TSW5 red light runner to restart your game. Well how about this. Instead of having to restart your game In tsw5. If you run a red light. You won’t be able to get into another train for a good 10 to 15 min tops. So that mean you have to wait instead of having To go back to the Home Screen. So that mean you have the ability to roam around like a free roam sorta say but you can’t drive a train for a good 10 to 15 min due to running the red light. What make this perfect is everything still going on In service mode with out having to reboot you. At the same time while you wait you can take pic of other passing trains. Or collect some collectibles While you wait until your time of volation is over. This would be good for train spotting while you wait. When your volation of 10 to 15 min is over you can continue to be in service or spawn a train. This is with out having to restart over. What you think about this in tsw5.
Some kind of ability to contact the dispatcher to find out when the train in the same block as you has moved past the next signal might work, but an arbitrary 15 minute wait is a non-starter for me.
Far simpler. TSC has an option to disable game end on SPAD. DTG have I believe stated they will not put this in TSW as they don’t want people deliberately passing signals to cause crashes and derailments, thence posting said mayhem on YT to the annoyance of the real railway licensors. However the fact you can do it in TSC kind of defeats the argument. I certainly would not be in favour of any sort of timeout for the player on passing a red either. There are several instances in TSW, notably NTP, where the signalling fails to show a correct aspect sequence putting you on top of a red signal without warning. On the real railway that is known as a “technical “ SPAD, no fault of the driver who will be allowed to carry on if they deem themselves fit.
Not to mention a few weeks ago they had one of the screenshot contest themes be related to derailments.....
If a train driver ran a red light in real life, they would be immediately taken off driving duties (obviously once they stopped the train somewhere safe), so it realistically makes sense that the session ends.
Unless as I already mentioned, the signal being at red is not the driver's fault, such as a change of aspect, incorrect sequence of aspects or the signaller putting back in an emergency. Even with a Category A SPAD the driver might not be instantly relieved, depending on location and the person's history the TOC may permit them to bring the train forward to the first available point where they can be relieved, or to clear the line.
That contest thread may be one of the funniest I've seen on this forum. Half of the posts miss the point, one shows the camera clipping into the train, one shows a trespasser (bad idea) and at least two seem to have defined "loco-hauled" as something of the above.
I would like the option to disable spad ending session or with shunt signals atleast. I don't think the dispatcher could handle the situation on all the routes though.
I'm confused. People are going crazy for realism and "expert" locomotives. Now we have threads where people want to make SPADs perfectly fine?
between spending 10-15 minutes without being able to drive a train and returning to home screen, I would definitely prefer to return to home screen
In the real world when a driver spads. Do they black out and re appear back at the depot. In the real world not every spad would end up where the driver is relieved from there shift. On older routes. In a time when drivers didn't even know how fast they was travelling. I doubt a spad would have mattered much then. I doubt drivers would even have mentioned it.
Suggest you spend some time reading historic accident reports before coming out with rather [EDIT - Jan - Language] comments like that. Harrow 1952, for one. Harrow and Wealdstone rail crash - Wikipedia
Automatic brake application with no over-ride, no forward motion possible with a locked reverser until you're back at the signal and a message in big red letters... REPORT TO THE DEPOT OFFICE IMMEDIATELY ON COMPLETION OF YOUR SHIFT! That would get annoying after a while as well as ruin any view while you re-set the brake system. Then a voluntary donation to a charity nominated by DTG Alex or some other deserving soul..
Yeah I've heard of that accident and many more. How's that a [EDIT - Jan - Language] comment? I'm talking about creeping past signals a couple of feet. Not jumping several stop signals in a row.
I wonder if it is part of the licencing agreements too... Personally I would get rid of 'return to home screen' when a SPAD happens. What I'd personally have is have a system where even if people were misusing the system just to record crashes, that if a crash were to occur the simulator would make it so undramatic and unrealistic that it would act as a deterrent and would not be worth it (for example making a train bounce backwards and staying railed if it collided with another unit. Or derailing softly if that makes sense?). On a similar subject, I would like to see random signal failures for those who like to run in 'expert mode'. Would certainly add some fun to the game in timetable mode...
Doesn't matter if you pass a red signal at 3mph or 103mph. A signal is red for a reason, so enjoy your alcohol test, drugs test, interrogation and suspension at the end of your shift.
