Tsw: “oh Canada!”

Discussion in 'Dovetail Live Article Discussion' started by TrainSim-James, Feb 6, 2020.

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  1. Manclion

    Manclion Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2018
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    I think there's a car loading facility, but there is no ramp so the cars teleport into the wagons!
    A whole new efficient way of doing it I suppose..
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  2. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Okay - that still leaves us with just two industries served so far:

    1. Ethanol plant
    2. Car plant/factory

    Anyone got a third one. Anyone for three....?
  3. Sintbert

    Sintbert Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    When i count it right, you get to serve 6 Industries and 5 Yards.
    1. Oakville Assembly Complex (Cars)
    2. Burlington (Ethanol)
    3. & 4. Near Hamilton Yard (Ethanol)
    5. Industrial Sectors (Waggons)
    6. Industrial Sectors (Ethanol)
    (7. Bronte (Ethanol) unused so far..)

    1. Oakville
    2. Aldershot
    3. West Harbor
    4. Industrial Sector
    5. South of Industrial Sector besides Mainline
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
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  4. 7orenz

    7orenz Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    And I like to add that only the main line from end to end is about 27 miles long:

    And as last, yes, also the GP38-2 has some new features inside and outside, i mean something that protect from the snow (over the cab there are a little different shapes).

    Tonight I feel so chatty ;)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
  5. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Thank you for providing this - this is really helpful. So, my point, as you probably know, is that using the word "countless" is just a bit ridiculous. But you've helped make another point... DTG could have said something like:

    "You will be serving six (or seven?) industries, including two industrial plants (cars and ethanol), and have the opportunity to exchange mixed goods at five different yards along the route". And that sounds fairly substantial, for a freight only route. It would have been fine. No need for this "countless" nonsense, none at all.

    And then, if they decided mid-build to not make 80% of the Hamilton yards available, then they should have picked up the track - (or disabled it from being highlighted on the map and/or driven on .... and not put buildings on top of it all). Or not mapped it all. Not complicated. Not what they wanted initially maybe, but it wouldn't have been met with such a furore, and disappointment.

    I am now actually tempted* to buy the route anyway.... I don't have CSX:HH, so the rolling stock to me is new - and it looks really good. The route does have stuff to offer.

    *although realistically, I will probably be waiting until the Autumn when it will cost about £8 as part of a set of three/four routes.
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  6. bytownrailwayman

    bytownrailwayman Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Absolutely agreed. If I had gone in with that expectation, and had the other modeled spurs been visibly blocked off so that it was obvious that it was not part of the route, I would have been absolutely satisfied with the route! The modeled portions are great, and it's a decent route for freight. The only reason why I'm dissatisfied is I went in with expectations which were set too high by how the route was marketed and presented.
  7. Digital Draftsman

    Digital Draftsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    If you purchase it you'll just encourage the ridiculous hyperbole and recycling of assets/sounds in future DLCs.
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  8. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Yes - exactly. Thank you for this. I do hope that the DTG marketing people are reading this stuff... because how about this, to build on what you have said.....:

    - some people here have complained about inaccessible OSD yards being "like the ones in TVL"
    - I have purchased TVL, and I think that it is the best route made for TSW, by a very large margin
    - I hate paying £30 for a route (plus a DLC loco), but I did this with TVL and I do not feel cheated (despite taking a risk at the time...)
    - I have not bought OSD, so I have not spent anything on it at all, and yet I feel cheated by the advertising

    Mad eh?

    The difference - when I bought TVL - simply - I wasn't promised something utterly ridiculous. (Oh, and it's a blinkin' good route... like... really good).
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  9. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Oh - it's absolutely not a priority for me to buy this route anytime soon. First of all, it is now due a fairly big patch.... LOL.... But I need to see some willingness by DTG to fix the DB BR 155 on RSN first.

    Even then, I haven't completed the NEC freight stuff yet, or even dented the SFJ freight.... so my route in would... maybe... first Buy The Bullet*, to see if the traffic improves the life of that route. And then do the SFJ freight stuff.... so OSD is a very long way down the road for me, unless I suddenly get a hankering to do some CN liveried night-time snow screenshots... (which is lingering in the back of my mind as a possibility....).

    I really don't care about the horn sound - although it's useful if you are about to crash into a building. I don't personally care about the asset re-use, in this case, because I don't have CSX:HH.

