Well That’s 50 Minutes Of My Life I’ll Never Get Back.

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Tynmar, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    No it’s not another London commuter PS5 crash report/moan, Well not entirely.

    sitting comfortably.. :D

    1st Question of the day : Game or carbon based error?

    just got ejected from the cab and floated beneath the track for some time. Looked like a combination of what I imagine limbo to be like and eastenders intro but in reverse.

    how did I get ejected? While I was physically driving the train I wasn’t actually sitting down. Did a shift and zoom on the controls and found myself zooming back through the passenger area of the 377 rolling at around 50mph before the flying sensation mentioned above.

    At haywards Heath near the end of this service there is a prompt to uncouple. I left the cab and went to the front of the back four and hit the uncouple button…Pssssshhhhttttt wait 5 seconds and then told to move the front 4 forward a few yards and unlock the doors again. Upon trying to enter the main cab at the front I get the “abandon service, are you sure” message. Thought try my luck to finish the service standing up. This as you now know lead to failure.

    The service in question was 1H92
    Part of chapter 6 : bag of allsorts.
    Which happens to be the last chapter timetable I need to complete. Not in a hurry to try again.

    2nd and final question : how should I have gone about the uncouple process?
    Hit uncouple from the main cab of the front four? My assumption was to press the couple button where the train is actually coupled. Maybe I’ll try again using the rear cab of the front four, possibly why it picked up I left the train.

    made it this far? Well done. Feel free to give this service and try and let me know if you managed to complete it :o
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  2. seymourgoals

    seymourgoals Member

    Jan 5, 2022
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    Im a newish player to train sim world 2 but managed to complete a bag of all sorts journey little while ago.

    After getting to haywards heath, I wasn't entirely sure what to do so ended up faffing for a bit! In the end I believe I shut down the front cab, the one your in when arriving at haywards heath, then going right to the back cab, start it up master key on etc, then un couple. It will say to abandon service but you select yes (it doesn't end the chapter)

    All your doing is taking over the littlehampton service which goes as far as Preston park in the game. In real life 4 carriages goes to Eastbourne and the 4 your now in go to littlehampton.

    After uncoupling and saying yes to abandon service it will let you move a few yards, then unlock doors and load, then one more stop to Preston park. I was about 6 mins late by this point after figuring it out! Hope this helps, not sure about floating beneath the track though, im on ps5 console
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  3. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    seymourgoals gosh!! Interesting, so you do accept abandon service and carry on? I thought doing this would literally does what it says on the tin and the service wouldn’t count as completed. Shall have another go later :)
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  4. seymourgoals

    seymourgoals Member

    Jan 5, 2022
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    When the abandon message came up, I thought the same that it would quit out and was hesitant, but realised after a few mins you don't have any other option and it simply puts you in charge of that littlehampton service and keeps your scehdule of the chapter complete in the pause menu with one stop left to go for Preston park.
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  5. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    When uncoupling, enter the rear cab of the front portion of the train, and without sitting down press the uncouple button and then return to the front cab. You should be able to sit back down in your driver’s seat without ending the service. That’s how it works in timetable mode and I have driven many of the services that require this procedure.
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  6. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    For the first question, there are invisible walls at two of the bridges before the tunnel and these will stop on-foot passengers in their tracks and also glitch external cameras to underneath the tracks, so it was probably one of those that caught you while you were standing up in the train.
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  7. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Important safety tip: always be sitting down
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  8. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    Thank you stujoy for the confirmation. Why I didn’t think to stay in the front four to uncouple is beyond me. The rest was just silly as normally I never chance it like this and drive standing up :D

    been under the ground before but fixed external cam. I wonder how long I could have stayed floating? Had to quit as I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving a runaway train speeding south with no driver :o
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  9. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Too risky: one of those tree branches that pass right through the cab could knock you down. :cool:
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  10. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    think it was treebeard himself came along to swipe me down to the middle of the earth :D
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  11. kekanha#4892

    kekanha#4892 Active Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    It's easy, don't get out of the train. Better yet, don't even get up. press L3 and go with the outside camera, you can use the camera to couple trains, change tracks etc... you don't need to get out of the train.
    You don't need to go out or get up. use the outside camera. you can use the camera to couple the train to change tracks etc... L3, press and do the couple with the camera.
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  12. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    the external camera method doesn’t work on this loco/train… this is my preferred method as doesn’t involve lots of walking. Wow that sounds lazy but yeah not an option on here.
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  13. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    FGS, didn’t even make it to Croydon before I got CE-108225-1

    thank you to all who joined in on this journey of fail with me this weekend. Appreciate the feedback and help.

    and to think I was considering a Sherman hill purchase next week. Tsk…
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  14. kekanha#4892

    kekanha#4892 Active Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    Es fácil, no te bajes del tren. Mejor aún, ni te levantes. presiona L3 y ve con la cámara exterior, puedes usar la cámara para acoplar trenes, cambiar vías, etc... no necesitas bajarte del tren.
    Is true, soumds lady, but in sand patch are certanli rutes were you have to walk 900 yards. So, it's onli a way to make it mor fun, (onli mi opinión he).
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  15. Lenwigg

    Lenwigg Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2020
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    I purchased Sherman hill last Thursday or Friday, and I am so pleased that I did. I have been enjoying this route a lot more than I thought I would. Thought I would have a problem moving or stopping my first drive on a service with 100 freight cars and 1.6 miles long. But I managed both, much to my surprise and got a Gold for it.

    Have done several others since including several shunting services and have enjoyed everyone. £16.24 very well spent for me.
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  16. Tynmar

    Tynmar Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    Third attempt and finally got it. Phew.

    highlights : seeing the HST and 66 along the way along with some good parallel running leaving Victoria.

    Points of groan : why couldn’t the uncouple button have a tiny marker, yeah it should be obvious but some loose cannons out there need a tiny pointer.

    Low points : game crash, while lucky enough to say I can count the crash’s while running London commuter on one hand… it’s been raining pretty much every time. Also external camera being moved I recall.

    the over sensitive tunnel is 4.3miles north of Preston park. Pretty sure that’s where I got the boot while standing.

    oh and screenshot so I can finally move on….
    To the 313 timetable :D

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