Watching The Tumbleweeds… Again

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by keith_gilham, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. keith_gilham

    keith_gilham Active Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    So…. Another week of no access to creators club routes!! And no updates from the “team”

    spirit of steam still full of spads
    Horse shoe still can’t turn a wheel
    London to Brighton still 6km lined up to get into the station

    good job “team” there’s £75 quid of dlc that’s not playable…

    not including the issues with Harlem and boston and cane creek wow you guys are awesome…

    can I suggest for future console dlc someone actually tests a route ??? Just a mile maybe even try passing a red light ??? I mean it can’t be hard

    really inspiring me to buy tsw3… and it’s extra dlc now…

    what’s the excuse… sorry I mean eta of fixing this current “issue” then??? I can’t wait to see your response
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  2. rich.minty

    rich.minty Active Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    If you planted some of that tumbleweed you could watch that grow instead?
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