Ts 2020 Uninstall Issue

Discussion in 'Technical Reports' started by treid09, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. treid09

    treid09 Guest

    Hello. I recently developed some issues with workshop scenarios in TS 2020, so I decided to uninstall and reinstall the game. I followed the instructions on Dovetail’s support site, including the part that says to check and see if the Railworks folder is gone. After the uninstall was complete, I checked, but part of the Railworks folder was still there along with some third-party DLC uninstall applications (from Searchlight Simulations). Two of the sub folders left were “Assets” and “Temps” I believe. Does this mean that TS did not do a clean uninstall or is this okay? I did delete what was left of the folder and finished reinstalling. I am new to dealing with TS on a technical level, so any insight is appreciated. Thanks and God bless.
  2. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Uninstalling the Game because a something does not work as it should is not the answer.
    Find out what the problem is first - Reinstalling would be the last option
    Problems with Workshop Content can be solved by uninstalling them via the Steam Client
    Otherwise when you re-install the Game they will still be there.

    The Assets Folder is where all your DLC is in the game.
    Removing The Game does not remove Third Party Assets - you need to do that separately.
    But if you are planning to Reinstall the Game Back-Up those assets first - just copy the Assets Folder to a safe place

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  3. treid09

    treid09 Guest

    Yeah, I guess I should have thought about that first, but I did uninstall all workshop content before I reinstalled the game. I didn't back up the Asset folder, but I do have all the DLC in a separate folder in case I decide to reinstall it. That also makes more sense why that folder was still there. Thanks for your help.

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