Hey folks. The crashing/texture issues have been raised. As I understand it, Camden and Caledonian Road are both big stress points for this. I'm now raising tickets for other issues, so I'll be here keeping my eye out.
Personally I wouldnt have the rain or dynamic weather on (as a temporary easy on resorces). I had it on this morning whilst testing a brand new download of the route on my PS5 this morning. It moved into a heavy thunderstorm and the PS5 went nope just beofre Camden road. I am not saying it will; cure it. But it will help the fps.
Just a quick question as I haven't bought the route yet but waiting to. I've checked and there is no 10% discount for game pass on the route. Is this route not getting a discount on game pass or is it a bug? I'm holding off on buying it until its confirmed. Thanks!
On WCML using the 378 there is cables hanging outside of the train which go through the wheel sets of the second and second to last coach from the cab coaches
Another issue I’ve noticed is the amount of flickering of some of the things like the cab like the grey around where it says there is power current to the train
Route is awesome! Just completed my first run from Stratford to Willesden and have encountered some bugs. If I find any more, I'll be sure to post it here: Many stations (mainly between Gospel Oak and Hackney Wick) have the stop marker placed too early and is not aligned up with the proper physical stop marker: Bottom of platform missing at Kentish Town West: Unusually large gap at Gospel Oak on the Stratford end: Missing foliage at Gospel Oak: The only other slight issue, which is fairly minor, is that the door closing sound does not match the actual door closing itself. (physical door closes and locks about 2 seconds before audio does) Sorry if I seem so specific, I'm a bit of a perfectionist haha... The route is amazing and I agree with others who have said that the core game has partially let down this route with it's bugs, I hope it all gets fixed soon. Johannes has done an amazing job! There's just some errors that need fixing.
I know it doesn't help the actual issue me saying 'this is a big help' but this is a big help. Thank you. I'll get these added to the ticket.
I would add screenshots for what I mean but the files are too big for it and not sure what the best way to get around it
Thing is if routes are being released with bugs then technically they are unfinished. Mannheim had no passengers when I bought it and texture issues and some ai that was promised but missing. That’s unfinished. It’s no slight on the authors I’m sure the route is good but regardless you are paying for something that needs to be fixed for it to be fully enjoyable.
Okay no c̶r̶a̶s̶h̶e̶s̶ o̶r̶ performance issues but I do have a high spec machine. The following is written after only my first couple of playthroughs so I may update. There's a lot of scenery in this one so I expect it to be taxing for a lot of people's systems. Issues: Track unevenness; as others have picked up on the track gets incredibly bumpy between Hampstead Heath and Stratford it seems. Pedestrians/passengers do not embark / disembark the train, they are static on the platform and pop in and out of existence and bounce up and down. Unable to turn on or control the lights in the saloon via the drivers menu /settings panel in the cab. None of the options actually seem to do anything. Sometimes the drivers menu panel will force you back to the start any time you press any options. This is not persistent issue it only happens periodically most often when starting the route. The sitting position seems off, I've never been in the cab of a capitalstar so maybe I'm in the wrong here but it seems too low. The scenery changes before your eyes - this could be my engine.ini to be fair however I've noticed it so I'm putting it here. The foliage especially doesn't pop in perse however it does move and change when you get closer to it. The sounds seem quite clipped especially the horn at times, especially in external view. The cab blind once pulled down the area where you are able to click and drag stays at the top as if it were not deployed. The AWS/DSD/Vigilance switches cannot be changed whilst sitting like in other trains (minor gripe, obviously this is true to life but since it's available in prior trains I'll make note of it.) Some of the train doors are not easily closeable or the click area to close them is hard to find when on foot. Brake position 1 barely does anything then brake position 2 does too much (perhaps this is normal) Stop highlight marker doesn't match platform marker at Homerton and Hackney Central towards Willesden Jnct. Leaves end of train hanging off platform. Between Hackney Central and Dalston Kingsland, the cablights completely turned off randomly without any input from me (2Y55) Indoor/Covered stairs at Islington station are blocked off (no corridor at top of stairs), can traverse to different platforms at an open staircase but it ruins immersion 378 does not feature cruise control yet cruise control can be set and activated using controller/keyboard shortcuts Graphical Glitches in various locations When on foot at Willesden you get stuck at the stairs going up from the underground line if in walk mode, you have to go into run mode and run upto them to get up them It was also odd to see birmingham signal box in the route Repeater signal set wrong 09:46 Class 66 service from Basford to Felixstowe On the 378 the fan in the undercarriage is misaligned so it is not behind the fan cage: video here Light leak at Finchley Road and Fognel Using the 378 on WCML South results in missing walkways between carriages [image] Issue with PIS Platform Screen at Dalston Kingsland More suggestion than bug: Front of 378 could do with added snow during snowy weather, right now it's just clean and looks quite odd during snow. It could also do with some weathering to make it look more realistic especially at the front. Game crashed towards Stratford error message: LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 208] Renaming an object (Texture2D /Engine/Transient.Texture2D_2147259880) on top of an existing object (Texture2D /London/Map/Tiles/ST_x-36_y-19.ST_x-36_y-19:PersistentLevel.ATS_Info_Board3_2.DynamicDisplayBoard.DisplayBoard_LayoutTexture) is not allowed Of course some of these things are less important and this is my first couple of playthroughs. It's a nice route considering it was made by one person and I give props to that person. That being said this route is being sold, and that allows for a certain amount of criticism. Do I think this route is worth the RRP? No... Unfortunately not in its current state. If the bugs above were improved upon then I'd say it would be but at the moment I'd say wait and see if the bugs are fixed. It seems like much effort has been put in, and I don't bring up the issues to put down the solo-dev I bring them up so the route can hopefully be made better for everyone. As a side note I have not experienced blurry textures playing on PC. However I have an edited engine.ini file and quite good specs (not a brag just saying) I also haven't played the route yet with different weather and dynamic weather so I will update when I do.
