PS5 and Xbox Series X are unaffected (I think PS5 is anyway, haven't seen anything saying otherwise). Only Xbox Series S is affected.
DTG stated the following about the update, among other things: Turned off background/static AI layers to improve crashes on Gen 9 consoles. And the PS5 is Gen 9, that's why I'm asking
They were talking about the Series S (confirmed in another thread, or this one). Nothing has changed on PS5 (unverified, I don't own one) or Series X (can verify, static stock was there).
I also just thought it was unchanged, but I had to ask. Then it is stated very inaccurately in the update description and it can cause unnecessary panic.
Why do I get wheel slippage on a clear day. Or something to that effect. When i was departing away from a station it kept applying the brakes. Wasn't overloading engine or anything. Kept doing it. Clear weather and all. Also, is it normal that despite applying full power on a 1:75 grade it didn't go above 90 mph or so. Speed limit was 100.
Depending on load, yes, it was about usual for an 87 to be down to around 80MPH or just over cresting the summit at Shap.
TVL class 37 and HEA wagons WCL seacow and turbot wagons JT have a manual on there website page the layers are listed on page 124
I had it the other day leaving Lancaster towards Preston with an 87 and long rake of Mk2s. It was fine all journey but I think the steep climb from a standing start is a challenge. Try leaving Lancaster in the snow! Proper fun
Really glad conductor mode is not crashing on the route now, but I've still managed to go from Carlisle to Preston without checking a ticket and thus get no points...
That's a long old journey with nothing to show for it. Still, at least you can stick yer head out the window
I got bored but as I have multi-screen setup, I just watched a film on the second screen and paused when train was slowing down for a station. To check no tickets in a 1h 15min journey (approx) is dull!
1P20 Crewe to Barrow 04:05 departure from Preston heading Northbound Class 47 with mail carriages Upon arrival at Carnforth unable to enter station as road already occupied by 5P20 sat in the platform. 1Z47 sat in the block behind me attempting to head northbound. After 20 minutes 5P20 does not move out of Carnforth station. Service is not completable.
You may of been running late and the dispatcher has allowed 5P20 into the station before you. 5P20 adds the 3 coaches onto the back of your train 1P20 which is why it got stuck. had a quick look on foot and it worked ok but the timing was tight as 5P20 was moving up the loop as 1P20 was coming off the main. Edit I've managed to run it this afternoon and it worked, however the strange route straight through Oubeck loop for no reason is what makes the service late. 2 1/2mis at Lancaster and 4mins at Carnforth. so it seems there is a pathing issue in there that's affecting it. 2nd edit to save posts MK3a FO at Carlisle shunting up to it, end door open and no way of shutting it
another one (sorry) 0M07 Carlisle to Carlisle (08:59) class 40/45/47 starts you on foot at Carlisle rather than on the loco can i ive a shout out to the JT team and let me know if these are helpful as feel a right pain the back side keep putting them up
Yeah I ran it this morning, those timings are brutal. While I did successfully complete it it was disconcerting to see 5P20 moving off the loop as I was coming off the main.
Yeah I did, At first I was thinking something may pass me by, or in the future it's earmarked for a DLC to be in that path and pass over, but the greens scuppered that theory. So not sure why the loop is added. But then on Diesel Legends of the Great Western some of the 31 hauled passenger services were routed via loops for no reason. So not sure if it's an error. I had to thrash it hard and a couple of times I broke the speed limit...nothing extreme just by 5mph max...but if I hadn't I think I'd have been caught behind the shunt move.
I was on time, 5P20 was already sat in the platform at Carnforth, 5P20 then effectively blocks the entire route because the crossovers are held. It's a timetable bug that needs addressing, being routed through the loop is also a bug, its a "go via" that's been left in, probably a copy and paste error from a similar working.
How can I enable safety systems in class 47? Switches in the cab are not interactive and keyboard shortcuts do nothing
You can only activate the AWS as the DSD was causing issues and disabled when these updated 47s came out. On the rear wall there are 2 levers, 1 for cab change and 1 for AWS.
Well, that's the problem - cab change lever is operable, AWS isn't. Like no tooltip appears, nothing happens when I click on it
I don't see it as a bug as such more a miss placement of the go via and probably an easy fix. I do agree that this is the issue. it dose put you in a position where its impossible to do on time (I'll run it as AI later and sit in and see how that goes) and It's only just possible to do playing super aggressive. The dispatch is working as it should if a train is late however the issue here is 5P20s next instruction is to add stock to the back of your train hence why its getting stuck and blocking the line if it gets put in before you. Edit ive run 1P20 in the second mans seat with the AI from Preston and it got to Lancaster 30 seconds early 04:26:30 and set off on time 04:29 it got to Carnforth coming off the main at 04:35:04 and arrived on time. 5P20 then worked fine as well setting off at 04:36. still think the times are a big tight for a player going through the loop but it dose work even if your 4 mins late like i was.
not a bug as such but class 40/45/47 service 0P06 north union yard to Preston 12:01 is actually the last part of 0P18 North Union to Preston that starts at 11:45. same service just 2 different names and start points.
There seems to be no rhyme nor reason as to what DLC will have AWS sounds through the controller or through speakers.
I know. It's overall a bit annoying to me as ecml has it then there's nothing like it on this route and even blackpool. It adds a lot. Especially if you mishear the sound in game, and a penalty brake occurs.
5E20 09:32 should start in the loco at kingmoor and 5S90 05:37 should start in the loco at upperby, both 47 service. both start on foot at many random locations I've had kingmoor Carlisle Lancaster Preston so far. when i did start on foot and walked up to 5S90 the dispatch is having a hissie fit and has prioritised 9T06 with the 08, still waiting as I type
Is there a way to use the miles of track down to Heysham and the port beyond Morecambe? I get red signals on one leg and a "leaving the game area" message on the other. If not... what the hell is with these maps having a TON of inaccessible track? SEHS has whole lines that you can't normally use for example. Why make so much track and then not use it? This isn't a few hundred meters either. It's something like 4 miles to the port. That's a major development investment just to put it off limits.
IIRC, JT stated they were initially going to do Heysham then subsequently decided as by the time the route was set the section was virtually mothballed, they left it with just the basic scenery and non operational.
If its not modelled properly, makes sense for it to be out of bounds. Otherwise, it'd only lead to complaints that they left the area unfinished.
when did it get mothballed i know we got the ferry from there in 88 to the isle of man direct from Stockport
But it's modeled... if you run down the track. It's a LOOOONG ways. And yeah I thought there was a ferry there still. As well as nuclear fuel and maintenance trains. Which would go well with the possible upcoming Class 20 nuke train on another route, since it runs the 20 already on that route.
0Z00 0740 Barrow C to ladywell class 40 (second part) starts on foot at Carnforth (and maybe many other random locations) one other thing is there are a couple of signals at Preston which don't change after contacting the signaller when there is stock in the platform. you can run though on red however so part of it is working just not animating. the 2 I've found so far are PN98 south of Preston (on the gantry) and PN136 at the north end (a shunt signal next to the loco siding)
Thought I'd try one more go at conducting. 1M20. Not only is there no ticket check at all, the driver of the service is in the rear cab!
Disappointing that the announcements on the Pacer haven't been fixed yet. My knowledge is limited, granted, but wouldn't have thought it would necessarily be a huge thing to try and implement?