Created Paint Finishes Are Bugged

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by LGderzocker, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. LGderzocker

    LGderzocker New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    Even after a long search, I couldn’t find a solution.

    I wanted to test the editor for the paintwork today. After I finished, I wanted to drive with my own paintwork of course. Unfortunately ALL paintwork I do (no matter for which train or wagon), are bugged from the representation. Even if I add paintwork via the Livery Manager, the same problem arises. Paintings installed via the DLC folder work, however. On the picture I tried to create a paintwork with my own editor. The problem becomes even worse when the world is loaded. Then sometimes even the whole train is black.[​IMG] [​IMG]

    My PC:
    Mainboard: Asus Prime X470-PRO
    GPU: Nitro+ AMD Radeon RX 5700XT
    CPU: Ryzen 7 2700x
    RAM: 16GB 3200mhz

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
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  2. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Hello. The issue is that DTG does not care much about AMD GPU owners using custom livery since i have seen a lot of posts of the same issue occurring on AMD RX cards including my own RX 5700

    The only way to fix this is to run the game trough Vulkan render instead of DX11 or DX12, at least when you use custom livery (note legacy livery works without any issues without tweaks)

    Please see the details below from my own post here:

    So in order to fix the problem we need to run TSW trough Vulkan instead of its normal DX11/DX12 trough DXVK extension

    Here are the steps:
    1. Download the zip from
    2. Open the file with 7zip and navigate trough the folders inside the X64 folder (d3d files should be visible)
    3. Extract all those files somewhere for easy access
    4. Navigate to the TSW Binaries / Win64 with the executable inside path bellow
    steamapps\common\Train Sim World 2\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Binaries\Win64
    5. Paste all files you have already extracted to that location inside Bin64
    Note: If you have reshade make a backup of DXGI.dll prior to this, reshade will not work with vulkan as its own DXGI file rpelaces the reshader one
    6.Run the game and enjoy any Custom Livery as they are now rendered properly

    Note: During first run of the game and especial after loading a route, the game will be slow or even stop responding for some seconds as the shader cache is created. This is normal , just wait for it to be ready. This only occurs on the first run of the game, after this it will load normally.

    Performance wise is close to DX11 but with some stuttering similar to DX12. I recommend you remove the DXVK dll's when you are not using liveries as DX11/DX12 performance is slightly smoother

    Good luck!
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  3. LGderzocker

    LGderzocker New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    Thank you very much. I just tried, and it works. However, I often have a short picture. Which, unfortunately, is very annoying. I think I’ll have to give it up and wait until I get an NVIDIA graphics card again, or at some point (and probably never) an update comes out that fixes this problem.

    But I can’t say it often enough, thank you!
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  4. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Glad to help !

    What did you mean by saying that you have shorter picture, is that stuttering or loading issues during game play ?

    When you first use the DXVK in game you will have sort of pause load when starting the scenario as the cache is build. After the cache is build it will run faster and smother when you load the game again. I did some scenarios on Köln Schnellfahrstrecke for example and i did not notice exaggerated stuttering during my runs.

    If you are happy wit the RX 5700XT in other games don't change it just for TSW 2. Especially now when video cards are rare and cost 2-3 times they're normal price.

    Have a nice day ! :)
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  5. LGderzocker

    LGderzocker New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    He’s the one who translated that stupidly. I’m not really good at English.

    I unfortunately have a very strong stuttering on the same track. Also stays regularly at higher speeds for about 1/5 Sec the picture. But not only on the route, but on all routes.

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