Excellent route especially as it’s a first DLC. Only done one run so far but couldn’t help notice the area around Hackney Wick seems to have a bit of a graffiti problem Splendid route with plenty goings on.
they still haven't been able to do anything with Frankfurt, and it's been almost 6 months since the release, I'm skeptical about solving this problem, they're probably improving something locally, but I don't think they've been able to find the main source of the problem......and six months seems like a long time..... and what's worse is that a lot of patches have actually done more damage and I am not at all happy to have to state such facts
I not going to go into texture issues as every one els has mentioned that. I got to about my third station and the back 3 or 4 cars had no passengers after a couple more stations the whole train was empty and not a single passenger boarded after that. I loaded another timetable and the same happens. I’m on the PS5
X Box Series X SN03 Richmond to Stratford Train empty the whole journey – no one on or off at any station Same when checked trains travelling in the opposite direction First 2 attempts at this route camera 3 and 8 would stick then rotate but not move (am using a plug-in keyboard) Started a similar midday route but same issue with no passengers in or out for first few stations While stationary at Brondesbury Park background sounds of another train pulling out that wasn't there Ultimately, texture issue coming in and out makes it unplayable
I’m not having the best luck with this one. On PS5, first installation I only had the 378 services in the timetable despite having all the UK DLC installed. Tried all the usual things like restoring licences, no luck. Deleted and reinstalled TSW5 with all the routes that layer and this time it was ok. So tried one of the 2 minute services and it just spawned me on a platform telling me to unlock doors, but there was no train. Then tried a 710 service (starting just after midnight). All went well until the end where just as I was stopping with a few yards to go it ended the game with you have left the playable area. Finally managed to play a full service and suffered the same texture issues as everyone else has been reporting. There is no doubting that this is a beautifully done route. Congratulations to Johannes. The scenery is stunning. But the PS5 version is just not in a fit state if I’ve picked 3 timetables and had issues with them all.
Passengers are not getting on any of my trains? They are all just on platform. The train remains empty at each station?
One thing that made me laugh. I zoomed into a passengers mobile phone at a station and could actually see clearly what was on his phone screen. Then couldn’t make out the dials in my cab.
Same here, there are no actual passengers you're used to seeing getting on and off the trains. There are only static passengers on the platforms and on the trains but they do not interact with the boarding/deboarding process at all In general I really like the route, the scenery is excellent and the timetable is packed and dense, very well done! This is my first day one purchase in a long while. If the passenger issue gets patched I will be a happy driver
Just a minor one so far but equally important - in Route Learning scenario, when approaching Dalston Kingsland, the instructor should say that East London line runs to West Croydon, not East Croydon
Just did an eastbound run at 9ish, not perfectly smooth, but no major performance issues (but enough about my driving). I found the cab sounds very quiet, so much that I had to turn off the AWS. Even fairly distant AI traffic was louder.
Series X and yeah, the blurry textures are making it unplayable. If those can sorted out this will.be a really good route so all credit to Johannes! I do have to wonder why Matt said in the preview stream testers hadn't reported any issues with the route on console though when it's glaringly obvious all consoles have an issue?
I expect if it is this graphical glitch then its due to this possibly being an altered version of the 375, I think this because in the game the 378 has cruise control abilities using controller or keyboard shortcuts despite no controls for this in the cab.