    *sorry about the subliminal advertising ;-)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
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  10. Mkdog45

    Mkdog45 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Absolutely agree with you, when I buy routes I don't have high expectations for each route. I just think to myself will I enjoy this route and if I don't. Then really simply I don't buy. Each person likes different stuff. For example, I 100% love passenger routes more than freight routes. For you it could be different.
    I also 100% agree with you that TVL is one of the best routes on TSW. I also feel that ECW will be a great route when they have fixed the destination boards and the random flange.
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  11. Digital Draftsman

    Digital Draftsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Promises aside, TVL is streets ahead in terms of content.

    With TVL, shunting was only one element of three. So you had the Class 08 to perform yard work. In addition to that, you had the point to point freight workings with the Class 37. Finally you had the Class 101 on the local passenger workings. The freight workings used a lot of different track to the passenger workings, so although it was one route, it feels like you're driving two different routes, as you're approaching from different junctions, with different speed limits and signalling depending on if it's a passenger or freight working. There's really something for everyone.

    In terms of content, you were getting two new locomotives, the Class 08 and Class 37, and one old DMU, although it included the 3-car version, so there was some new content even within the old content. The DLC also featured two completely new wagons. There are 13 stations in addition to the freight facilities, which is double the number of stations on OSD, the route is also longer.

    Comparing TVL and OSD, marketing guff aside, it's easy to see why one is much more highly rated.

    TVL is my favorite British route, it's a great piece of content and so is the Class 31 DLC. That's why it's so infuriating when DTG produce a poor DLC, because it's actually within them to do things properly and produce decent content.
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  12. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Yeah I know - I did a review on TVL here:


    and here:


    You missed out some of the sheer variation - four different variations of steel wagon (empty/coil/beam/slab).... (which is something I forgot to mention in my review......).

    Anyway - OSD clearly needs a lot of work. The advertising/marketing materials should be withdrawn and rewritten as a matter of urgency. All of the boundary issues, sim kick-outs, scenery splodges, broken feature animations, achievements..... all need to be fixed. And hopefully they will crack on with it all after they have fixed the DB BR 155 on RSN. ;-)
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  13. solon

    solon Active Member

    Aug 17, 2018
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    We are very far from the progress of Ruhr Sieg Nord.

    If DTG wants to abandon the development of TSW by pushing players away, let it be honest to say so.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2020
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  14. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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  15. blaze111csx

    blaze111csx Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2020
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    The GP38-2 included in the oakville subdivision is different than all the other GP38-2s on the outside and inside; heres some of the differences I've found:
    -WAYYY different headlight controls
    -no dynamic brake
    -class lights
    -headlight intensity switch
    -has a AFM gauge
    -different speedometer.
    -the interior is green for some reason
    outside there is no bell I can find and the fan layout is totally different, also there's a covering over some of the forward fans... also the steps and the front and back ends of the train are different... also there is a handbrake wheel instead of a handle.
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  16. blaze111csx

    blaze111csx Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2020
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    oops I believe I quoted the wrong person
  17. erg73

    erg73 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    What a surprise to see up here the thread of this route, how long! If it even comes out synthetic.angel here, what memories!:)
    I was playing again in Canada the other day and it really could have become a great TSW route, if it hadn't been abandoned.
    I hope that one day you will think about it and take out some DLC for this route, including for example passengers, and take the opportunity to open and enable all those areas of the Port of Hamilton that were so talked about. It could be a great claim and I don't think it would be a great effort for DTG.
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  18. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Agreed. The potential of the Oakville Sub has not been exploited to date. We can only hope, but I doubt very much if any of what you suggest will be realized.
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  19. 59321747

    59321747 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2020
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    The article said that the length of the entire route was 20400 miles, and DTG only extended it by less than 30 miles. Can I laugh out loud?

    Who put up the posts from years ago?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  20. Agent Llama

    Agent Llama Member

    Jan 16, 2022
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    What are the chances of passenger services being added to this route? Played it for the first time today and glad I only paid a few quid for it on the PSN sale over Christmas - it’s so empty!
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  21. MYG92

    MYG92 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    You just necroposted a year old thread
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  22. dcnine#5410

    dcnine#5410 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Also, to answer the question, passenger services are actually coming to this route through the Baby Bullet DLC, idk when they will be released tho.
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  23. DTG Natster

    DTG Natster Producer Staff Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    Please see the forum rules regarding necrobumping.
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