What Do You Think Of Hamburg - Lübeck?

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Br425, May 23, 2022.

  1. Br425

    Br425 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    I am currently thinking of getting Hamburg - Lübeck, as it is 50% off. I am not sure however if it is still worth the money as I do not see anything that is new (the trains are all known from other routes and the 112 is very similar to the 143)...
    What do you think of the route and would you recommend it?

    Also, does someone know if you can put the DRA 146.2 in front of the Hamburg Dostos? It is important for me that it is the one from DRA because that one is repaintable, the one from MSB is not.
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  2. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    The biggest 'no way' is BR 112 in its state (mainly about brakes) & there is no ability to use BR 143 in its place.

    - scenery, authentic feel
    - the last part of the Journey
    - only two but super-good BR 101 services
    - a real good timetable

    At this price ~ 50% off. Just go and buy it if You like German stuff.
    DB Regio intimate experience 9/10. BR o7
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2022
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  3. Br425

    Br425 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Oh yeah I forgot about those, that is indeed a very good point
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  4. captaingunadeep

    captaingunadeep Active Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    You can have both 146 and 182 in front of Dostos. I love this route.
  5. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    The red BR 182 causes tech issues (AI no-path bug) so it is better to disable BR 182 DLC :)
    EDIT or it is already disabled by DTG for HBK?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2022
  6. Br425

    Br425 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    So also the Dresden Riesa 146?
  7. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

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  8. Br425

    Br425 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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  9. Callum B.

    Callum B. Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    I purchased Hamburg-Lübeck to have the 112 (primarily thanks to a mod that fixes the embarrassing headlight modelling) and thought I would get more use out of it. I didn't. Every time I load up a journey, I am put to sleep in a few minutes of how uninteresting it is. The route modelling is superb, but the rolling stock has some issues that have already been discussed ad nauseam, and the gameplay is more of the same. Rapid Transit is generally regarded as the worst German route but that one manages to keep my attention because of the unique scenery (particularly around Leipzig) and quick timetable. I have completed many hours of fun on RT but only a single service on HBL by comparison.

    It's just so bland. There is no high speed component or breathtaking landscapes like SKA and HMA, nor is there the network component of BRD and HRR. There are no challenging gradients and speed limits like TRD, RSN, and MSB. It's just flat A to B in weird looking rolling stock on double track surrounded by trees. If you don't mind that, go for it.

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  10. Clumsy Pacer

    Clumsy Pacer Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    See, I'm kind of the opposite. While it's not really a 'go-to' route (partly because it has stuttering issues), I do find enjoyment in it, particularly as you have some services where you get yellows. I personally couldn't give a monkey's about the 112's headlight or the wrong dostos (even though the latter does look a bit odd), although if it were my local I'd definitely get a little upset/sad by it, seeing as there's no alternative. I'd say it's worth it at 50% off (which I believe is what I paid for it). I am yet to complete a full run on Rapid Transit.
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  11. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    10 EUR is more than too cheap to try it.
    Lets do not wait for giveaway :D
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  12. redrev1917

    redrev1917 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Im firmly in the pro Hamburg camp and Ive got a real soft spot for the route as it is the one I mastered PZB on.

    Yes I know the dostos are the wrong type, but from the cab you cant see them anyway.
    Yes I know the default locos are far from perfect, but you can sub in the 146 from DRA or MSB for the 112 and a few of the freight locos from a variety of sources for the 182 (including the 155).
    Whilst end to end you have 3 different passenger services of differing distance all starting/terminating from different spots and some freight thrown in for good measure.
    Would be nice to have a shunter for one of the yards to add further variety and perhaps a layer for the G6 could be added to timetable for owners of this loco DLC
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