Few points from me: I’m extremely impressed with this route, it does need some polish in places but overall superb effort from Johannes! Platform: PC AWS magnets around Navarino Road Junction (between Hackney Central and Dalston Kingsland) as well as by Canonbury I had no indication, now it was night time so couldn’t see if they were completely missing. 378 running sounds, very quiet while coasting. Stop markers at incorrect locations (as mentioned throughout the thread) Track unevenness pretty much throughout the route. WSP, I went into notch 3 as 5mph and thought it was nearly going to come off the rails, it bounced that much when getting WSP activity. PC performance no issues whatsoever, slight drop in the Camden Road area, but nothing concerning. But again not going to take away too much from what is a splendid first route!
Good gawd, Harry ... or may the Lord Hrry help us ... a subway meme of the underground nightmare has surfaced in Mildmay ... the station with neither entrance or exit. Yes. you can change directions on the one other platform, but that is all ... i have collected 25 maps but at least one collectible may be in the entrance/exit that cannot be reached. The price of 25 maps ? Seeing the very silly errors that i hoped we might be spared by a PhD- level computer scientist ... but it is applied science and QA is an art as much as a science, but an art with methods and standards and measures. Oy. Oh. I sent in aseries of screenshots last week of floating concrete catenary post bases ... all along Suffragette Line. But are there 25 of them ?
I actually think the passengers on the platforms are dioramas and that there are no ‘normal’ platform passengers in this route as those that are there are always there in the same places on every run. There are serious issues with empty platforms on every TSW5 dlc it seems which is immersion breaking at best
Hello! Thank you for this. That is a super comprehensive list that I can get added to feedback for tomorrow.
i tried to correct my typo, but a big red spam warning appeared ... so, i do not mean that the entrance / exit to the World is behind an invisible wall ... there are only walls . so that s B, B. Park and Kentish Town West .. at least on this PS5. I sent in a screenshot of a floating fence between two tracks ... the oddest platforms of all ? May be not ... as Stratford has an invisible wall on a platform that reveals tree branches thru the wall of the inaccessible end of that platform. Silly. Obvious. But tree branches that slap the driver thru the glass of the cab persist on some older routes. Fix now or never ?
there are doors one-third down into concrete and a six-inch high bench. And the stone cats break immersion for me. I love Monty Python Dead Parrot gag, but the stuffed pigeons ? Will we have inert rats in American stations in New York ? In my experience they only freeze for a moment. Please. Let the birds depart.
Glad to be able to help, there are things I did like from this! The large amount of scenery is nice (for me anyway and the others with no performace issues), and I liked the planes flying high in the sky, that makes it feel a little more alive than other routes.
I just failed a service (can't get headcode cause I've gone to restart but it's the 9:46 Basford to Felixstowe cause the banner repeater outside Cannonbury heading eastward lied, saying signal wasn't at danger... but it was and once saw it too late to do anythign
Hello, I had a four train back up (including me) due to this freight train that was off path. I was at Dalston Kingsland heading toward Richmond at 15:29.
Specifically this is NL1315 and its banner repeater - have just reproduced. Latter definitely not recognising signal at danger.
Image 3 - is it like that on goblin too? Wondering as if these sections were copied, that bit may need fixing in goblin too It is reassuring regardless to see you taking notes - and I have faith that Johannes will resolve the issues
Thank you so much for going to the effort here Ivy. The second banner afterwards had same issue and there is a third which I couldn't confirm one way or the other as by time I got there it was correctly clear. OTOH I did see one correct working near Stratford on another track, so they're not all broke! Still these are very much teething troubles of the kind that always happen (I have a sneaking suspicion that whoever DTG use as QA staff are not train fans and tend to drive with the full HUD and without safety features on given how often this sort of problem occurs, see also TPWS/AWS, latter also a bit skew wiffy on a couple of places) so I'm sure will be fixed soon and this is an awesome route. Fixing QA for future would be appreciated though as this nature of problem is such a constant thing and also very easy to pick up. I'm convinced it's QA driving in "easy" mode that prevents it from being so.
First impressions after my initial run: - The scenery is great and nicely detailed. - The AI layers, plus buses etc are fantastic - No performance concerns on PC for me. - The biggest issue I have is with the 378 sounds, very quiet on the inside, especially running sounds. It sounded like the train is gliding rather riding on rails. No wind sounds etc...even other trains when they pass you by are quite quiet. Hopefully this can be improved (or realistically a good mod is released) as the sounds are holding back an otherwise great route.
Only one of importance for met at present. Fix the missing passengers!! I know and don't care if its a core issue, its a major one and should be fixed as a priority.
The blurry textures happens still event finishing the route and going the other way im hoping this get fixed really soon.