and the community shows how much time is spent on editing and scenarios etc.
    And so is definitely an important aspect of the game and what we’re taking about here.
    Take yourself for example and me I’ve spent close to 870hrs combined from two profiles,,take away 100 for driving. That’s a lot of time spent editing. How much time would you say you use editing. By what you say your not like some of these Airline Pilots that fly planes then fly a long haul flight on a simulator before go to bed.
    So yes the percentage figures would be interesting as okay just between us two how many hours is that?.
    Again something I’m interested in as say business logic not that I have that background but I do look where things could get better like I do in my work.
    But with all things i should know the business background of a business but I’m not there so don’t know and so can’t comment and criticise anyone or any company really.
    Why I want to know and see if there a better way around things before I go on like Sir Alan Suger.
    But I think we both know there is a few things that could be done better.

    Not just in the involvement with the community but when it comes to stupid stuff like this,,,,.
    IMG_0167.jpeg IMG_0168.jpeg
    I mean what this all about?. I was doing my first test livery of the evening and seen this. Why are things like this not picked up by DTG?. Is it there fault?. Set with high winds and sleet, de icers on first then wipers;) I get nothing just this so had to end that run. I couldn’t bloody see.
    Unsafe driving and I’d say sensible logic. But here’s the thing I was just start off, imagine with the dynamic weather on and this happened half way through you would have to end. So by doing so waste half of your evening.
    I think this is a topic we and many could discuss all day and all night but does it ever get us any where.
    I’ve heard if you go down the right channel you get ignored. Even I have been simply ignored even after asking a simple question about them blanking my work out. Nothing so yes I like DTG but I feel when the heat is turned up they hide away.
    I don’t want to speak out of terms or context as there always reasons behind everything.

    But speaking of the relationship between DTG and the community is this not an actually example of the problem we speak about.
    Clear transparent communication from them to us as a whole not just when it comes to this particular topic of liveries say with editing on console or PC.
    The longer the problem goes on the more damage is left behind and if ignored long enough can leave or have a reputation one could find hard to repair.

    Unfortunately I’m gonna have to cut it short as I we both know it is a topic we could be here all day on.

    And hey as always I do appreciate the kind words and without breaking out a speech as tho I’m at the Oscars I’ll simple say thank you:)
    Plus the news was some time back due to my brother having cysts on the brain,,so I had to go for scans to and thats when they picked it up. Just by chance,,but he did warn me and so does make me wonder now I am struggling to remember the odd thing,,could it be that.

    Or just old age and so it’s all new to me lol.

    I’ll try get back to you soon. I’m gonna try uploading while it’s all good in the hood with the net.

    I’ll share some work openly on here so you can look at will.

    Catch you soon.
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