So, I was thinking after a while of playing the GWE route, wouldn't it be better if we could click on an option called 'import timetable' so we clicked that then it comes up with a menu like what we get when we can select a train on the normal scenario designer so we could choose what trains that i want operating the services, then randomize the trains that we have picked, then we could select either: NORMAL LIVERY YOUR LIVERY 1 YOUR LIVERY 2 etc... then we could choose what livery that the trains operating the normal services and then you can select what your train service you want to run or create a new service. I think this could be a real gamechanger for the creative types of players on TSW 2 and would benefit the scenario designer.
actually, more like adding the timetable as a layer then you could add what ever service like say if on GWE you wanted to do the slow train but still miss Acton Main line but the only timetable service stop at acton on the slow lines you could remove that service and implement your service like in the the current scenario designer