Train Sim World 3 Werratalbahn (90ies Edition)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sparmi, May 18, 2023.

  1. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    I have an interesting route idea for a former DR route in the early 90s for some time now. It was already published in the mid-2000s as the Werratalbahn for the MSTS. So it might be time for a UE4 remaster.

    It can also be seen as a "Spirit of Steam" route for Germany, since the Meiningen steam locomotive works is also at the southern end. "Dampflokwerk Meiningen" is the only facility in Europe capable of constructing new locomotive boilers up to modern standards of construction, performance, and safety. Even the 60163 Tornado from the UK got a new boiler here.

    Since a lot of rolling stock is still missing or is under development, it will not be possible to realize it before 2024 anyway. There's also something hellish and interesting waiting in Baden-Württemberg for a next special project route, after NID. ;)

    But you can already point it out, since it's also a scenic single-track branch line through the Thuringian Forest, along the Werra River. There was also a lot of DB/DR mix traffic in Eisennach directly after the reunification to see. You can also install a branch in the direction of the Merkers potash plant to enable freight traffic and shunting operatins.

    Route Suggestion Werratalbahn.jpg
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  2. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Bring it on to and you were talking about this route in the former German Democratic Republic changing Niddertalbahn Bundesbahn Bahndirektion Frankfurt by allowing Trabant and other East German trains to run there. NID give 365 628 here
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  3. nwp1

    nwp1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Niddertalbahn is a fabulous route, that I am really looking forward to TSG next production.
  4. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    How could I forget not to mention the "Trabi"? Would be a great bonus to see a lot of Trabis on this route or at least a few on NID later. :D
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  5. brickmaster#7638

    brickmaster#7638 Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    A scenic single line branch line without overhead electric wire set in the DR territory?
    COUNT ME IN!!! :D
    But I’d like to know how long the route is, and which trains you suggest for the route?
  6. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    The route length from Eisenach to Meiningen is about 60km. There are also inclines and many curves, i.e. the route profile comes close to DCZ. On the other hand the train research wasn't that easy. After the reunification is mostly good old DR rolling stock in use, the shades of green were slowly replaced by mint green. But the Reko wagons remaining green until they were taken out of service. There are 13 stations on the route and even IC traffic is possible. Single-track IC traffic is hardly imaginable these days, but on parts on this route it was real!

    Above all, in addition to the diesel traffic, you have a great backdrop for future steam locomotive addons. ;)

    Route Suggestion Werratalbahn Trains.jpg

    Route Suggestion Werratalbahn Trains b.jpg
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  7. brickmaster#7638

    brickmaster#7638 Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Thanks for having another look at it, the length sounds very possible, and the fact that the Route profile is near Dresden-Chemnitz makes it even better for me, since that was a beautiful route.

    The trains you put into your wonderful graphics are all amazing and I sure want all of them in the game (heck, I’d already be happy with new IC coaches coming to the game :)).

    But really, WOW does the landscape look good, and the stations also remind me of niddertalbahn, which is one of my favorite routes.

    You really made a very nice suggestion there ! :D
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  8. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Some bonus material for this suggestion: a small overview of what it looks like in the Meininger steam locomotive works. It is definitely one of the highlights of this route proposal. You could think about planning a few open hall doors in the 3D workshop model, so that you can see a few steam locomotives in the shell inside. This option was also offered with the MSTS version at the time. A few steam locomotives from the UK may also be represented, since the factory is still unique in Europe.

    Dampflokwerk Meiningen.jpg
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  9. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Like it for the developers they might try layering it onto Bundesbahn Bahndirektion Frankfurt Niddertalbahn which is the closest West German diesel route to this route by Reichsbahndirektion Erfurt. Since DB wasn't formed in 1994
  10. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    It's correct that Hesse borders directly on Thuringia. It also depends on when you stage the route. From 1992 the DR adopted the DB numbering system for all rail vehicles, so it would make sense to start from here. If we want to see old DR logos alongside old DB logos like on NID, we would have to stay before 1994. From 1995, electrification also took place around Eisenach and the ICs then largely ran without the BR232. Today the route is used by the Süd-Thüringenbahn as RB41 with BR650 Stadler Regio-Shuttles.

    BTW: in 1992 there were also still a lot of Trabis and Rekowagen! I didn't mention the Wartburg yet, the car called after the famous castle on the route. ;)
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  11. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Thanks for the information and I wonder if DR Baureihe 171/172 1992 771/772 Ferkeltaxe keep up with the schedule Fahrplän DB Baureihe 628 Niddertalbahn or not? 345/346 V60 Ost should play like a 365 V60 West. However that one has a name the Goldbroiler due to them being dirty despite having the gold colors
  12. CowBoyWolf

    CowBoyWolf Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Would be nice with this beast too as an DLC for this route[​IMG]
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  13. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    This DB Baureihe 010 Freida Doesn't fit here because this route is set in the former German Democratic Republic Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Reichsbahndirektion Erfurt Reichsbahn District Erfurt. You should be looking at its closest East German equivalent 18 201 which runs here. However she is suited on Bundesbahn Bahndirektion Frankfurt Niddertalbahn to use the Glauburg-Stockheim turntable. Also Bundesbahn Bahndirektion Essen Hauptstrecke Rhein Ruhr if set in the 1960s as a combined steam electric diesel route.
  14. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Right to the point! This is also the loco of my profile picture in the forum. So we need some more pictures for that.
    BTW: Maybe we'll also make a steam engine wish list out of this thread. ;)

    BR 018.jpg
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  15. SHELBY230586

    SHELBY230586 Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    I've seen people writing here in the forum from time to time that they really don't feel like East German stuff. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with that at all, it is much more the fatzination and the myths that have grown up around this long-forgotten time of the Deutsche Reichsbahn and I am of the opinion that it is exactly what people want.

    a very good suggestion for the route and the vehicles keep it up:cool:
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  16. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    I agree but DTG will run across a problem for a retro German route set in the GDR
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  17. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Thanks! TSW is about the fascination of railways in general and the possibility of bringing not only modern routes, but also historical things back to digital life. Rail fans who do not come from the area of the former GDR always associate this country with restricted life in a dictatorship. Of course it was and that's why it ended up in the garbage of history. Nevertheless, back then there were many railroad fans, associations and clubs who spent their free time looking after old steam locomotives or tinkering with model railroad layouts. As a result, many more historical narrow-gauge railways have been preserved in the East than in the former West Germany, where many have fallen victim to a lack of interest and modernization.

    But you also have to see that from a marketing perspective. Four times as many people live (excluding Berlin) in the West than in the East. So you should think that TSW will find more buyers, who then want to have old DB content, in contrast to old DR content. But you can't let that pass either, because the decisive part is always the younger target group, who received a PS5 as a gift for Christmas and would rather drive an ICE4. However, because there were two different railway administrations back then, a lot more variety is possible. That's why the 90s are the most exciting era in a reunited country with former DB/DR trains in the mix. ;)
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
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