You trivialised what on the real railway is a serious incident. Not saying there may not have been the odd instance where someone got away with it, but even in times gone by there are many eyes watching what happens on the railway. On a steam locomotive the fireman is going to know if the train has gone by, as is the Guard. If theline is track circuited the signalman is going to know, or if the signal is visible from the box. There could be a traction inspector or signalling inspector in the area who witnesses the incident. Anyone complicit in a cover up would face instant dismissal for gross misconduct in those circumstances. Golden rule on the railway, if you drop a clanger hold your hand up and you get a fair hearing. Deny and evade, you’ll likely be gone the next day.
Yeah we are talking about a game though. You and I both know that 60 years ago.. if a driver krept past a signal, they would wait for it to clear and proceed. Or lean out of the cab and speak to the signalman. Obviously if a driver blasted by 2 or 3 red signals and lived to tell the tail then they would get a serious talking too. Maybe you should stop and think before insulting people for no reason. I come here to talk about train sims, not be insulted by you.
Perhaps we should be made to sit through some CBT (computer based training for the uninitiated) after a SPAD, then sit a signal test for that region, before we are permitted to continue operating... PowerPoint Presentation (international-railway-safety-council.com) Of course Im being facetious, but it could be an opportunity for a cool feature of some sort..
So when you spad and everything goes dark and you are returned to the main menu. That's a simulation of the real world?
Maybe just penalised. Points deducted for something minor. Something more serious then being instructed to give up the service at the next station and more points deducted.
Who can say? I hope so.. Unfortunately I think the empty abyss looms ahead of us all, and all endeavours amount to nought in the end. Maybe a blank screen and return to main menu isnt so bad. Its certainly better than an eternity of CBT, or the endless screaming of the damned reading out my past posts from here.. More seriously, I cant remember the last time I had a SPAD in game. Pay attention to the signals, slow down appropriately for yellows (or equivalent), and treat it with respect. Its more fun, more immersive, and what was intended for the real system and the in game system. Step outside intended design parameters and SOPs and you are no longer protected.
Not sure what was insulting about my pointing out you are trivialising one of the most serious operational offences a driver can commit. Which can and occasionally does bring with it serious risk of injury or even death (Ladbroke Grove another more recent example). Yes it's a game but as others have pointed out it's also a simulation. The current system is mainly unfair when it penalises for an unexpected red. But a SPAD caused by driver error is a SPAD whether you go past by one yard or 200 yards. That's the case in real life and it's no matter if there were isolated incidences in years gone by where someone got away with it. I see no justification to adopt that as a metric in the game. Best course of action is to save regularly, particularly if running under restricted signals and if you do mess up, just reload and try again. Peace, out.
Unless you want DTG to add: - Driver alcohol and drug testing - RAIB investigation and questioning. - brake tests - underframe and wheelset inspection - wiper, cab and screen checks - otmr interrogation - tpws/aws testing - Divorce courts when you tell the wife that you can't afford the mortgage anymore. Then yes, the black screen is realistic enough for now.
Well the alternative is spading, ramming into another train at high speed and having your character fly through the windshield before obliterating someone in the next carriage. Doesn't sound like simulating real life is the goal in this department, is it?
People tend to forget that passing a red messes up the dispatcher, axle counters, and sometimes even causing signal boxes needing to completely shut down and reboot their systems irl. You're just killing the dispatcher, and what's possible to solve in real life by human intervention cannot be demanded from a game engine. Just don't run over reds, and if, deal with the consequences and blame yourself for driving badly. DTG will never ever implement what few of you want. A red signal has a meaning. It means "Stop! Danger!" not "Please stop if you don't mind." It may look the same but has nothing to do with a road traffic red.
If I spad, more often than not it's my fault and I turn the air blue. But if I have to wait 15 minutes before I can drive again, I'm just going to go to the menu and drive a different service or restart it.
Oh boy, you are in for a treat when you read about all the historical accidents that occurred because of SPADs. Harrow and Wealdstone for one. It's always been a major issue.
Red means red, and you have no path to go anywhere. It will lead to derailments and crashes, and overriding a red is never the driver's decision. This should and will not be simulated. End of shift and dispatcher needing to reset paths, eventually stopping all traffic equals black screen.
To people not familiar with railways the game does not explain it very well. I still think the medals should be replaced by report cards. All infractions that lead to suspensions should have the simple message "you are fired" on the report. An SPAD should also show such a report card. At the moment I get even medals at the end of a service where I was speeding.
I think the punishment should be more severe, the game should uninstall itself requiring a complete new download. Or in other words, the same punishment meated out to us for buying the game every year.